Travis Alexander Case - DISCUSS IT HERE! (6 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
Apparently its never going to fucking end. Now the jury can't reach a unanimous decision on whether or not to put her to death. If they can't work it out, a new jury will be chosen. Where the fuck they're going to find 12 more people who haven't heard about this shit, I don't know. The new jury must accept the M1 guilty verdict and the aggravated cruelty verdict. If those 12 can't come to a unanimous decision about death vs life, then death is off the table altogether.

In other words, if this jury can't make a unanimous decision... this fucking SHIT will go on for several more weeks, months, years... what ever. Just give her LWOP and get it over with so we can stop looking at her fucking face.


Apparently its never going to fucking end. Now the jury can't reach a unanimous decision on whether or not to put her to death. If they can't work it out, a new jury will be chosen. Where the fuck they're going to find 12 more people who haven't heard about this shit, I don't know. The new jury must accept the M1 guilty verdict and the aggravated cruelty verdict. If those 12 can't come to a unanimous decision about death vs life, then death is off the table altogether.

In other words, if this jury can't make a unanimous decision... this fucking SHIT will go on for several more weeks, months, years... what ever. Just give her LWOP and get it over with so we can stop looking at her fucking face.
It's unbelievable, huh?
They should simply put 12 squirrels in a room, together with two buckets full of nuts. One bucket for 'death' and the other one for 'life'. In the end, in one of them are more nuts than in the other one. The decision should be made on the amount of the remaining nuts inside of the buckets. The most preferred bucket will make the decision.
Natural selection.


Well-Known Member
She didn't want anyone to see her shackles or stripes. Too damn bad!



Well-Known Member
It's unbelievable, huh?
They should simply put 12 squirrels in a room, together with two buckets full of nuts. One bucket for 'death' and the other one for 'life'. In the end, in one of them are more nuts than in the other one. The decision should be made on the amount of the remaining nuts inside of the buckets. The most preferred bucket will make the decision.
Natural selection.

Bowhaze for president! :)


Well-Known Member

The focus of the Jodi Arias murder trial now turns to the jury as it decides whether to impose a life or death sentence. The process has several more steps:

SENTENCE: Jurors have two choices: life in prison or execution. They are allowed to weigh multiple factors in coming to a decision, including Arias' upbringing, her lack of a prior criminal record, her artistic skills and her age.

LIFE: If the sentence is life, Judge Sherry Stephens has two options in imposing the term. She can send Arias to prison for the remainder of her life with no chance of release — or make her eligible for release after 25 years. It's not known if the judge will make the decision immediately or set a later date for the formal sentencing.

DEATH: If the sentence is death, Arias' case will automatically be appealed under Arizona law. It's a process that takes years to play out, and Arias says she would continue to appeal such a sentence until she has exhausted all of her options. Only then could she be executed.

JUDGE: The jury's decision is final. Judges in some states have the authority to override a jury's sentence decision, but Stephens made it clear to the jury Tuesday: "You will determine whether the defendant will be sentenced to life in prison or death. Your decision is not a recommendation."

HUNG JURY: Under Arizona law, if a jury in the death penalty phase of a trial cannot reach a unanimous decision, a new jury must be seated to decide the punishment. If the second panel deadlocks, the judge will then sentence Arias to spend her entire life in prison or be eligible for release after 25 years. The judge cannot sentence Arias to death.


Well-Known Member
A blog I read... funny shit!

Storytime With The Demon

Local demon Jodi Arias hosted an epicac-tastic storyhour this afternoon at the Maricopa County courthouse. As a precautionary measure, barf buckets were placed beneath every seat in the gallery. And they came in handy. After abandoning last week’s “Help me, hence ho, I wish to live no more” act that landed her in the psych ward, the modern day Einstein has pulled an abrupt 180, and is now listlessly pleading for her life. On camera!
Tumbleweeds blew through the courtroom as the solo witness to her own awesomeness approached the storytellin’ podium. Wearing her best “I’m sowwy” smirk, Stabby referred to Satan’s memo pad as she read off a litany of reasons she believes her pathetic life should be spared. And she could really do a lot of good things in prison. Especially with her hair. The hellspawn is willing to part with her immaculate tresses to provide wigs for cancer patients who long for the luscious locks of a murderer to grace their heads as they fight deadly diseases.
Stabby Einstein is also determined to help her fellow inmates learn to speak Spanish; a language she herself barely knows. And since only 90% of the Arizona prison population currently speaks fluent Spanish, they are obviously in dire need of her services.
Demons also believe in recycling! She is commited to instituting a program at the prison that will single handedly save the planet. She might want to start by reducing, reusing, or just plain eliminating those plastic water bottles that she carries around like accessories.
Satan’s martyr also plans to promote literacy, and contemporaneously stimulate higher learning by forming a book club wherein undereducated inmates can “conversate” like real academics. First masterpiece on the list: Professor Arias’ highly anticipated manifesto.
And of course she siezed the opportunity to give a riveting slideshow of her miraculously traced artwork! Was there ever any doubt the artiste would reveal her gallery of wonders as a mitigating factor?!
But Stabby clarified that her sudden wellspring of goodwill and philanthropy is not just motivated by her own desire to live; she simply doesn’t want her beloved family to see her put to death. You know, the same family she claims abused her, and offered her no support in life, and basically made her into the monster she is. The family that isn’t pleading for her life themselves. So she’s really just thinking of them in all this. Selfless, this one.
The jury is currently deliberating the demon’s sentence.


We are Kings
Apparently its never going to fucking end. Now the jury can't reach a unanimous decision on whether or not to put her to death. If they can't work it out, a new jury will be chosen. Where the fuck they're going to find 12 more people who haven't heard about this shit, I don't know. The new jury must accept the M1 guilty verdict and the aggravated cruelty verdict. If those 12 can't come to a unanimous decision about death vs life, then death is off the table altogether.

In other words, if this jury can't make a unanimous decision... this fucking SHIT will go on for several more weeks, months, years... what ever. Just give her LWOP and get it over with so we can stop looking at her fucking face.

Life in prison is a nice ending, death penalty is cool but by the time they get around to killing her there will be more interesting things on TV. That reminds me, someone here needs to get a return letter out of charles manson before he dies.


Well-Known Member
Life in prison is a nice ending, death penalty is cool but by the time they get around to killing her there will be more interesting things on TV. That reminds me, someone here needs to get a return letter out of charles manson before he dies.

Agreed about the DP. Once she gets whatever sentence they mete out, she will just be another inmate. No more media hype, no more demanding makeup for interviews. Just another murderer sitting in a cell wondering where her ridiculous defense went wrong and why nobody's paying attention to her anymore. That seems fitting.


Forum Veteran
her baby pic's isn't what did the jury in, but rather wilmont's words "what was the thing that changed the trajectory of this young woman's life...of course alluding to her parents not being more involved, perhaps seeking mental help for jodi in earlier years. the's jury didnt even release the customary statement, rather they ran and holed themselves up some where's til the furor died down

and they don't have to take her life.....what life??!...she's already thrown anything beautiful to be had or enjoyed in life in the garbage now already. she is gonna HATEEEE the new order of things when she settles into real prison and solitary
Nobody cares, you fuckin weirdo. you're creepin me out.


Well-Known Member
Statement by Sheriff Joe Arpaio:

"Because the jury in the Jodi Arias murder trial was hung, Arias will remain as a closed custody inmate in the Maricopa County Sheriff's Estrella Jail. Arias has been in Sheriff Arpaio's care and custody for five years and will stay with MCSO until the judicial system renders a final conclusion as to her fate. As a closed custody inmate, Arias remains in her 7x11 cell for 23 hours a day and Arpaio will no longer permit Arias to give media interviews."