Most Goreish Thing You've Seen in The Real World (with your own eyes) (6 Viewers)

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Not gory as such but grim AF.

Was chatting to one of the lads at work last night about this, he had an office nearby and saw the whole thing, like... the whole 'waiting for him to stop moving coz he was dead' thing.

If you don't wanna read the article, it goes like this...

Guy climbs huge chimney at stupid o clock in the morning, gets stuck and finds himself dangling by his foot 300ft in the air.
They used a drone to speak to him at first, but no-one had anything tall enough to rescue him so he just dangled there, upside down till he died.

It took them all day to get his body down.



Value brand drain cleaner
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So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
dead birds on the side of the road n shit pretty much


Saw a Egyptian govt guard in 93 blow his brains out with an Ak-47. I was 10 feet away with a friend on the opposite side of the wall. Ran over to see brains sliding down it and blood on the tree he was under. He had no jaw and someone covered his head with newspapers. We also drove by a tractor trailer that crashed a family of 5 in Rio back in 86. A Fiat pancake 1ft in height with a mixture of more blood than oil around it.


When I was five years old, I was playing outside side when I heard the man a few houses away start screaming. It was loud enough that my mom, and a few other neighbors, came outside. I ran down to see what happened. While cutting a tree limb with a chainsaw, the saw blade come down full throttle and hit his leg. It went at least half way through. The amount of blood kind of prevented me from seeing if it went to, through, or past the bone. There was only landlines back in those days, so as my mom scrambled back to the house (the only time I ever saw her sprint) I watched, as he went from panicking to calm and eventually passed out. Then, my mom came back to get me away, and remember not wanting to leave. Had to watch the paramedics arrive from the house.


Seen a very psychotic man smash his head off a wall corner so many times you could see his skull and ended up needing to wear a helmet.

Also seen a young lady with a hole in her head put her hands inside the hole to try and gouge her own eyes out.


Half a dozen dismembered bodies in apple crates in Luxor Egypt. They were being touted as Mummy remains inside Ramses Mausoleum by one of dodgy locals. They stank, IMO they were reasonably freshly dead people, dismembered and semi-wrapped in loin cloth to make them look like mummy remains.


So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
My uncle rushed to My house one day knocking an hollering to bring my knife, he spotted 3 reindeer downtown(ipnatchiaq,AK) while I was getting ready I heard 2 shots back to back and when I came to the scene my uncle had his 44 mag pointed at the reindeer downed and shot its head... the fucking thing was barely alive with its skull making a slosh of broken bone and life leaving its body and all I did was stand on its neck til it stopped
inside the barrel of a weapon that was not mine
^Not a good time. Lol. I was driving one day and came across a 3 road intersection and there were two cars ahead of me at the red light and this young woman ran the red light on the road to our left as our light turned green and the elder woman in the car two spots ahead of me caught probably 60mph to the driver side door head on. Now people start to pull over and get out calling 911 and I was close so I felt obligated to go over and see the woman who got hit first, her car did a full 360° spin and slid about 20ft away. Me and my friend got out ran to her car since everyone gathered at the other car since the younger one was the one screaming “MY LEGS!” But we approached the elder woman’s car and she was already in terrible shape. She was uttering words and shaking like crazy, she was looking around and we try talking to her and she looks at us and seems like she’s there, but she vomited upon eye contact and passed out draining. We then approached the younger girls car and the steering wheel and airbag was legit pinning her to her seat and the engine made its way to the middle console, Breaking thru the radio and everything. We had to leave considering we had stuff on us we shouldn’t have and had to leave before the cops could hold us as witnesses. I waited roadside until they showed up and then pulled off. LOTS of people were on scene I’m sure they had enough word to know generally what happened...


Forum Veteran
So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
3 people, 15 yrs old . Torn to pieces in a car crash. I had spoken to them 20 mins prior to the crash. Could not recognize the car at first as I rolled up on it .
They were friends. We were out partying and being young had a 2am curfew. So we traditionally all meet at the local pizza place. Eat pizza, smoke a few joints to " sober up" before going home.
My friends left the party about 10 mins before I did. I was supposed to go with them. But my other buddy bought a motorcycle and asked me to ride with him. So I did. A cop car passed us all lit up sirens etc.
Road was blocked. A bit of a narrow 2 way main road. We parked the motorcycle & walked over to the " scene" . Not knowing yet it was my friends. As I gazed at the car from about 15 feet I thought " Wow, this is a bad wreck". I then looked intently and saw a guy in the back seat, facing forward. So I walked over and put my face inside the window .
" WHOA" !!!!!! .
It then I realized who it was and connected the dots.
5 people. 3 dead. Inner body parts that expelled from G Forces. Heart, liver, one eye, and a spleen. All were laying about on the roadway as if perfectly removed by a doctor. Estimated speed was 110MPH. when impact occurred.
Old school car. A 1967 Dodge 4 door Polaris.
The G Forces caused the frame from mid car, to bend upwards, causing the fuel tank , located under the trunk, to face the sky .
The 2 survivors had little injuries. Both were ejected. Seat belts were not a thing back then .
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So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
Seen my fiancee die in a car accident.


The goriest thing I've witnessed in my life was when I stabbed at age 14, and got to see my own intestines sticking out. My first few tastes of IRL gore was seeing a kid chomp on pavement after falling face first off the monkey bars. Another event was on the bus, when me and a bunch of kids all saw the aftermath of a deadly car crash, with a bright red stream of blood on the road and a disfigured man on a stretcher.
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Friendly Neighborhood Gore Fiend
When I was about 12? I was walking through a field with a friend (which was, at the time, becoming a housing development) and we smelled something awful. We noticed a lone blue barrell in the middle of said field and vultures swarming up high around it. Being curious we went to check it out and the smell just got worse and worse. We looked inside and it was two dismembered calves cut to pieces and covered in maggots. We knew they were baby cows cause the heads were placed on top of their parts. It was really awful thinking back on it but we were young and afraid to get involved. I wonder to this day why someone would do that. Just leave cut up baby cows in the middle of a field thats obviously becoming a development. Maybe cause they were trying to stop it? Idk. Poor babies though. They werent newborn so they had to have lived somewhere before they were brutally destroyed like that.


So, there is a lot of gore and the like on here...and we have all seen a lot, for whatever reason we are here. But what is the most goreish thing you have actually seen through your own two mince pies? I shall start you off with Civvy Street, I was walking home, from a night out in Manchester, through Moss Side/Hulme and saw a flash of light, a loud bang and a hooded figure run off...I continued on my way and there was this young black dude on the grass verge with half his head missing and brains splattered on the grass. As is customary, I crossed the road and continued on my way, absolutely nothing to do with me...I ain't getting involved (I was only 17 at the time too). His death didn't even make it into the Manchester Evening News....what a pointless existence. And the most goreish thing I've seen on tour is hard to say because you do become immune to things, you just deal with situations. I've seen young children shot to fuck, a severely retarded man in Iraq being harrassed by locals before finally being beaten black and blue, then lynched him and cut off his cock. It was a "local dispute" and we weren't allowed to get involved in them, so we had to stand at a distance and watch (well, we didn't HAVE to watch...but we watched. There is video footage somewhere or other of it. I wasn't the one filming it by the way) He was accused of raping a baby and impregnating her with foreign spirits....he hadn't obviously, he was just from a different village, where his parents had died and he wandered aimlessly (the guy could barely walk, talk or do anything for himself). Now these are sad and hard to see, but you get over them. Thankfully I never saw another member of my troop injured or that would have been the worst. And so, the prize of the worst thing I have seen (and had to do) is........It was for me to enter a building that had been bombed to fuck and collect any human remains I could, so they could try and identify if the right fuckers had been killed or not. There were a couple of fairly intact bodies (ones that were identifiable as having once been human, at least) that the other guys attended to...and then there was the one in the kitchen. It was a fucking mess...pretty much all that was left was an eye and a load of brain matter...there was other goo with it. We had body bags for the other two, but nothing for this. On the floor in the kitchen was a warped and slightly melted plastic measuring jug, so I just scooped up this person. It smelt so bad I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from retching. So this person ended their life in a measuring jug just up to the 250ml mark...with just a bloody eye bobbing on top of the gooey liquid. I then had to hold the fucking thing in my lap, all the way back to base, as no other fucker would take responsibility for it. It was from that I got the nickname "Eye-eye". Although, now I look back, it WAS very goreish but also quite comical.

So there you go....come on, who has seen what?
I responded to a car pedestrian accident a couple weeks ago. It became very clear it was a fatality, and my first one id help investigate. I was tasked to circle all the debris with paint so we can start to recreate the accident. I circled several large piece of skull and as i worked my way down the road , the brain of this guy was smeared and dragged down the highway, with a large piece of brain next to the body. I didnt bother lifting the sheet covering the body, but i could see what was barely left of his head sticking out underneath the sheet. It truthfully didnt feel real and i thought it was very interesting. I was suprised it didnt affect me at all.