US marines ambushed Talibans (3 Viewers)

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Of course we know they're Taliban because the military said so.
The military never lie about who they kill. They're either Taliban, or Al Qaeda....even if they're kids.
The public's blind trust of these murdering assholes is obscene...Whoo Whooo USA USA!! No wonder the entire planet has come to hate America. The only true patriot is Bradly Manning and look what they're doing to him.

The stupidity of the American public is a resource that is being harnessed by the Jew controlled globalists.
Bradley Manning just took a bunch of top secret documents without knowing what the full contents were. I hardly consider him a patriot. Hes a dumb fucking kid, no matter how you slice that cheese.

Edward Snowden is a whole other kettle of fish, and I respect that man.


the constitution was written for those times. the world has changed dramatically. the const needs revision. the govt doesn't abide by it,why should we? yet only when it benefits them,right?
But here's the difference - laws are laws, and are tweaked, adjusted, created, destroyed over time and revision. The Constitution is the foundation of this whole laughing stock of a country that we've managed to turn into in such a short amount of time. This Constitution, to the many (or few) who still know what it is and stands for, realize the value it holds. Want to "revise" the Constitution? Mine as well reconstruct the entire system and give it a new name, cause that's not America.
What's left of the Constitution that hasn't been shat on is literally one of the few and only things keeping the govt and upper class from total communist rule, or basically doing whatever the hell the want with the laws and regulations.

Not that I necessarily agree with either state of govt, just tryin to shed some light on what the constitution really is in the first place.


Thats them . When its time I will die for that piece of paper if the flouridated obese population get off their entitled asses to do something in this country . Otherwise We deserve EXACTLY WHAT IS COMING TO US.
For sure, we have culturally evolved to become whiny, liberal, self-righteous babies. We wear our cute little Guy Fawkes masks and go to our cute little protest rallies and pass around the joint, but still hesitate to take any real action. We are given so much. Instead of taking the time to appreciate, we whine, bitch, and moan. Instead of taking action, we whine, bitch, and moan. This is our modern culture.


You're not going to find anyone with that attitude on this forum, bro.
That's cause forums such as this tend to, unfortunately, attract a majority of egotistical, spoiled, pompous, wastes of space that spend the majority of their time sitting on their ass, pointing fingers, and bitching about their easy suburban self-absorbed lifestyle, whilst simultaneously typing away to their internet fwends about how hardcore they are because they look at pictures of decomposing organisms via their cozy little computer monitor :fuckyeah::wat::stiletto::bj::whoa::asskisser:


silent ghost
But here's the difference - laws are laws, and are tweaked, adjusted, created, destroyed over time and revision. The Constitution is the foundation of this whole laughing stock of a country that we've managed to turn into in such a short amount of time. This Constitution, to the many (or few) who still know what it is and stands for, realize the value it holds. Want to "revise" the Constitution? Mine as well reconstruct the entire system and give it a new name, cause that's not America.
What's left of the Constitution that hasn't been shat on is literally one of the few and only things keeping the govt and upper class from total communist rule, or basically doing whatever the hell the want with the laws and regulations.

Not that I necessarily agree with either state of govt, just tryin to shed some light on what the constitution really is in the first place.
no doubt,i understand all what youre saying. the thing is,it seems to be irrelevant anymore to the govt. they do as they please anyway. spying/evesdropping. they support other countries needs before ours. just look at us! this country is in despair! Detroit? "home"one of the founding automotive companies. files for bankruptsy? tell me the govt gives a shit about us? this govt your so proud of,gives BILLIONS away to other countries,when we need it here most! what do we,the people get in return, for these billions (that's ours to begin with) from these pricks? I say wipe out the whole house and senate,start fresh with people who seem to have more common sense than these idiots who caused this country to be in the turmoil its in now. they've made something that was seeming to be simple,to be more complicated than it needs to be. just my two cents here...


no doubt,i understand all what youre saying. the thing is,it seems to be irrelevant anymore to the govt. they do as they please anyway. spying/evesdropping. they support other countries needs before ours. just look at us! this country is in despair! Detroit? "home"one of the founding automotive companies. files for bankruptsy? tell me the govt gives a shit about us? this govt your so proud of,gives BILLIONS away to other countries,when we need it here most! what do we,the people get in return, for these billions (that's ours to begin with) from these pricks? I say wipe out the whole house and senate,start fresh with people who seem to have more common sense than these idiots who caused this country to be in the turmoil its in now. they've made something that was seeming to be simple,to be more complicated than it needs to be. just my two cents here...
Believe me mna I couldn't agree more, I live in fuckin Detroit...hahaha. N yeah, of course with the technology and military force behind them they can easily do whatever they want with it, they already have. Who's gonna come after the govt for violatin the govt's rules...the govt? It's a joke.


silent ghost
Believe me mna I couldn't agree more, I live in fuckin Detroit...hahaha. N yeah, of course with the technology and military force behind them they can easily do whatever they want with it, they already have. Who's gonna come after the govt for violatin the govt's rules...the govt? It's a joke.
us. the people,thats who! oh yea,and be tried for treason. = death penalty. if everyone went for it at the same time,whats the govt gunna do then? theres more "citizens" than "officials" meaning cops,firemen security guards, military personell. youd see how fast these officials would cower! buncha fucking pussies! god I hate our fucking govt!and to think I gave 13yrs of my life for them! then again I did it to be able to be trained kill people, legally and not pay for it by going to jail.but still none the less. the ones who shudda been shot are the ones in Washington!


us. the people,thats who! oh yea,and be tried for treason. = death penalty. if everyone went for it at the same time,whats the govt gunna do then? theres more "citizens" than "officials" meaning cops,firemen security guards, military personell. youd see how fast these officials would cower! buncha fucking pussies! god I hate our fucking govt!and to think I gave 13yrs of my life for them! then again I did it to be able to be trained kill people, legally and not pay for it by going to jail.but still none the less. the ones who shudda been shot are the ones in Washington!
At the state we're at now, that's not gonna happen. We're way too comfy with our iphones and facebook and fuckin starbucks to go out of our way for any greater cause. Unfortunately.
Where were you stationed at though? Id about your experiences