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have enough pure dope to kill both me and my girl a dozen times over. I’m not a user, just right-place, right-time, got a quarter ounce of the white shit for CHEAP. My girl and I know what to do if we get scared. I can’t imagine kids…
My girl is a recovering/recovered addict, I have this shit in the deepest recesses of my safe. She’ll learn about it only in case of emergency.


I’ll never so much as taste it unless it’s to wipe me out. I’m a West Virginian, I know what it can do. It’s just a secret poison pill I have well-hidden. I don’t even like vicodin or kratom. Joyless altogether, but effective if needs be.
Yea, I’m sure the shit is crazy addictive AND lethal. Hope you never feel the need to pull it out
I was shocked to learn ho much a first-timer would need to for-sure turn the lights out. No street dope has any active ingredient besides fentanyl, but the real shit, you can take a gram and probably be okay. I made sure that I don’t have to wonder should the time come.
I have no intention of leaving my mountain mama unless EVERYONE has to. I have a family farm nearby, and I’m maybe more comfortable in the woods than in town. There are those tacticool assholes and then there’s guys like me who have grown up in the woods. I’ll just melt back into the hill if push gets to shove. I’ll have plenty of arms, animals, etc. that I’ll have to defend, I have a couple Rangers and a couple Marines with me in case I misread the people. I’m in a good spot. No amount of 5.56 can compare to that.


Forum Veteran
Just another white nigger bitch who couldn't get his way. A typical right winged hypocrite who projects himself onto others.


Forum Veteran
Wow, that is an interesting take on old Ted.

He was actually a highly radical left winger who was protesting in his own way against the whole right wing establishment.

He wanted the world to revert to a pre industrial state in order to conserve nature.

Far from pushing his views onto others hipocritically, he actually lived the life he fought for in a tiny shed in the wood with no power, no heated water, using a push bike he'd found in the scrap pile. His life was minimalisit in the extreme.

I'm a little unsure what a 'white nigger bitch' is as I have not spent time in a US gaol (or jail for you Americans out there...). Perhaps you could enlighten me?



Ted Kaczynski with relatives
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted Kaczynski is in the background of this photo, which shows his
grandmother Helen Kaczynski (left) and cousin Kathy Kaczynski during a
family gathering in Evergreen Park circa 1965. Ted was in his early 20s.


Ted Kaczynski with relatives
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted Kaczynski (back left) with brother Dave, their grandmother Helen and
cousin Kathy in the family's backyard circa 1965. An aunt, Josephine
Manney, is at right.


David Kaczynski and brother Ted
(Kaczynski family photo)
Dave (left) and Ted Kaczynski in 1966 on the porch of the family's
apartment in Lisbon, Iowa. Despite occasional strains in their
relationship, the brothers remained close into adulthood and exchanged
copious correspondence.


Ted Kaczynski
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted Kaczynski in the family's Iowa apartment in the late 1960s, in his
mid-20s. By this time, he was a professor at the University of California,
Berkeley. Shortly thereafter, he began to withdraw from society and
wander. Given the ethos of the time, brother Dave said, Ted's "dropping
out seemed like almost a heroic thing."


Theodore Kaczynski on college campus
(AP photo)
Ted Kaczynski as an assistant professor of mathematics at the University
of California, Berkeley, in the late 1960s. At Berkeley he was
excruciatingly shy, to the point that his students scorned him. Ted
eventually shunned mathematics and technology. He later move to Montana
and would bomb this campus twice.


Ted Kaczynski with a car
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted Kaczynski over a car near Lincoln, Mont., in the early 1970s, after
Ted had settled outside the small town, immersing himself in a
self-imposed survivalist retreat. He shunned electricity, poached wild
game and grew his own vegetables.

But Ted's Montana retreat only seemed to fuel his rage and isolation. He
railed against overhead jets interrupting his sleep, his perfect quiet. He
began trashing nearby cabins, booby-trapping trails with neck wires meant
to decapitate anyone speeding by on a noisy motorcycle or snowmobile. He
also started building bombs--primitive devices, with triggers fashioned
from match heads.


Ted Kaczynski (left) with father Theodore
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted and his father, Turk, during a visit to Ted's Montana home in the
early 1970s.

Ted's journal entries from this period show he was no environmentalist,
even though the public would later perceive the Unabomber as an
eco-crusading Luddite. "I don't even believe in the cult of
nature-worshipers or wilderness-worshipers. (I am perfectly ready to
litter in parts of the woods that are of no use to me...)," he wrote.


Ted Kaczynski stands with his cabin in June, 1972
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted Kaczynski stands outside his 10-by-12-foot cabin outside Lincoln,
Mont., in the early 1970s. The cabin would later be disassembled and
prepared as evidence against him in federal court.


Ted Kaczynski in driveway of parents' home
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted Kaczynski outside his parents' home in west suburban Lombard in 1978,
the year he delivered his first bomb. The bomb never made it to its
designated addressee, an engineering professor in Troy, N.Y., instead
detonating when it was opened by a Northwestern University police officer.
The bomb was weak, injuring the officer's hand.

In a journal entry from 1977, Kaczynski laid out his plans to kill. "I
emphasize that my motivation is personal revenge. I don't pretend to any
kind of philosophical or moralistic justification. ... My ambition is to
kill a scientist, big businessman, government official or the like. I
would also like to kill a Communist."


Ted Kaczynski with mother, Wanda, 1978
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted Kaczynski and his mother, Wanda, in Lombard in 1978, the year Ted
delivered his first bomb. After Dave fired Ted from his factory job for
harassing a female supervisor, Dave resigned and traveled to a remote part
of Texas that would become his sanctuary. The brothers later would


Ted Kaczynski at parents' home in Lombard, Ill., 1978
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted Kaczynski at his parents' Lombard home in 1978. He returned to Lombard
partly, he later wrote, to blend into the population so he could more
easily carry out a bombing.


Ted Kaczynski at parents' home
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted Kaczynski in Lombard, 1978. That summer he started working at a
foam-cutting factory where his father and brother also worked. Brother
Dave, a part-time supervisor at the factory, was forced to fire Ted after
he posted insulting limericks about a woman he dated--a female
supervisor--around the factory.


Ted Kaczynski, left, brother David, far right, and David's friends
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted (left) and his brother (far right) with some of Dave's friends at the
Kaczynski family's home in Lombard in 1978.


Ted Kaczynski in Montana circa early 1970s
(Kaczynski family photo)
During his stay in Lincoln, Mont., in the early 1970s, Ted Kaczynski
shunned electricity, poached wild game and grew his own vegetables. But
the Montana retreat only seemed to fuel his isolation and bizarre


Ted Kaczynski in Montana, 1981
(Kaczynski family photo)
Ted Kaczynski in Montana in 1981. By this time he had sent several bombs,
including one that created smoke but did not detonate aboard an airliner
in 1979. The FBI got involved and later coined the code name UNABOM or
Unabomber to refer to the man they would not catch until 1996, with the
help of his brother.
They shoulda shoved a Giant "UnaDildo" filled with Explosives up His Brown Winker, And set that Betty Off! That woulda Fixed the Fuck! Shit/Blood & Guts all over the Fkn Place!...SP

Dead Christ

Saw It Coming
I sometimes like to think about getting decapitated, just my body found and head M.I.A. Other than that, shot to death in a spray. I like those M16s :rambo: