Police [POLICE] Interracial couples be like: (1 Viewer)

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Ward Cleaver

Resident Expert
1) Another Violent Negro...DEAD. Good Riddance!

2) The More The Better.

3) And The Chubby Mud-Shark Stands Outside The Car Whining..."What The Fuck?"

Right into the ‘ol noggin at :22 seconds.

Indeed Little John.

And From What I've Seen In Videos Of Violent Negroes Being Shot...A Bullet In The Head Tends To Make A Violent Negro Very Docile And Submissive.

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Forum Veteran
That isn't a chick...

But separately, living outside of the USA I see news coverage all the time of how quick the American cops are to shoot, anything that can remotely spun as racist will be replayed over and over and over. They never ever air how often the Police are confronted with weapons and shot at or hit. Just a bunch of trigger happy cops shooting black guys.

Politicization on domestic US happenings is outwardly projected to the rest of the world too, not just US citizens.
Shooting black guys like this black guy who pulled a gun first and shot at the cops first? If thats trigger happy then make me happy! As soon as this dumb ass reached for the weapon the fact that he was black become irrelevant .


We are Kings
Once again, the Basketball American and the cops are equally retarded.... like holy fuck, neither of those cops covered each other, they just took single gunfights the nog easily couldve won if he wasnt a dog shit shot and didnt have whats essentially a purse gun. And the nog, good god dont get me started on the nog.
That cop who shot O'ranjello in the head was lucky he wasn't shot by the cop on the other side

Foreskin Goblin

Meth connoisseur
That cop who shot O'ranjello in the head was lucky he wasn't shot by the cop on the other side
For real man

I don't understand why the fuck people pull their gun at a cop knowing there's an almost 100% chance of being killed if they do so since they're outnumbered

Unless it's a suicide by cop
Tbh tho if they have literally any skill with firearms its an easily winnable fight, all cops have are bodies, they are by no means professionals when it comes to firearm skill (yes im aware some departments used to require immense skill) but this simply isnt the case anymore, theyre lucky to get anyone so theyll take anyone, and 3 months later theyre cops on the beat, they probably barely passed qualifications or didnt but got hired anyways due to demand. If youre facing swat then yes you're going to fucking die, but regular uniforms? No lmfao, theyre just as likely to lose to you as you are to them. I mean take the dallas shooter for example, he wiped the floor with those cops, they literally had to bomb him to win. They just want you to think its an unwinnable fight

For real man

Tbh tho if they have literally any skill with firearms its an easily winnable fight, all cops have are bodies, they are by no means professionals when it comes to firearm skill (yes im aware some departments used to require immense skill) but this simply isnt the case anymore, theyre lucky to get anyone so theyll take anyone, and 3 months later theyre cops on the beat, they probably barely passed qualifications or didnt but got hired anyways due to demand. If youre facing swat then yes you're going to fucking die, but regular uniforms? No lmfao, theyre just as likely to lose to you as you are to them. I mean take the dallas shooter for example, he wiped the floor with those cops, they literally had to bomb him to win. They just want you to think its an unwinnable fight
In fact, most criminals lose merely because they wait too long to draw, even with the nigger side aiming these gangbangers do theyd win the shootout if only they pulled their guns before the cops
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Fresh Meat
I don't understand why the fuck people pull their gun at a cop knowing there's an almost 100% chance of being killed if they do so since they're outnumbered

Unless it's a suicide by cop
even if he pulled the gun, he could have drove away, but the low IQ stupid fuck followed them and he got got


We all go a little mad sometimes!
You do what you do, you get what you get!!! Instead of going to jail he would have rather died?!?! Doesnt make sense to me smh, and the bitches cluelessness of the situation she was just in baffles the hell outta me..."omg....omg...what...what?" Like bitch your dumb nigger boyfriend just shot at cops what the fuck did you expect?