USA Govt. Shuts Down (2 Viewers)

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Wayne Kerr

a fuck off is always acceptable*
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also during this era, the cia imported cocaine from the contras, and sold it to people, mostly in ghettos. it was denied til the cias last breath, but eventually they admitted it. there a documentary about it, but i cant find it.

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silent ghost
this is the work of the rothchilds,vanderbilts, (the men who built America) illuminati and such. Obama is just another pawn. scapegoat,as you will...

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this is the work of the rothchilds,vanderbilts, (the men who built America) illuminati and such. Obama is just another pawn. scapegoat,as you will...

I think the illuminati have been defunct for over a century. The freemasons don't even acknowledge they ever existed. How did the rothchilds and vanderbelts build america? I believe the vanderbilts were uk citizens until the 1900s. Every president is a pawn. Few exit the position as a scapegoat. Jmo

U N Owen

Reagan freed them?He was in office less than 1 minute when they were freed.
Yeah Reagan and his no nonsense stance freed them. The hostages would not have been freed had Jimmy and the Dems won a second term. Carter was a laughing stock most of his term. and even moreso after that rescue failure.

Wayne Kerr

a fuck off is always acceptable*
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Yeah Reagan and his no nonsense stance freed them. The hostages would not have been freed had Jimmy and the Dems won a second term. Carter was a laughing stock most of his term. and even moreso after that rescue failure.
theyre all laughing stocks when you think about it. kind of like....puppets. wow.


silent ghost
I think the illuminati have been defunct for over a century. The freemasons don't even acknowledge they ever existed. How did the rothchilds and vanderbelts build america? I believe the vanderbilts were uk citizens until the 1900s. Every president is a pawn. Few exit the position as a scapegoat. Jmo
they still exist,dont let them kid you that they dont. Vanderbilt was the ones to start the railroad empire and the rothchilds were in banking and finance,which lent our govt money to help get out of debt. "men who built America" was a series on history channel which spoke of such families and more abot the guys who got started the industrial age pretty much and got this country going to what it is today. vanderbilts were dutch origin
all the presidents are pawns really. I was watching a documentary on the illuminati and new world order. they showed a clip of when regan was giving a speech. as he was giving his speech,some pipsqueak walks up to the pres and tells him to "hurry up". now,who tells the president to hurry up (except his wife),on anything, puppets,all puppets I say....


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do you have any inkling as to how this government works(supposed to work)? its not one persons sole responsibility. attacking the president is pointless for the simple reason that he is just a puppet. and its not like the people actually decide who becomes president. the electorates were put in place because the american public is deemed too incompetent to choose a leader. long story short, the fix is in, has been for awhile.....
You are right. I just named the president out of simplicity. If i started to write all the criminals in D.C. names, we would need a way bigger forum...


Get Away

You are probably a paid government troll to comment on boards like this trying to sway public opinion. How is NSA spy programs working out for you?

The NSA program is working much better now that Obama shut down the illegal spying on US citizens that the Bush admin was doing.

Nice rebuttal of my double quoted facts you posted.Keep up the good work. :tu:


No one is safe
The NSA program is working much better now that Obama shut down the illegal spying on US citizens that the Bush admin was doing.

If it was truly shut down, they wouldn't be trying to stonewall Sen. Fenstein and her bill to limit domestic spying via phone snooping. Now that the technology and infrastructure are in place for the unprecedented volume of data the NSA can access, store, and process, they aren't going to go quietly into the night and stop; and the Obama administration isn't going to do much more than token efforts to change it because if an act of terror occurred on his watch after dismantling any of it, he would be done politically.

As Carter discovered, being nice and playing by the rules doesn't get you very far. Obama didn't survive this long on platitudes, he's a political shark.