bizarre Do U Feel Sorry For This Lady (1 Viewer)

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Jr Mung Diver
I feel for her but I don't. Losing a child is probably one of the worst things a parent can experience, but calling a basketball american a parent would suggest they aren't sub-human, so the death of one doesn't have the same emotional pull for me. I won't use apes as an example but it's like when a whale's baby dies. It's sad and you can tell the mother is in mourning but it's a fucking whale.


Well Known Member
As a mother, yes, my heart breaks for this woman, God forbid I ever have to go through that, I would lose the will to live, period!
As a mother you teach your kids not to fuck around and find out. He fucked around and found out and she’s acting surprised. But never gave a fuck about his whereabouts until then. Typical bigger behavior


"Hiro" aka: "Dolly"... the homo britfag dicksucker
Seems heartfelt.

Idk why you’d make sure to post it on your tic tok, tho
Oh that's easy..... these ghetto coons have a inbuilt narcissism from their birth/litter.... they live in "main character mode" at all times....
Thank the Lord Almighty for erasing another "dindu nuffin"....