Hiroshima And Nagasaki (2 Viewers)

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It's hard to believe, it's hard to understand, but contrary to popular belief, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs ended up saving tens of times the lives they took. Japan refused to surrender and there was no other option left than an invasion to force their surrender to stop the carnage once for all.

Estimates of human loss from an invasion of Japan (who was already talking about arming more than 28 million civilians to defend the islands) was in MILLIONS of human lives between both sides. The atomic bombs took a couple of hundred thousands and ended it almost immediately.

A tough decision, yes, but one that any commander who wants to preserve lives (of the opponent and even more so of his own soldiers) would have made without thinking too much about it.

Absolute nonsense. Those bombs didn't SAVE lives. They disintegrated / ripped apart / burned / poisoned hundreds of thousands of people. The huge overwhelming majority, defenseless women and children, not SOLDIERS.

All the Americans HAD to do, was call the Emperor of Japan and his chiefs of staff just before dropping an atomic bomb 10 miles off the coast of Osaka ... maybe even in the MIDDLE of Lake Biwa so millions of Japanese people would witness it with their own eyes and nobody dead but a few fishermen, and the surrender would have come within HOURS.

Even if you want to make a bigger statement, then why TWO bombs? Why a SECOND mass murdering (against innocents) bomb on an entirely different city, BEFORE even hearing from the Emperor, who was madly scrambling his advisors and agents to go figure out what had happened and what to do.

The simple fact that the Americans HAD the bomb brought the end of the war. All that was needed was a demonstration. But we all know, made so obvious by the attack itself AND what happened afterwards with the mad nuclear arms race and cold war and posturing and Americans subsequent invasion of the entire globe with its 1000 military bases encircling China and Russia, that it was never their intention to NOT "test" the bombs on the people of Japan.

"Atomic bombs saved lives" is the most ridiculous, stupid argument that I've heard, sorry.

And thank god China now has 300, Russia around 3000 and even North Korea has enough Nukes to level 70% of American cities. Call it a mexican standoff, that we all have to live with forever.

You really have a lot of research to do if you think the Japanese military & the Russians were poor innocent victims, they made the yanks look like choir boys.
'The Russians saved the entire rest of the globe' You got to be kidding! The Russians tried to subjugate the rest of the globe, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus are just a few countries that were under the Russian boot after WW2 & after Russia said they would hand countries back to their Governments once hostilities ceased (why do you think America armed Russia at the start of WW2 in the first place?) Russia dogged out on their word & that's what the rest of the World has come to expect from the Russian Goverment, why do you think their backing Ukraine???
Hold on .... the Nazis invaded Lithuania, Ukraine, and all those Eastern Europe Baltic States on THEIR march across the entire globe. They rounded up the jews, blacks, disabled, intellectuals and anyone else who didn't conform to their way of thinking, and put them on the one way train to gas town. The remaining men had the choice of either JOINING that train, or joining the Nazis and fighting the Russians / Allies. Their women were raped, and their natural resources were taken for the Nazi war machine and for Germany herself.

RUSSIA liberated those countries, on her march to Hitlers bunker. ALL the way across Europe from the East, country after country, until they finally defeated the Nazi regime. They integrated those countries you mentioned INTO the USSR, and did they round up the Jews and disabled and blacks and kill then? NO! They integrated those broken countries into their own empire and together formed a superpower to rival America.

After WWII, Russia and Europe were in pieces. Almost entirely destroyed. America had 50% of the entire global GDP, with just 5% of the global population to share it. America was a DREAMLAND, totally untouched by the war, yet wealthy beyond imagination. Russia and the USSR slowly rebuilt those countries, brought some order and industry back, and they all held together. Was it wonderland? NO! Cos they didn't have 50% of the entire GDP of the globe. They had a fraction, but they made it work the best they could, while under the constant threat of NATO and Americas mad nuclear arms race and cold war.

Did RUSSIA start putting 1000 military bases all over Europe / Africa / South America / Canada - all pointing at South Korea and Japan and England and USA? NO! Not a single one!

You gotta get some logic, into your thinking, rather than emotion. The facts speak for themselves. America - lord of the coups, invasions, plunderings, wars against brown people, foreign military bases and constant fear mongering propaganda. Man, you don't even talk about the genocide your great great grandparents did on the Natives in your schools. You WIPED it from the history books! It's hilarious, and sickening at the same time. Don't lecture RUSSIA about anything! They didn't drop any nukes on women and children! America did! Lets keep it real bro.
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Forum Veteran
Absolute nonsense. Those bombs didn't SAVE lives. They disintegrated / ripped apart / burned / poisoned hundreds of thousands of people. The huge overwhelming majority, defenseless women and children, not SOLDIERS.

All the Americans HAD to do, was call the Emperor of Japan and his chiefs of staff just before dropping an atomic bomb 10 miles off the coast of Osaka ... maybe even in the MIDDLE of Lake Biwa so millions of Japanese people would witness it with their own eyes and nobody dead but a few fishermen, and the surrender would have come within HOURS.

Even if you want to make a bigger statement, then why TWO bombs? Why a SECOND mass murdering (against innocents) bomb on an entirely different city, BEFORE even hearing from the Emperor, who was madly scrambling his advisors and agents to go figure out what had happened and what to do.

The simple fact that the Americans HAD the bomb brought the end of the war. All that was needed was a demonstration. But we all know, made so obvious by the attack itself AND what happened afterwards with the mad nuclear arms race and cold war and posturing and Americans subsequent invasion of the entire globe with its 1000 military bases encircling China and Russia, that it was never their intention to NOT "test" the bombs on the people of Japan.

"Atomic bombs saved lives" is the most ridiculous, stupid argument that I've heard, sorry.

And thank god China now has 300, Russia around 3000 and even North Korea has enough Nukes to level 70% of American cities. Call it a mexican standoff, that we all have to live with forever.

Hold on .... the Nazis invaded Lithuania, Ukraine, and all those Eastern Europe Baltic States on THEIR march across the entire globe. They rounded up the jews, blacks, disabled, intellectuals and anyone else who didn't conform to their way of thinking, and put them on the one way train to gas town. The remaining men had the choice of either JOINING that train, or joining the Nazis and fighting the Russians / Allies. Their women were raped, and their natural resources were taken for the Nazi war machine and for Germany herself.

RUSSIA liberated those countries, on her march to Hitlers bunker. ALL the way across Europe from the East, country after country, until they finally defeated the Nazi regime. They integrated those countries you mentioned INTO the USSR, and did they round up the Jews and disabled and blacks and kill then? NO! They integrated those broken countries into their own empire and together formed a superpower to rival America.

After WWII, Russia and Europe were in pieces. Almost entirely destroyed. America had 50% of the entire global GDP, with just 5% of the global population to share it. America was a DREAMLAND, totally untouched by the war, yet wealthy beyond imagination. Russia and the USSR slowly rebuilt those countries, brought some order and industry back, and they all held together. Was it wonderland? NO! Cos they didn't have 50% of the entire GDP of the globe. They had a fraction, but they made it work the best they could, while under the constant threat of NATO and Americas mad nuclear arms race and cold war.

Did RUSSIA start putting 1000 military bases all over Europe / Africa / South America / Canada - all pointing at South Korea and Japan and England and USA? NO! Not a single one!

You gotta get some logic, into your thinking, rather than emotion. The facts speak for themselves. America - lord of the coups, invasions, plunderings, wars against brown people, foreign military bases and constant fear mongering propaganda. Man, you don't even talk about the genocide your great great grandparents did on the Natives in your schools. You WIPED it from the history books! It's hilarious, and sickening at the same time. Don't lecture RUSSIA about anything! They didn't drop any nukes on women and children! America did! Lets keep it real bro.


Well Known Member
Absolute nonsense. Those bombs didn't SAVE lives. They disintegrated / ripped apart / burned / poisoned hundreds of thousands of people. The huge overwhelming majority, defenseless women and children, not SOLDIERS.

All the Americans HAD to do, was call the Emperor of Japan and his chiefs of staff just before dropping an atomic bomb 10 miles off the coast of Osaka ... maybe even in the MIDDLE of Lake Biwa so millions of Japanese people would witness it with their own eyes and nobody dead but a few fishermen, and the surrender would have come within HOURS.

Even if you want to make a bigger statement, then why TWO bombs? Why a SECOND mass murdering (against innocents) bomb on an entirely different city, BEFORE even hearing from the Emperor, who was madly scrambling his advisors and agents to go figure out what had happened and what to do.

The simple fact that the Americans HAD the bomb brought the end of the war. All that was needed was a demonstration. But we all know, made so obvious by the attack itself AND what happened afterwards with the mad nuclear arms race and cold war and posturing and Americans subsequent invasion of the entire globe with its 1000 military bases encircling China and Russia, that it was never their intention to NOT "test" the bombs on the people of Japan.

"Atomic bombs saved lives" is the most ridiculous, stupid argument that I've heard, sorry.

And thank god China now has 300, Russia around 3000 and even North Korea has enough Nukes to level 70% of American cities. Call it a mexican standoff, that we all have to live with forever.

Hold on .... the Nazis invaded Lithuania, Ukraine, and all those Eastern Europe Baltic States on THEIR march across the entire globe. They rounded up the jews, blacks, disabled, intellectuals and anyone else who didn't conform to their way of thinking, and put them on the one way train to gas town. The remaining men had the choice of either JOINING that train, or joining the Nazis and fighting the Russians / Allies. Their women were raped, and their natural resources were taken for the Nazi war machine and for Germany herself.

RUSSIA liberated those countries, on her march to Hitlers bunker. ALL the way across Europe from the East, country after country, until they finally defeated the Nazi regime. They integrated those countries you mentioned INTO the USSR, and did they round up the Jews and disabled and blacks and kill then? NO! They integrated those broken countries into their own empire and together formed a superpower to rival America.

After WWII, Russia and Europe were in pieces. Almost entirely destroyed. America had 50% of the entire global GDP, with just 5% of the global population to share it. America was a DREAMLAND, totally untouched by the war, yet wealthy beyond imagination. Russia and the USSR slowly rebuilt those countries, brought some order and industry back, and they all held together. Was it wonderland? NO! Cos they didn't have 50% of the entire GDP of the globe. They had a fraction, but they made it work the best they could, while under the constant threat of NATO and Americas mad nuclear arms race and cold war.

Did RUSSIA start putting 1000 military bases all over Europe / Africa / South America / Canada - all pointing at South Korea and Japan and England and USA? NO! Not a single one!

You gotta get some logic, into your thinking, rather than emotion. The facts speak for themselves. America - lord of the coups, invasions, plunderings, wars against brown people, foreign military bases and constant fear mongering propaganda. Man, you don't even talk about the genocide your great great grandparents did on the Natives in your schools. You WIPED it from the history books! It's hilarious, and sickening at the same time. Don't lecture RUSSIA about anything! They didn't drop any nukes on women and children! America did! Lets keep it real bro.
Wow this guy really soaked up the Jewish propaganda and doesn't even understand who the real war lords were/are and how ww2 was about banking and stripping wealth because he reads books written by those that create a narrative to fill an agenda. Bet you don't even know How communism was created to be used as a tool for the war lords when in reality the world operates under the same fist of the market and its spokespersons.
Wow this guy really soaked up the Jewish propaganda and doesn't even understand who the real war lords were/are and how ww2 was about banking and stripping wealth because he reads books written by those that create a narrative to fill an agenda. Bet you don't even know How communism was created to be used as a tool for the war lords when in reality the world operates under the same fist of the market and its spokespersons.

Just speaking facts brother. I mean, if you want to refute any of those facts I'd be glad to hear it. Rather than you talking about conspiracys and re-writing history. My Dad lived through World War II by the way. He, and many other people who lived through it, are the ones who educated me about what happened, and why. Not some book. Although I did watch a French made documentary in 12 parts all about World War II, every single minute of the 10 hour series was in authentic video footage, nothing dramatized or re-enacted. But actual, real footage. None of the film makers were Jewish.