animals Poor Guy Has Rabies (1 Viewer)

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certified silly fella
seems like the beginning stage of rabies rather than the secondary 'violent' stage or the final 'dumb' stage. little guy doesn't know what's going on


Everyone is going to die someday just give it time
Very sad. Will they bring it to vet or not? They seem dont care.. i wonder where they live and what is their body color... No suprise.. poor kid will die
No cure when it's this far along.. I dont think there is one for animals? I know as a human, if you're bitten by a rabid animal you need to get to the hospital asap and they can keep it from becoming full blown rabies. Chances are if they go outside itll try to bite them so really there's nothing but a bullet to help. Its a sad and aggressive disease for real.


gots book-learnins
Very sad. Will they bring it to vet or not? They seem dont care.. i wonder where they live and what is their body color... No suprise.. poor kid will die
The vet cannot help that animal. They are going to need to wash everything in the area with bleach, or they can contract rabies, even after the animal is dead.

I've looked worse pissed up and rushing off my tits.
It looks like you have rabies induced aphasia
No cure when it's this far along.. I dont think there is one for animals? I know as a human, if you're bitten by a rabid animal you need to get to the hospital asap and they can keep it from becoming full blown rabies. Chances are if they go outside itll try to bite them so really there's nothing but a bullet to help. Its a sad and aggressive disease for real.
Rabies is almost always fatal. Only 7 people have recovered once showing any symptoms. Vaccination before is only tried and true method. You are 100% correct shoot the poor bugger and end his suffering.


certified silly fella
Rabies is almost always fatal. Only 7 people have recovered once showing any symptoms. Vaccination before is only tried and true method.
Yep. There is the 'Miluwakee protocol', however the survival rate is incredibly low. Out of 36 patients, only 5 survived. It involves inducing the patient into a coma for the chance to produce antibodies to fight off the virus. This also depends on the bite location's measurment to the brain, example: a bite on the foot vs a bite on the arm. Oh and because you're induced into a coma, you have a high possibility of getting brain damage and will have to relearn how to walk and talk ✨


Wow, never thought I would see an animal I would shoot without opening the door first.

Small caliber, .22 or 9mm, to limit the splatter. Saturate the ground with bleach. Quarantine the area for 6-7 years.


If this is reality then hell would be a vacation.
I had a rabid raccoon try to attack me several years ago.I use to clean my aunt's business at night,so I'm the only person there at 2 am and this raccoon was sitting next door to her place when I pulled in,he runs at me but I get inside and lock the door and the little fucker just stands on the other side of that glass door for an hour ,drooling growling and clawing at the door.I had to distract him so I could run to my car and go home.Honestly kinda terrifying.


Fresh Meat
Why do I find myself feeling more sorry for this Coon than I do the average gun downed Sheboon on here? I literally value the Racoon more than the Sheboon