Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion Thread (4 Viewers)

Guilty or not guily?

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He should be hanged, that's my opinion. Good thing he's 18 now otherwise I'd actually feel bad for the dumb fuck.
You must be a nigger, then....Only a person from a breed with a genetically-diminished skull-case would assert such an absurd, injust thing.....Assuming that have actually SEEN the footage of the night that Kyle killed the two commie rapists of children.


Stick man extraordinaire
My opinion is 💯 of those who did not attack or brandish a weapon at Kyle are all alive and well. You caint change that. He used excellent trigger control. I’m on the fence if he broke the law having that firearm or not. Wisconsin law considers a child to be under 14 however to have a loaded firearm in public is what im not sure about.I’m not a lawyer or know the law but I read it and I’m still confused. I’m not on any fence whether he was defending himself or not he clearly was.


Niggatello Jones is my male cousin lol Try and hit me with something fresh nexttime. Tired of hearing you guys use the same insults day in and day out. As stale as the cracker box you came from breh.
Ok Bruce Leeroy... Good luck trying to use your dick beaters in a gun fight, I just hope it's recorded and ends up here


Ok Bruce Leeroy... Good luck trying to use your dick beaters in a gun fight, I just hope it's recorded and ends up here
Wouldn't be in a gun fight because guns are for pussies that can't defend their own beliefs with their actual strength. So they gotta rely on shortcuts. This is why Eastern countries laugh at gun loons like you. They understand that just because a gun kills fast doesn't mean its an honorable weapon or proves any sort of prowess in combat. It just shows you can stand somewhere, point a stick and contract your finger.


Guns are for pussies and people too fat and lazy to learn how to use their bodies as weapon like literally every other creature on earth. But if it makes you feel superior continue to suck on that barrel.
That worked out well for George Floyd and all those other dumb nig nogs destroying the earth.


Wouldn't be in a gun fight because guns are for pussies that can't defend their own beliefs with their actual strength. So they gotta rely on shortcuts. This is why Eastern countries laugh at gun loons like you. They understand that just because a gun kills fast doesn't mean its an honorable weapon or proves any sort of prowess in combat. It just shows you can stand somewhere, point a stick and contract your finger.
That just makes you a soft target.... You know, like how becoming enslaved happens

Grand Mal Caesar

How did he get railroaded dumbass? He kneeled on a handcuffed man's neck for over 6 minutes with his hands in his pockets. Your a piece of trash your mom should of swallowed you. And your moms mom should of swallowed her you piece of scum.
If you don't get how he was railroaded, you still won't get it if it is explained to you now. Idiot.


Anyone vs. @DropOfVenom aka the Section 8 Samurai
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Grand Mal Caesar

My opinion is 💯 of those who did not attack or brandish a weapon at Kyle are all alive and well. You caint change that. He used excellent trigger control. I’m on the fence if he broke the law having that firearm or not. Wisconsin law considers a child to be under 14 however to have a loaded firearm in public is what im not sure about.I’m not a lawyer or know the law but I read it and I’m still confused. I’m not on any fence whether he was defending himself or not he clearly was.
According to Wisconsin law, he was legally carrying. It was stated so during the trial.

Wouldn't be in a gun fight because guns are for pussies that can't defend their own beliefs with their actual strength. So they gotta rely on shortcuts. This is why Eastern countries laugh at gun loons like you. They understand that just because a gun kills fast doesn't mean its an honorable weapon or proves any sort of prowess in combat. It just shows you can stand somewhere, point a stick and contract your finger.
You're a fucking moron.


Forum Veteran
Shut the fuck up you nigger
Well, we haven't agreed much in the past old boy but I'm with you on this one.

We need to have decent gun laws in Australia and not be so goddamned faggy about them.

Have you been through Flinders St Station recently? Full of African youth all 7' tall for the love of sweet Jesus. Can't deal with these apes hand to hand, really need a hand gun at least. Damn.

Not to mention the mad Sand Niggers like that one who went ape and killed Palagreno's owner not that long ago.

Melbourne has gone to the dogs since I was a kid. The end of the White Austrlalia Policy was the start of the rot.

The Vietnamese imigration was great. They got stuck in, worked hard, got along. Great food etc.

Then the muslim stuff. Not so good. Lots of attitude. That Skaf case. Jesus...
The one on the right is out now FCS...



Forum Veteran
You're a fucking moron.
Total Fucking Moron.

Not an honorable weapon. What kind of knights of the round fucking table is that shit?
What is he? Some kind of half assed samuari from the 16th centuary taking umbrage at the possible use of Portugese muzzle loaders?

That just makes you a soft target.... You know, like how becoming enslaved happens
Well, no, becomming enslaved happens because 'the ancestors' sold you down the river. literally. For proffit.

Not you of course, them. ..


I'm confused...

Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion Thread (11 Viewers)​

Guilty or not guily?​

I say Guily!!


Grand Mal Caesar

Total Fucking Moron.

Not an honorable weapon. What kind of knights of the round fucking table is that shit?
What is he? Some kind of half assed samuari from the 16th centuary taking umbrage at the possible use of Portugese muzzle loaders?
I didn't realize she is a 'total' moron. Her head is up her ass and I didn't see it.


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
if he hadn't have had a gun, they would have beaten the tar out of him, killed him most likely, given that he was on his own in that moment.
anyone watching the original clips knows this.
he carried and wasn't afraid.
i commend that.

side note: they should have kept him off the stand, imo.


we all know this
We are 7 days into the murder trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. Kyle stands trial for shooting three people, killing two during a protest. What are your thoughts on the case so far?
Protest? Riot u idiot. Next time i burn ur house with u and ur family in it as protest for another dumb black criminal getting whats coming to them. Is that ok? Please sign here for legal pruposes.

guns are just for pussies not able to bump their fists

mimimi marry your gun if you love it that much hahaha americans so fny

"Can't live without my gun, look I am John Wayne BOOM BOOM,
yeah who is the tuff boy here??"


I bring my gun , u ur fist. Time and place plz.

The fact he came to a completely different town to protest with a huge ass gun means he is likely an tiny dick incel looking to get some social points on whatever incel nazi forum he frequents and already showing a disregard for law buy having a gun as a minor. Kid shouldn’t have had a gun let alone be in a riot with one. He killed two people with a weapon we should not have had. Does not matter the self defense part cause the bloke could’ve brought literally anything else to defend himself legally crossbow, knife, a fuckin sword, hell martial arts training something you would actually use for, you know, DEFENSE.
This kid is at least guilty of two accounts of manslaughter or at least felony negligence and should be sentenced as such. The third one where he did not die should be dropped as self defense, but only cause he was a dumb ass fucking minor and the other dude fucked up his wording and basically gave him the acquittal.
It is not illegal for him to carry gun at his age. Check law u cnn idiot.
He went to his work area , state line have no relevence as gun laws same at both places.
Soyboy calling someone a incel, rich.
If he charged americal will divide and civil war will come, soyboys like u wont be protected by ur twitter rules, bullets dont give fucks for rules.


Forum Veteran
If you don't get how he was railroaded, you still won't get it if it is explained to you now. Idiot.
Like I said earlier Chauvin kneeled on an unarmed man handcuffed laying on his stomach struggling to breath and repeatedly told the officers he couldn't breath and was dying and Chauvin just stayed kneeling on his neck with his whole body weight even after an off duty paramedic came to offer medical support and George Floyd wasn't even conscious or moving any longer. Who's really the idiot, idiot?