Serious Earthquake Results! (1 Viewer)

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Do not allow the eye to fool the mind
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More than 1,500 dead, 6,000 injured and 150+ buildings collapsed so far!

Affected countries: Cyprus, Türkiye, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Georgia, and Armenia

Latest quakes in or near Turkey in the past 24 hours on Monday, February 6, 2023 - list, stats and map​


  • 2 quakes above magnitude 7
  • 3 quakes between magnitude 6 and 7
  • 17 quakes between magnitude 5 and 6
  • 96 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 100 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 38 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 19 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
A short explanation of the magnitude scale


More than 1,500 dead, 6,000 injured and 150+ buildings collapsed so far!

Affected countries: Cyprus, Türkiye, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Georgia, and Armenia

Latest quakes in or near Turkey in the past 24 hours on Monday, February 6, 2023 - list, stats and map​


  • 2 quakes above magnitude 7
  • 3 quakes between magnitude 6 and 7
  • 17 quakes between magnitude 5 and 6
  • 96 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 100 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 38 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 19 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
Aw,did the bewdings faw down and Squish your widow Heady Weadies???

Whars the GoFundMe
There isn't one! Gimme the Fkn Money,I need new cabinets for my stereo!!!🤣🤣
ROCK IT!!! FUCK YA!!! 🤘🤟🤙...SP


Do not allow the eye to fool the mind
This user was banned
Aw,did the bewdings faw down and Squish your widow Heady Weadies???

There isn't one! Gimme the Fkn Money,I need new cabinets for my stereo!!!🤣🤣
ROCK IT!!! FUCK YA!!! 🤘🤟🤙...SP
Q: Aw,did the bewdings faw down and Squish your widow Heady Weadies???

A: Yes they did..You know SP, it's good to laugh and have some good time, but doing it excessively proves that you're mentally I'll or immature.

Not that I give a fuck about the people that died, nor will I ever give, but I think if you think about it logically, it wouldn't be so funny if you were in their shoes.

Try laughing while all your loved ones are bleeding to death before your eyes...screaming in agony, under an entire 20 meter building, getting crushed to death...all covered in blood, breathing tightly and the only sound that is playing is the screaming and whining of people who are dying and those who've lost their loved one's.



Q: Aw,did the bewdings faw down and Squish your widow Heady Weadies???

A: Yes they did..You know SP, it's good to laugh and have some good time, but doing it excessively proves that you're mentally I'll or immature.

Not that I give a fuck about the people that died, nor will I ever give, but I think if you think about it logically, it wouldn't be so funny if you were in their shoes.

Try laughing while all your loved ones are bleeding to death before your eyes...screaming in agony, under an entire 20 meter building, getting crushed to death...all covered in blood, breathing tightly and the only sound that is playing is the screaming and whining of people who are dying and those who've lost their loved one's.

Mentally Ill or Immature? Interesting Concept! One that I would accept in a Heartbeat! I don't Cum here to Cry about this kinda Shit! We all hv a #...And I accept mine! I understand where your Cumming from Gorefriend;(not that I could Gv a Fuck), And I wish No Ill Will on Any1! But what's done is done! U take it Your Way/I'll take it mine! And I will leave out the Insults/Those R for the Inept!!!

The closest I've ever been to an earthquake is when my wife farts in the bath.
Heh heh heh! 🤣🤣🤣...SP
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Do not allow the eye to fool the mind
This user was banned
Mentally Ill or Immature? Interesting Concept! One that I would accept in a Heartbeat! I don't Cum here to Cry about this kinda Shit! We all hv a #...And I accept mine! I understand where your Cumming from Gorefriend;(not that I could Gv a Fuck), And I wish No Ill Will on Any1! But what's done is done! U take it Your Way/I'll take it mine! And I will leave out the Insults/Those R for the Inept!!!

Heh heh heh! 🤣🤣🤣...SP
Impressive response, I admire that!


Do not allow the eye to fool the mind
This user was banned
They're muslims, they've raided those lands and demolished everything of true history and now claim it was always their's.... By God or devil, or some MF who set up this entire simulation, they had it coming
You sure about that mate? Turkey's one of the top countries that has the most prostitutes.

Now you'll reply "Well, they're still Muslims" well, No

You aren't a Muslim if you don't complete the 5 daily prayers..Be faithful..etc

Most of Turks just call them selves Muslims but in reality(and considering the shit I see in Turkey) only about 2% truly are.

The rest are "I'm a Muslim, but...I don't pray, nor read the Quaran, nor follow the teachings of Islam nor do I know anything about Islam..But yeah, I am a Muslim"


Let It All Bleed Out
I was going to create a thread to ask for any video/images😁
I'm just putting one together - just images (low on gore). It'll probably be posted in the Miscellaneous Images a few minutes.

More than 1,500 dead, 6,000 injured and 150+ buildings collapsed so far!

Affected countries: Cyprus, Türkiye, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Georgia, and Armenia

Latest quakes in or near Turkey in the past 24 hours on Monday, February 6, 2023 - list, stats and map​


  • 2 quakes above magnitude 7
  • 3 quakes between magnitude 6 and 7
  • 17 quakes between magnitude 5 and 6
  • 96 quakes between magnitude 4 and 5
  • 100 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
  • 38 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
  • 19 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.
Guesstimates are now putting the death toll near or over 10,000.