ashley babbitt killed at US Capitol (3 Viewers)

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People kill me with comments, cops killed a non-violent unarmed Patriot. 😂😂 F*** that b****! You break into my house unarmed as they say non-violent Patriot I'm going to kill your ass 😁
Suppose you think rittenhouse is guilty too 🤦‍♂️



Too bad her name wasn’t Roberta Paulson


Forum Veteran
I've seen the video she was obviously mental. Shouldn't have been fucking around at the capitol. Mess with the bull get the horns. Died for a stupid cause. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Dumb cunt. I think they should have all been sprayed with bullets, but that's just me.
Typical snowflake comments! I suppose Kyle Rittenhouse is a racist white supremacist who killed white rioters and needs to be thrown in prison for the rest of his innocent life?!
Scumbag liberals always condemn those who don't see it their way but when they attack, kill, burn, loot and destroy property it's called a "peaceful demonstration"
Cops murdered an unarmed nonviolent peaceful protester, and a female one at that. Absolute cowards. Hopefully we see retaliation x100 today. All we wanted was to have a fair election but nooooo :shrug:
Ohhhhhhhh and a "female one at that". What's up with the gynocentric woman worshipping? Must be a cuckold and a white knight. must be.