Coronavirus (3 Viewers)

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Yer can Bollocks M8
In my youth, I ventured there and to my eternal disgrace, did a jobby made of buckfast, cheese and onion crisps and curry.

The jobby became sentient, because of government experiments or something, maybe gamma rays, killed the king and took his place. 98% of the population died in the civil war that followed. Jobby was still king. I got the fucking blame and every bloody one of the fuckers, including Jobby, thought I was a dick and they deported the fuck out of me.

So, when you get there, best not mention me, and bow low to Jobby and don't mention the smell.
You crazy bastard, you make up way more shit than me and I'm a right lying cunt!


Keep your distance..
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I couldn't give a fuck about your plumbing but it's idiots like you who block the entire street pipe

Piss, shit, TP and dead goldfish. Thats all you put down there. Nothing else.
For some reason Niggras love to flush their nasty ass Tampons.. we are constantly dealing with it on new renovations..


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Our Prime Minister Mark Rutte (The Netherlands) just told us were fucked. Most of us will get the virus and we should deal with it. (He said it like a caring father). This way we can control it be creating a wall of immune people that already recovered from the virus. Tactical warfare that is.

Are you being told to just go about business as usual without suggestions or restrictions? Has the PM told you the potential death rate or how your medical services plan to handle the influx?

Our prez just today finally admitted we've got a big problem here. I think people in the US have underestimated the impact of this. While the death rate is low and mostly affects the elderly. It's still a serious illness for many people that are much younger. The type of pneumonia it causes permanently damages the lungs and reduces their function. It could have lasting health affects on a large portion of the population.


Are you being told to just go about business as usual without suggestions or restrictions? Has the PM told you the potential death rate or how your medical services plan to handle the influx?

Our prez just today finally admitted we've got a big problem here. I think people in the US have underestimated the impact of this. While the death rate is low and mostly affects the elderly. It's still a serious illness for many people that are much younger. The type of pneumonia it causes permanently damages the lungs and reduces their function. It could have lasting health affects on a large portion of the population.
We are on lockdown, but not on total lockdown. Our government wants to control the virus, but not necessarily by aiming for a situation that the virus will "die out". My personal opinion is that this is the right way to go. Let people get sick. They will be immune and create a controllable wall. Just like you do with vaccinations.
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We are Kings
Are you being told to just go about business as usual without suggestions or restrictions? Has the PM told you the potential death rate or how your medical services plan to handle the influx?

Our prez just today finally admitted we've got a big problem here. I think people in the US have underestimated the impact of this. While the death rate is low and mostly affects the elderly. It's still a serious illness for many people that are much younger. The type of pneumonia it causes permanently damages the lungs and reduces their function. It could have lasting health affects on a large portion of the population.
Most of you yanks ages 13-40 are fat multichined hamplanets, so you have reduced lung capacity anyway.


Splendid Fellow
Are you being told to just go about business as usual without suggestions or restrictions? Has the PM told you the potential death rate or how your medical services plan to handle the influx?

Our prez just today finally admitted we've got a big problem here. I think people in the US have underestimated the impact of this. While the death rate is low and mostly affects the elderly. It's still a serious illness for many people that are much younger. The type of pneumonia it causes permanently damages the lungs and reduces their function. It could have lasting health affects on a large portion of the population.

I've got one lung. I'm fucking dead.

Well, I would be if I wasn't such a fucking HERO!

giphy (29).gif


Forum Veteran
Our Prime Minister Mark Rutte (The Netherlands) just told us were fucked. Most of us will get the virus and we should deal with it. (He said it like a caring father). This way we can control it be creating a wall of immune people that already recovered from the virus. Tactical warfare that is.
Typical answer from higher up, he's a spineless fuck.
"Tell 'em to catch it and if they die, so be it"
Fuck that homo, hopefully he catches it and dies instantly.