Is anybody here actually homicidal? (5 Viewers)

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Somewhat rancid; allegedly.
I drift off into daydreams of myself killing people, never random people or anything, mostly family and people I dislike.

If I could get away with it I probably would have killed a few by now; forensics is too good, and I don't know enough to leave no trail back to me.


i got put in a mental institution when i was a teenager, they claimed i was homicidal but i was just a teen that didnt like my step dad lol
when i was 11 i started having thoughts about wanting to kill someone. ended up with crippling alcoholism because i felt like i was 'holding back' from the one thing i wanted to do 24/7. realized i needed a better coping mechanism and just started doing taxidermy instead, which worked out well in the end. i get to see gore whenever i want without committing severe crimes and make cool shit to decorate my house with, and i also don't drink.
Unless you want to throw your life and everything you love away, I’d suggest you not kill😂


I wonder if there's anyone here who enjoys these videos that actually want to kill people.

I've harbored homicidal thoughts / fantasies for a while and I went online looking for people like me especially since everyone around me is super turned off by this one sick thing about me. But I'm not ashamed.

I am curious tho, what do you guys get out of watching gore vid? I come here to feel a sense of normalcy. The comments under a lot of the videos I see are delightfully relatable
I honestly could take a persons life if they deserved it. Sick fucks who hurt children would pray for death at my hands.


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I wonder if there's anyone here who enjoys these videos that actually want to kill people.

I've harbored homicidal thoughts / fantasies for a while and I went online looking for people like me especially since everyone around me is super turned off by this one sick thing about me. But I'm not ashamed.

I am curious tho, what do you guys get out of watching gore vid? I come here to feel a sense of normalcy. The comments under a lot of the videos I see are delightfully relatable
Propensity for violence and killing is part of being a man. We actively protect our family and property by taking precautions and being prepared. A good man should have no qualms about killing another if the need to eliminate an imminent danger presented.

The killing urge can be placated by hunting, fishing and homekilling your meat. The act of actively and meaningfully taking a creatures life for food is both humbling and empowering.

I recommend Halal or Kosher slaughter methods as it connects you in so many ways to the life and death cycle. You use your hands directly, must calm the animal, make connection with life and death by way of a simple prayer, and with a sharp knife perform the act of slicing it's throat.

The butchering and processing of the animal is work and is easily done with others. The work doesn't end until all the meat is processed, the offal disposed and the utensils are washed and put away.

Then it's time to enjoy some freshly cooked meat. The liver is best when it's this fresh.
According to the state, yes. I am closely watched, weekly, by 2 well-known psychiatrists. Its not that I walk around thinking of killing, but more of an emotional reaction to negative things in society that I experience on a daily basis. I don't go out much. I'm on 5 different medications, but they just keep me tired and a little sad. I guess that's fair trade to stay out of the institutions. They are mostly temporary places of boredom anyway. No real help comes of them. I enjoy the coed ones so I get laid a lot. I'm told my IQ makes me more dangerous. My father and grandfather were geniuses. I was subjected to sex by men and women boys and girls at 9. Strange things that I won't repeat here. It went on for 4 years yet it's fresh in my head. I think about it constantly. I treat people well and expect the same but don't always get it. That's when I get the itch. Last time was at a courthouse, where I was being tried for assault. The other party didn't show up so I got off. Ober a traffic situation that was probably my fault, someone yelled, "Hey. You got a problem, buddy?" That was all it took to send me into a rage. Eyes bulging, teeth showing. I felt like an animal. They looked terrified and I felt great. I'm just fucked up in the head. I can't help it. No one can understand. I have not killed anyone, but I have tried. Statute of limitations is up so I can speak of it. I hope I don't. I'm very hyper-sexual. If I had several girls to visit, that would be great. I love curvy MILFS. It doesn't matter as long as they are interesting. There you go. Yes. I'm homicidal, to a point.
Can you explain how you are “watched?”


GG Resident Tax CPA and Shekel Counter
definitely not. nobody homicidal would ever broadcast their intentions, especially here. the smart ones at least.

but hey, what do i know? i definitely know nothing about this subject.

just a lowly tax accountant for the feds... uh i mean, a pharmaceutical company. yes, that's it. i'm just a lowly, nobody, underpaid, overworked, tax accountant for a "pharmaceutical" company in Chicago area.


I think some people are crazy but for me personally I just came here to watch the war videos. The gore stuff makes me nauseous..


I wonder if there's anyone here who enjoys these videos that actually want to kill people.

I've harbored homicidal thoughts / fantasies for a while and I went online looking for people like me especially since everyone around me is super turned off by this one sick thing about me. But I'm not ashamed.

I am curious tho, what do you guys get out of watching gore vid? I come here to feel a sense of normalcy. The comments under a lot of the videos I see are delightfully relatable
I'm sure there is, but not everyone but some a few I'm sure,. I would also say I sure 1 or more on here have probably killed someone, or has killed more then one, but also others that just watch fir the pure shock value, some of the videos I don't bother watching because I don't want my
Mind. I I have only watched two cartel beheading because that shit actually is really disturbing and my mind goes right to be that person. All depends on my mood or what I can stomach but none the less I do get a what the duck shock out of it and it makes me a little more appreciative someone isn't taking my head off with a steak knife.


I wonder if there's anyone here who enjoys these videos that actually want to kill people.

I've harbored homicidal thoughts / fantasies for a while and I went online looking for people like me especially since everyone around me is super turned off by this one sick thing about me. But I'm not ashamed.

I am curious tho, what do you guys get out of watching gore vid? I come here to feel a sense of normalcy. The comments under a lot of the videos I see are delightfully relatable
I'd be highly surprised if any of us on here wasn't or haven't at least in the past had some intrusive such thoughts.


Forum Veteran
I'd LOVE to kill my half sister. She is a Narcassist, a bully and a big liar. She lied to a lovely guy she waz with for 15 years. She used to cheat all the time on him and one of her kids is HIS COUSINS... she makes up lies about me to others to make them.hate me b4 they have even met me. Hahaha i have nothing with her now.
I recently found out that our other sister was living with and dating a i WARNED her as he has also been in her house too with my nieces and nephews. I got told to mind my.own business and stop.causing trouble even though they found it to be true. Then she sends her KIDS to messages saying im this that and the other...
Might i add the other sister KNOWS and is hiding it from the child social services as he isnt allow3d round kids since he went down (Prison) for it THREE TIMES...

Yeah, I'd shoot her in.the face a fair few times. Pity it's illegal though 🤔🤔😅😅