US marines ambushed Talibans (2 Viewers)

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silent ghost
were talking about the marines and Taliban here. to the govt,its just a piece of paper anyway. the do as they please anyhow. it means nothing to them


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were talking about the marines and Taliban here. to the govt,its just a piece of paper anyway. the do as they please anyhow. it means nothing to them

Thats them . When its time I will die for that piece of paper if the flouridated obese population get off their entitled asses to do something in this country . Otherwise We deserve EXACTLY WHAT IS COMING TO US.


silent ghost
Thats them . When its time I will die for that piece of paper if the flouridated obese population get off their entitled asses to do something in this country . Otherwise We deserve EXACTLY WHAT IS COMING TO US.
im not debating that. I gave 13yrs of my life to this country. im just tired of all the bullshit. I hate our govt. its because of them,were the most hated country on the planet. I would die for this country and its citizens,but make no mistake. I wont die for our govt,but because of our govt.


Why because the 3rd amendment was just violated when the police arrested homeowners for not allowing them to move into their house to spy on their wife beating neighbor. BECAUSE i DONT WANNA BE STOPPED BY TSA DRIVING DOWN THE HIGHWAY . Because as per DHS training manual protesting under the first amendment is now considered a " low level terrorist act " That could allow you to fall under the NDAA indefinite detention provision wher you can go away FOREVER or be killed with no due process for simply BEING ACCUSED WITH NO BURDEN OF PROOF REQUIRED and if you fall under the NDAA you can then fall under the enemy ex patriation act where if you again with no burden of proof required fall under the jurisdiction of the NDAA you can be stripped of your american citizenship and be a stateless citizen in gitmo forever if you arnt murdered AS THE LAW SITS RIGHT NOW potentially for protesting.

The constitution is NOT out dated the piece of shit zionist global elitists who are violating it ARE THE OUTDATED TRASH THAT NEED TO BE REMOVED FROM POWER .

I just remind all of you who somehow love to embrace the thought that we - Americans - abide in a pristine-moralled, god-fearing, righteous land; yo u have only to look at footage of those bastard cops torturing STUDENTS involved in a peaceful protest at UC Davis and reassess the "right-mindedness" of our leaders, whether local, State, or National. Although I will ALWAYS honor and support our troops, the policies they carry out are questionable, at best.


Forum Veteran
I just remind all of you who somehow love to embrace the thought that we - Americans - abide in a pristine-moralled, god-fearing, righteous land; yo u have only to look at footage of those bastard cops torturing STUDENTS involved in a peaceful protest at UC Davis and reassess the "right-mindedness" of our leaders, whether local, State, or National. Although I will ALWAYS honor and support our troops, the policies they carry out are questionable, at best.
You're not going to find anyone with that attitude on this forum, bro.
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You're not going to find anyone with that attitude on this forum,
I am in absolute agreement with you, sir, and only hope to, at the very least, point out shortcomings in the reasoning that assumes that our agenda is somehow ordained by god(s). On the other hand, upon viewing the remains of the smegma (Taliban) in this set, I can only tip my hat to the Marines who assisted these guys in achieving glory and virgins and allah or whatever - sans topknots! Very efficient killing machines, them Marines!! God Bless 'em and let's get 'em home!
oops. guess they shouldn't have been fucking with us. now they're in heaven with a 96 year old virgin.

I always say the whole virgin thing is just going to be the virgin guys who blew themselves up in the pursuit of virgins.

:lol: I just looked it up, men are supposed to get 72 virgins with "full-grown", "swelling" or "pear-shaped breasts". Women on the other hand get one man "and they'll be satisfied with him." :lulz:
Who cares what your opinions are of the U.S.A or the MARINES! So they killed some child raping muslim sand ni66ers! When youre in war its kill or be killed and ill be damned if i would let anyone MAN WOMAN OR CHILD kill me for no reason other than im there and go watch you biased news and let them brainwash you into thinking the muslim religon is the religon of peace and ill keep believing what i seen....ALLAN SNACBARR ALLAN SNACBARR
Who cares what your opinions are of the U.S.A or the MARINES! So they killed some child raping muslim sand ni66ers! When youre in war its kill or be killed and ill be damned if i would let anyone MAN WOMAN OR CHILD kill me for no reason other than im there and go watch you biased news and let them brainwash you into thinking the muslim religon is the religon of peace and ill keep believing what i seen....ALLAN SNACBARR ALLAN SNACBARR

The irony of your post is definitely lost on you.........


Forum Veteran
Who cares what your opinions are of the U.S.A or the MARINES! So they killed some child raping muslim sand ni66ers! When youre in war its kill or be killed and ill be damned if i would let anyone MAN WOMAN OR CHILD kill me for no reason other than im there and go watch you biased news and let them brainwash you into thinking the muslim religon is the religon of peace and ill keep believing what i seen....ALLAN SNACBARR ALLAN SNACBARR
Y'know. I normally have a witty retort for these things, but you have given me a headache at 3 AM due to your downright insult to the English language. So I am going to let the great wordsmith and actor ( As well as future president) Samuel L Jackson adequately translate a question that ran through my mind as I read this confused and illiterate post. Take it away Mr. Jackson!
