14 Students, 1 Teacher Dead in a School Shooting (1 Viewer)

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Fuck around and find out
Proves what an absolute fucking moron you are 🤦‍♂️ you never heard of cancer or someone having an accident 🤷‍♂️ there's literally thousands of diseases and illnesses that people can get later in life and need life saving medications...

And you're talking bollocks about them not recovering money owed to them, medical facilities will 100% come after you if you owe them money just like any company will and if Jay walking isn't a problem why does the law exist 🤦‍♂️

And people in the UK will never have such a problem as not being able to afford medical care and medications as its free regardless of who you are...

And how the fuck is Africa half of the world 🤷‍♂️ are you really that stupid?

And being better than a shit hole like Africa doesn't take much
And of the top countries in the world ranked by quality of life 10 out of the top 15 are European countries 🤷‍♂️ the top 9 on the list are all European, the UK is 11 and the USA 14
Food for thought. My lady just got diagnosed with breast cancer. All the treatments and medications are free.
And I have literally never heard of or known anyone to get a jaywalking ticket. Just a bs law thats still on the books.
It's also illegal for a single man to own sheep in Montana.

H&K Lover



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Forum Veteran
This happens every few days. Only "special" shootings make the national news. Thoughts and prayers, prayers and thoughts. Shock, horrific, tragedy, loss, prevent, change, blah blah blah.
There are places in the US where you can go to a family restaurant and have the company of people enjoying a meal with their loved ones while wearing a gun in the hip. Because, that's not a stupid display, at all. Did I see some yee haws?


Fresh Meat
Thats what this country is best at, saying prayers and lighting candles.........rinse and repeat.
Oh shit, here we go again with another mass shooting. This is part of the American culture like random Arabs blowing themselves or beheading people for their bullshit religion.
This happens every few days. Only "special" shootings make the national news. Thoughts and prayers, prayers and thoughts. Shock, horrific, tragedy, loss, prevent, change, blah blah blah.
There are places in the US where you can go to a family restaurant and have the company of people enjoying a meal with their loved ones while wearing a gun in the hip. Because, that's not a stupid display, at all. Did I see some yee haws?
It all would have been completely impossible and very simply avoided if they had just put a big sign before the school "Gun Free Zone" or "No Guns Allowed On Premises". And to make it even TRULY much more effective, they should have passed a law really long time ago, that would make it illegal to commit crime using guns.

It is absolutely incomprehensible and unforgivable that so far and with all that gun crime, no such law has been passed yet and committing crime with the use of a gun has not been made illegal. All those people would have been alive, if criminals knew that using guns to commit crime is ILLEGAL and AGAINST THE LAW.


Fuck around and find out
Someone tried to shoot me one time but the gun laws kicked in and saved me.
Theres rumors now that the police may have been in pursuit when he entered the school. I'm only hearing this as a rumor tho.

(G.O.A.T.) Tubemonkey

It takes two to orangutango
Sorry people, all of you suggesting more gun restrictions are responding with emotion rather than logic. These sick bastards who carry out these atrocities are weak cowards, in this case, a democrat influenced gender confused drag fag, choose schools because they're soft targets. I would rather send my child to a school where every teacher and administrator were conceal carrying rather than sitting ducks along with the children. Same thing happened in a movie theater, another soft target. These cowards would not pick a location where many others were also armed. There was a case not many years back where a sick fuck tried this in a Texas church. Fortunately, many in attendance were also armed and sick fuck lost his dome before he could cause mass casualty. A well-armed society is a peaceful society. If you want to keep up with the democrat talking points fuck off! should I also assume you're also supporters of CRT, BLM, baby killing, and the recent fad of transgenderism confusing the fuck out of our youth? Bunch of sick mother fuckers!


Queen bitch of castle hell
Shooting up a primary school though. What a fucking pussy.

This sends chills down my spine because I have 2 kids of that age.
I hear that. My girls were the same age as the sandy hook kids. Takes a real big man to kill a bunch of women and kids. Do you know after sandy hook they came out with bullet proof backpacks? BULLET PROOF BACKPACKS. This country is so fucked.
Any video/images of the carnage posted anywhere?
If it follows other school shooting protocol, all that shit will be sealed. A decade later, and nothing has leaked from the sandy hook school shooting. There will be a coroner's report tho.
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
It all would have been completely impossible and very simply avoided if they had just put a big sign before the school "Gun Free Zone" or "No Guns Allowed On Premises". And to make it even TRULY much more effective, they should have passed a law really long time ago, that would make it illegal to commit crime using guns.

It is absolutely incomprehensible and unforgivable that so far and with all that gun crime, no such law has been passed yet and committing crime with the use of a gun has not been made illegal. All those people would have been alive, if criminals knew that using guns to commit crime is ILLEGAL and AGAINST THE LAW.
Criminals don't care! It is illegal to commit crimes with a gun already. Heck be surprised if they can even read.

Pm Me Ur Clunge Plz

My mum has one leg
This user was banned
I understand what you are saying but if you are making a point use actual facts and correct points because spreading bullshit only turns into more bullshit and is one of the problems with gun control arguments. To many people have no idea wtf they are talking about, proposing solutions that already exist and are on the books, etc. Guns aren't as easy to get as I bet most of you think they are. There are hoops to jump through, the FBI does a background check on every single gun purchase. I have gone through that process multiple times, I know the process well.

I keep my firearms locked in a very solid and heavy safe. I don't leave them laying around for any ignorant turd to pick up and walk away with. I don't take pictures of them and post them all over social media like I am some badass, my kids don't know they exist in this house and they never will. People that have their gun stolen from a place that wasn't secure should be held liable for anyone harmed with that stolen weapon. Parents should be held responsible if their child gets access to a gun and hurts someone else. Gun owners need to be responsible for the weapons they have and be mature enough to own it. Prosecute irresponsible gun owners, hit them hard with punishments if they are the reason someone else gets harmed with a gun they own.
But the thing is, background checks are useless if nothing comes up. They could be 18, been law abiding all of their life but planning evil shit like this in secret, then when they need a weapon they are readily available.

The point is they need to be STOPPED from buying the guns. Fuck a background check. An 18 year old does not need a gun for any purpose.


Fresh Meat
Criminals don't care! It is illegal to commit crimes with a gun already. Heck be surprised if they can even read.
WRONG. If criminals did not care about obeying laws, then there would NOT be all those "Gun Free Zones" signs in front of different places. And if that particular school had one of those signs too, then this shooter criminal would be totally prevented from killing those people. Since the sign would have forbidden him from entering the school grounds with a gun.

Actually, a very huge segment of crimes would have been totally impossible for the criminals to commit, if we all would have placed big signs in front of our houses and apartments that would say "This House (Apartment) Has A Total Gun Free Policy and Is A Total Gun Free Zone". I absolutely guarantee you that any armed home invasions and armed robberies would all immediately stop after that in an instant. We need more laws to protect us and to forbid criminals to do criminal things.


Forum Veteran
Sorry people, all of you suggesting more gun restrictions are responding with emotion rather than logic. These sick bastards who carry out these atrocities are weak cowards, in this case, a democrat influenced gender confused drag fag, choose schools because they're soft targets. I would rather send my child to a school where every teacher and administrator were conceal carrying rather than sitting ducks along with the children. Same thing happened in a movie theater, another soft target. These cowards would not pick a location where many others were also armed. There was a case not many years back where a sick fuck tried this in a Texas church. Fortunately, many in attendance were also armed and sick fuck lost his dome before he could cause mass casualty. A well-armed society is a peaceful society. If you want to keep up with the democrat talking points fuck off! should I also assume you're also supporters of CRT, BLM, baby killing, and the recent fad of transgenderism confusing the fuck out of our youth? Bunch of sick mother fuckers!
Gun restrictions will not work in the US. In many States, we have to get a special ID card as firearms owners and register our weapons.

I'm living in Illinois. See how that works?