Robin Williams Dead (1 Viewer)

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Lurking and Lurking
As soon as I heard asphyxiation I thought of a plastic bag over the head - don't know why I didn't think of the obvious suicide solution of hanging. Forgot about Smoochy too - he was funny as hell in that.


living alone in that forest home was already danger sign. someone should had fly there are force him to go rehabiliation but at this age , its no use as person already is full of life wisdoms and cranky :p
Well asphyxia can also be caused by sitting in your car in a closed garage, blow out the pilot lights in the oven or the bag over the head as mentioned. If you are not lucky enough to break your neck while hanging yourself it can take a while and be quite nasty. The man was a genius though and it's sad he did that.


I'll swallow your soul!
It says his wife last saw him at 10 pm but left their house that morning at 10:30 and she thought he was sleeping... so they must not have been sleeping in the same room... maybe they were fighting or something and that's what pushed him over :(


Supporter of Sun - Dog
Short Bussed
Maybe he could feel his mind slipping into old age and decided to cash out before he was bedridden and sleeping in his own piss, if so salute you to you sir.


The hair-flip of death
Not a great loss. No favourite of mine. Always found him a ninny too cutsy actor. Commits suicide leaving a wife and three sons behind to survive. Egoist !

Well, you do have a point. Suicide is stupid and in the end, it IS a selfish, cowardly act. However, the person doing it isn't MEANING to be selfish and cowardly. The pain is so great that the thought of another day with it is too great to bear; they feel that they have absolutely nothing to look forward to and nothing to look back on; that everything they have ever done is a useless, stupid waste and that their family would really be far better off without them. But they are soooo wrong. Especially about their family. All it leaves their family with is trauma, misery and GUILT. And their family will NEVER "get over it".

That having been said: at least they're releasing more info for us who want all of the nasty details. He was found by his assistant in his bedroom hung by his belt with superficial cuts on his wrists and rigor mortis had begun to set in. Now that the initial shock has worn off, I'm ready for some pics.


Sick, Sad World
Not a great loss. No favourite of mine.

It's a great loss to his family, friends and fans of his work.
I was never really a big fan of his but he was a quality actor.
