Minneapolis,Black man killed by cop (1 Viewer)

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The professionally managed so-called “protesters” at the White House had little to do with the memory of George Floyd. They were just there to cause trouble. The @SecretService handled them easily. Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???
- Donald Trump 5/30/20

Saddle up MAGAtards you're being called to duty to help usher in the police state.


Colon Crusher😇😇
Indian food is decent, but I'm still shocked that your country doesn't value hygiene. Watched a TED talk about it. I know there is a wealth disparity in India, but even a country like Brazil has waste facilities.

Why doesn't your government build infrastructure for the people? It's not about poor people, but for the country itself.

But we hv trump temple...

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
The looting and rioting in several cities by low-life Negroes, "Antifa" punks, and disgusting left-wing dimwits is actually going to be very good for the 2020 election cycle because it's causing the rest of society to despise them even more.

I predict Trump will win by an even bigger margin in 2020, I needn't debate that, I'll be proven correct.

Republicans will also probably take back the House.
And most, if not all, of the left-wing dimwit "leaders" who "stood down" while the rioters and looters plundered and burned buildings, businesses, and vehicles will likely be voted out of office as well.

All of this, combined with the fact that the "Bernie-Bros" and Bernie supporters in general are angry that their candidate was screwed over again by the DNC...and the Democrats now have a very unexciting candidate who seems to be suffering from the early stages of senility, who inserts his foot in his mouth almost every time he opens his mouth, and who has now alienated a lot of potential black voters, is going to ensure a very good election day for Trump on November 3rd.

Yes indeed, the evening of November 3rd, 2020 is going to be a very enjoyable and satisfying evening.



R A S K O L U C C I ___ R A S K O L U C C I
GOOD news
Kellie CHAUVIN wants divorce.

Derek welcome to jerk off club.

Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
Graziani said:
Kellie Chauvin wants a divorce.

Yes, I read that in the news yesterday. She has a lawyer and has already filed the papers.

I'm willing to bet that she had been thinking about a divorce anyway, but didn't have the guts to do it.
Now she has a perfect excuse and a perfect time-frame to do it...while he's in jail.

They don't have any children together, so she only has to be concerned with herself.



olen ystävällinen ihminen
So it's being speculated that the provocateur that kicked it off last night is a white St. Paul police officer. Apparently his ex-wife outed him. There's a few videos in the link and that man clearly looks like he doesn't belong. All it took was someone to break the windows and the opportunists will pounce. If it turns out this is true it makes you wonder how many others like him were out starting fires.

White Man Who Started Breaking Windows At First Minneapolis Building Fire Identified As St. Paul Cop Jacob Pederson

Undercover police posing as demonstrators have been doing this since forever. it's a tactic to discredit the opposite side or provoke violence.