Serious "Get Them Out" Riots In Dublin After School Stabbing (1 Viewer)

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Not on msm but a lot of the mosques are being investigated for hate speech, it seems the speakers are calling for death to Jews at prayer, I know one police force are saying there’s not enough evidence 🤦‍♂️



Forum Veteran
Damn, looks like Dublin is turning into Malmo. How long before they’ve got the “no-go zones”, if they don’t have em already? Followed by the “peaceful” mosques preaching sharia, you know, because it’s sooo compatible and aligned with the values most common sense westerners possess. They have nothing of value they bring to the table, for instance, instead of staying in their country of origin, attempting to make it a better place, they instead export any male of fighting age, leaving only the vulnerable women, children and elderly to fight “their” fight. Equally as terrible and a blight on humanity are the pandering, virtue signaling SJW’s, along with the leftist politicians, who insist on importing them here by the droves, never once considering the plethora of negatives that come with attempting to “assimilate” them into an actual functioning society. I’m sure everyone remembers ladies below.

View attachment 727428

Pics stating what supposedly started the stabbing, possibly bullshit, but you never know? View attachment 727434

Pic of one of the victims and image of the scene of attack View attachment 727436View attachment 727437
No matter how bad the child is there is no cause for a stabbing...


This user was banned

And this

And if you can understand him, 100% this.

Richard 1986

Life is sad Why ?
immigrants please !!! you are not welcome !!! stay in your country What ?? you have problem in your country ??? NOT MY FAULT !!!!


Forum Veteran
For an experiment, I called myself a Big Scary Poof once on my facebook timeline, and I got hit with a 7-day suspension.
Facebook is so anal (pardon the expression) that nobody should be offended, that it actually bans you from insulting yourself.

I'm not sure if they've relaxed that ruling, because I swear a lot on Facebook, and happily use CUNT as both a noun and an adjective, freely. It's a Scotland thing.
I've just been up over the border from Newcastle whilst visiting a friend and I understand from the greetings the locals gave me that it is pronounced 'coont' as in 'fook off you Aussie coont'.
What about the millions of Irish migrants in other countries?
I often had this discussion with people. Wherever we went we worked and worked hard. All those Skyscrapers you see in major cities in England and America were built by mostly Irishmen. The motorways in England - us again. Soldiers and generals in Australian and American armies - yep, mostly Irish. The founder of the Argentinian navy - Irish.
I know a lot of foreigners here that work and they're nice people. Nigerian, Polish, German. But the amount of freeloaders is getting worse and they're mostly hijab wearers. All they do is walk around with shitloads of kids. I never see them working