War Pics Hiroshima (1 Viewer)

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Forum Veteran
I guess the bomb was necessary, but it still troubles me that the USA killed so many innocent people. They could not help what their government did anymore than we can help what our sorry piece of shit reps do.


Forum Veteran
Glad our army did surrender just in time, so we didn't get these presents on the head. ;)
Japanese were bigger cunt's than Germans, knew a guy who fought at Tobruk & in Papua New Guinea, he said he'd have a beer with a German any day, hated the Japs with a passion, even talking about them got a hatred in his eyes.


Fresh Meat
Swings and roundabouts, less innocents probably died with the two atom bombs than would have done if there had been an invasion to stop the war with troops on the ground.
Look at how many civilians threw themselves off cliffs etc on the islands the usa did invade,although this was caused by government propaganda saying the Americans would have treated them in a way that death was better. I suppose they did kind of back this up with the lack of respect destroying two cities.

Hopefully itl never happen again, modern day nuclear weapons would be 10 fold bigger and devastating.


Japanese were bigger cunt's than Germans, knew a guy who fought at Tobruk & in Papua New Guinea, he said he'd have a beer with a German any day, hated the Japs with a passion, even talking about them got a hatred in his eyes.
Most Germans were soldiers just doing their job, most japs were believing that they were having a honourable death (through centuries of culture)

Couple of interesting facts (well maybe to some)
Enola gay was the pilots mums name
Little boy was the bombs name
Enola gay was the reconnaissance plane for the second bomb
Nagasaki was not the original drop zone for the second bomb, but due to cloud cover was chosen instead
And the song enola gay by OMD was not a peace song apparently, it was because the song writer had a fascination with WW2 bombers


Japanese were bigger cunt's than Germans, knew a guy who fought at Tobruk & in Papua New Guinea, he said he'd have a beer with a German any day, hated the Japs with a passion, even talking about them got a hatred in his eyes.
Wasn't there a Jap soldier hidden on an island 'on duty' until '70 or so? :lol:


Forum Veteran
Maybe if the chinks didn't bomb Pearl Harbor America wouldn't have had to resort to this 4 years later? No sympathy from me, just a shame more weren't wiped out.