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Well to me the real question is: "How would I like to murder someone?". That's a whole different story B)
But if it was for me I'll choose the more faster and effective way to die. Get shot in the head.


This user was banned
The obvious answer would be, "I would not want to be murdered". Stop messing with people's brains like this. Now, if you mean what I think you meant, it should have been worded: "if You Had to be Murdered (no way feasibly possible to get out of said situation), How Would You Prrefer to be Taken Out?). If that were the case, I'd go with SP's answer. Liquid morphine would be a great way to go....


If I absolutely had to? Obviously it would be something where I wasn't even aware, like I was already asleep and someone smothered me in my sleep or stabbed me to death. Or if I had accidentally overdosed so I'd be completely out of it and unaware and then just.. Nothing.


bird law expert
Realistically? I don’t wanna be fucking murdered, and if I had to pick how I’d pick the least painful method possible. Drug me and let me sleep.

in the realm of fantasy? Drowning maybe - I know it’s apparently meant to be incredibly painful at first, and then you get a tremendous head high that leaves you feeling blissed out, so I’d be interested in experiencing that, from a morbidly curious point of view.

in the realm of degeneracy? Chained up in some masked maniacs cabin and strangled to death after he gets bored of me being his bang maid, preferably with his bare hands.


If I had to choose the way to be killed, I would choose one or more bullets in the chest, or the same thing in the knife version, or even have my throat cut quickly.
Otherwise living is not bad too :)

Fart ripper

I think being riddled with bullets would be best for me. Gunned down, then the shooter could continue to fire rounds into my dead body. Then stripped of my clothes and shoes and dismembered once he was done firing.


Master Baiter..... 🎣🎣🎣
Head shot with a high powered rifle would be the best and burned or slowly beheaded would be the worst, stabbing or drowning would be somewhere in the middle