ashley babbitt killed at US Capitol (2 Viewers)

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Floyd's murderer is in jail, and Breona literally....LITERALLY...didn't even DO anything! Fuck you talkin' bout Willis?
Suppose you think Breona was shot while sleeping too, no she was in the hallway in front of her boyfriend while he was shooting at cops NOT COMPLYING, and Floyd dies from a massive drugs overdose while, guess what, NOT COMPLYING, and Blake is in a wheelchair because he was fighting cops while NOT COMPLYING, there is your hypocrisy,


Forum Veteran
Suppose you think Breona was shot while sleeping too, no she was in the hallway in front of her boyfriend while he was shooting at cops NOT COMPLYING, and Floyd dies from a massive drugs overdose while, guess what, NOT COMPLYING, and Blake is in a wheelchair because he was fighting cops while NOT COMPLYING, there is your hypocrisy,
Yeaj, he was shooting....AT PEOPLE BREAKING AND ENTERING! At night! Waking them from bed! You stupid white niggers brag about how you shoot anyone trespassing or breaking into your houses! Well. That's what those nigger Pigs were doing. Trespassing and breaking into a house.

See how stupid and fucked up your paranoia pro-guns bullshit is? Everyone "fears for their life." He had every right to open fire.

Did I say she was sleeping? No, retard!


Yeaj, he was shooting....AT PEOPLE BREAKING AND ENTERING! At night! Waking them from bed! You stupid white niggers brag about how you shoot anyone trespassing or breaking into your houses! Well. That's what those nigger Pigs were doing. Trespassing and breaking into a house.

See how stupid and fucked up your paranoia pro-guns bullshit is? Everyone "fears for their life." He had every right to open fire.

Did I say she was sleeping? No, retard!
😂🤣😂 yeah, with them banging on the door shouting it’s the police, black drug dealers didn’t wanna be caught, simple as that,

🤔 my pro-gun laws eh? You know I’m English right? We’re not aloud guns, who’s retarded now?


Forum Veteran
Stupid fu king rightwinged liars. That's all you were.

A) They were at the wrong address.

B) Virtually every single witness said the exact opposite. There was pounding, but no shouting of police.

C) Even if there were shouting of police, that doesn't mean they are police.

A retarded ass conservatard from the UK without any gun issues and no kids being slaughtered, on here talking about merkkkan issues where white boys go around slaughtering little kids, and bragging about killing anyone for stepping on their property.

Stupid fucking white niggers. Glad I'm Italian. Northern fucking barbarian Neanderthals.


Trump also claims he is the reason that there is a vaccine, and the stupid ass white racists forget that and say the government is trying to track us.
Fucking idiots, wait til they learn about drivers licenses.

master shake

Well Known Member
I promise you the right has not even begun to become violent yet. Now they have a martyr to rally around just like the left has all those dead niggers. The difference is those criminal scums deserved it. Yesterday a veteran and a mother was murdered for no reason. Widespread rabid political violence is on the horizon and I can't fucking wait to witness its glory. Remember, like every media kike has been saying all summer, rioting is the language of the unheard and cities can be rebuilt. Let the MAGAs have their moment. Everything will be okay.
Hehe you're a faggot bro.


"Your suffering will be legendary even in Hell"
Cops murdered an unarmed nonviolent peaceful protester, and a female one at that. Absolute cowards. Hopefully we see retaliation x100 today. All we wanted was to have a fair election but nooooo :shrug:
Peaceful my dick. Non-violent?!?!?! You’re fucking deluded! She deserved to die just like the rest of the traitors that tried to overturn the democratic election. Fuck her, fuck tRump, and fuck the republicant party. Nothing but whiny bitches, morally bankrupt and cowardly white hillbilly’s. There was no fraud. Go jerk off Tucker Carlson. He’s got Alex Jones fucking his butthole anyway.