WTF???? - The 'Coz is a free man (1 Viewer)

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the liberal powers that be had him put away because he was talking bad about the black community....people forget all this stuff now but its true


Lynch McCoon

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You're wrong. You couldn't even tell if I was using TOR or not you moron. I'm done talking to you here. I simply made an observation and you got all tough. I'm not continuing this in Bill's thread. I'll deal with you later in the appropriate section. If you are going to author a burn thread in the FLH devoted just to me, then don't be a pussy and say now that you won't deal with an imbecile child now.
Oh dear. Can someone bring the new Anti- Nigger device?



View attachment 523658

androgynous women should be concerned!
Fkn Sexual Psycho Gorilla!🦍 Just take a look at that Fkn Face! Don't fall asleep with that Fuck around! U'll wake-Up with "Gorilla Grease in Your Crease" Lmfao...SP

Grand Mal Caesar

Fkn Sexual Psycho Gorilla!🦍 Just take a look at that Fkn Face! Don't fall asleep with that Fuck around! U'll wake-Up with "Gorilla Grease in Your Crease" Lmfao...SP
Just don't eat any Jello Pudding or drink any Coca-Cola if he offers you any. If you partake you might wake up to him bopping you with his Fat Albert.

Racking up the kills boys

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The "Cosby Shocker", one in the drink and Coz in the pink

View attachment 523660
Look at that damn MF he is getting high on his own supply you can see it in his face like he has no idea where he even is shit. and that right eye isn't even working anymore look at it ha ha. So if your wanting to get lucky tonight take OJ Simpson and mix in some Cosby and don't forget a small amount of some R kelly and you will not have any fighters on your hands tonight boys

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
Look at that damn MF he is getting high on his own supply you can see it in his face like he has no idea where he even is shit. and that right eye isn't even working anymore look at it ha ha. So if your wanting to get lucky tonight take OJ Simpson and mix in some Cosby and don't forget a small amount of some R kelly and you will not have any fighters on your hands tonight boys
he'll be dead by the end of the year