Coronavirus (1 Viewer)

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95T exp
Foreign bird in the suurgery. Spanish, trying to register as a new patient. Daft cow, theres posters up everywhere tellling people to stay away... Aye, spread the poison, thanks...


Yer can Bollocks M8
Went to my local Spasda last night and there was only a few tinned goods left, hot dogs, Ravioli and that tinned all day breakfast shite. I found a 12 pack of bog roll dumped in with the bags of spuds so that went in my trolley, no pasta or rice apart from Uncle Ben's, plenty of Pot Noodles if you like the odd flavoured one's. Cleaning products all but gone, no TP, kitchen rolls, tissues. Still plenty of chilled fresh food like cheese, yogurts, sliced meat and frozen food was still plentiful but who's gonna hoard that if they can't keep it frozen.


Uppity cunt
My Niece has corona virus. Shes 18 though and fit and healthy, But the rest of the family ( Bro/wife and son) have to remain home and self isolate for the time being. and my best friend who works in Canary Wharf in London and commutes daily using the tube /busses etc has also just been tested positive. He is also hopefully going to be ok hes 40 fit healthy hes self isolating with his husband .. I havent been in contact with either for several weeks . Sad times


R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
My fav. Restaurant was closed yestaday. Only food to delivery they have.

Whorehouses are closed.


Keep your distance..
This user was banned
That's beyond selfish. These fucking people... I have no words😔
Yeah it’s crazy.. they are advertising on Facebook Market place. The local police dept in Maryland says they have a number to call and report by who knows..


Splendid Fellow
Iceland (frozen food shop in the uk) are opening for a couple of hours in the morning for old people only, which is nice cause a old boy got knocked over in Tescos the other day

well how old are we talking? I'm 52, that's pretty fucking old.


Well Known Member
The school district we're doing work for right now just temporarily suspended our project until further notice. I've been given the week off. Got another project coming up in a month with a different company. I'm wondering if they will postpone that one as well.


well how old are we talking? I'm 52, that's pretty fucking old.

Dude, that’s a fucking pensioner in Scotland 😂🤣😂, I think their asking people to be reasonable,

Here you go

There’s a lot of people grouping together in the community to deliver supplies (mainly donated) and take old people to docs/hospital appointments too, and some of them just offer time to sit and natter to the old dears
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