What's the most disturbing video you've ever come across? (1 Viewer)

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Their was this one video on hoodsite that involved a woman and a puppy. And she tortured him so bad. And I mean like break his legs with her bare hands. Stuck a drill in its butt and turned it on. Did so many things… and when the puppy finally died she masterbated on top of the dead puppy. Oh man it was such an awful video
video name?


The one that sticks with me is the one where a Drug Cartels Goons,had this poor bastard on the floor...They had removed his hands and feet,which were tied off,of course,for length of his horrific torture;(can't hv Him bleeding out),His fkn face had been sliced right the fuck-off(a live version of Skeletor);So as he's lying there on this kitchen floor,they decide to finish him off with a combination of a sickle type blade,and an exacto knife...As they start cutting his head off,with the sickle,he's reaching up to stop the attack,but with no fkn hands,u kinda get it right,and no fkn feet,so he can't get up and run...While cutting into his throat of course u hear that fkn creepy air escaping with the blood gurgling,and his screaming all mixed together...it fucked me up...Especially when goon switches to the exacto knife and starts on the neck,then the victim bites on the fkn blade in a feeble attempt to stop the attack,which in turn only pisses off the goons...the attack went on for like three mins,then just stops b4 they killed that poor fkr...Worst one to date !!! SP
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Yes this was easily the worst for me. OTT even for the Cartels...


The sounds were the most 'disturbing' in a video from Syria, in a rather dark room someone's throat got cut. You couldn't see everything but the camera/micro was very near the head and you could hear the cutting, breathing, gargling extremely well.
Don't know where I did watch it, I guess here.
Yeah man I've seen that one. That was gnarly. Seen that on liveleak back in the day before shit got censored.

For me but, it was this one video of a Chinese lady drowning puppies one by one... this of all things I've seen got to me the most. I legitimately wanted to kill her. Although I will admit, there's a few things I just stay away from watching now I'm a little older and wiser these days. Ticked it off, seen what happens, next... you know. Things like more live beheadings I don't really need to see or rape videos... the gore and suffering doesn't faze me. I've just seen too many people turned to pink mist to care or purely out of respect for women respectively is why I choose to stay away... pedo shit can go get fucked too
You place cats lives ahead of men,women and children? And you call him an asshole?
I find that strange.
I can offer somewhat of an explanation...

Some people, like me, legitimately care for animal life over human life. In my case it's one very specific animal, dogs. It's not that we don't care for human life, in fact, if you are to ask me all life is precious and I have the upmost respect for women and children so I'd hardly describe myself an asshole for falling into this category, (yet I'm here, talking to you sick fucks, go figure)... lol back on track. It just that we have our reasons.

My reasons are pretty simple. I have anxiety disorder and have never been a "people oriented" person really, although I do socialise just fine. Went though school knowing something was wrong but couldn't express it at the time. I was an outcast because I was seen as weak and others took advantage of that. That somewhat degraded my view of people. I then spent many years in my years after school addicted to all this sort of shit you see here, plainly out of curiosity, you know, but it hit a point where I've awoken to the world around me, and it's filled with some pretty crappy stuff that only humans can be held accountable for. Corruption forcing already poor people to surrender the rest of their belongings while the mega rich profit, the many wars that get fought in the names of shitty religions or cooked politicians where it's the general population that suffers and the young that die, the many sick and twisted things us humans to to each other and the world we live on, lies, manipulation... all of it makes me love my dog more than people. Because my dogs never once have hurt me, never judged me, has never lied to me, has never tried to manipulate me, have always been excited to see me, share my pain when I'm not feeling awesome AND know what's up and actively try to calm me down. My dogs have consistently treated me better than any other friend or family member I have, and I'm not talking down of my friends and family either...

He's not strange man, you just might not see the world through his goggles or have walked in his boots, ya know.
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For me it wasn't a particularly gory one. It was a clip from the War in Donbass. Pro Russian separists filmed themselves get into a firefight with Ukrainian soldiers. Once it was over, they approached and came across the dead Ukrainian dudes they'd just demolished in combat. They started looting the bodies and took one of the dead guys' mobile phone. They searched through the contacts and called his mum, and put the conversation on loud speaker. They announced in real time from the battlefield that they'd killed her son in battle, and you could hear her down the phone crying, and asking what they're going to do with the body etc. Just hit me a bit.
It had English subtitles obviously. I've searched for weeks and not been able to find it again.

Other than that it's got to be the Mexican teenage boy and his dad. He was made to watch his dad get beheaded, and then he was himself slowly gutted alive and had his heart ripped out and made to look at it while he was still breathing. Fucked up.
post it if you find it once again I want to see it
For me it wasn't a particularly gory one. It was a clip from the War in Donbass. Pro Russian separists filmed themselves get into a firefight with Ukrainian soldiers. Once it was over, they approached and came across the dead Ukrainian dudes they'd just demolished in combat. They started looting the bodies and took one of the dead guys' mobile phone. They searched through the contacts and called his mum, and put the conversation on loud speaker. They announced in real time from the battlefield that they'd killed her son in battle, and you could hear her down the phone crying, and asking what they're going to do with the body etc. Just hit me a bit.
It had English subtitles obviously. I've searched for weeks and not been able to find it again.

Other than that it's got to be the Mexican teenage boy and his dad. He was made to watch his dad get beheaded, and then he was himself slowly gutted alive and had his heart ripped out and made to look at it while he was still breathing. Fucked up.
this one?
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Muhtemelen benim için, birkaç yıl önce Fas'ta yaşayan iki kadın yürüyüşçünün (Louisa Vesterager Jespersen ve Maren Ueland), cihatçı piçler tarafından kafalarının kesildikleri ve videonun bir kısmında, içlerinden birinin başladığı videodur. kadınların boyunlarından birinde, ölüme birkaç saniye uzakta olduğu için ne kadar korktuğunu duyabilirsiniz. Yıllar boyunca izlediğim tüm videolar, bıçak ensesini keserken çıkardığı çığlık yüzünden tekrar izleyemediğim tek video bu (evet - pislikler birini bile öldüremezdi) düzgün bir şekilde)
Can I get a video link?


Videos I accidently stumbled on the dark net. Or that video that idiot on here posted where he severed a cats head after hitting the cat with him a hammer, and had sex with it, won’t go into that video but it was so bad and pissed me off.


I have seen gore and cant say what is most disturbing.. Any recommend, I hope that I will see something what scares me to death or makes me vomit 🤐🤐🤐
What I have seen here, Luka magnotta made pretty nice video.. I heard something about some other video and it's banned in here also.. Havent seen it but it must be bad

Foreskin Goblin

Meth connoisseur
I pulled out teeth without anesthesia... But the "patient" had vodka so...
I remember this kid at my highschool ripped one of his molers out with pliers and no anethesia of any sort (he was stone cold sober) because $20..... yeah that was interesting to see


Well Known Member
The one that sticks with me is the one where a Drug Cartels Goons,had this poor bastard on the floor...They had removed his hands and feet,which were tied off,of course,for length of his horrific torture;(can't hv Him bleeding out),His fkn face had been sliced right the fuck-off(a live version of Skeletor);So as he's lying there on this kitchen floor,they decide to finish him off with a combination of a sickle type blade,and an exacto knife...As they start cutting his head off,with the sickle,he's reaching up to stop the attack,but with no fkn hands,u kinda get it right,and no fkn feet,so he can't get up and run...While cutting into his throat of course u hear that fkn creepy air escaping with the blood gurgling,and his screaming all mixed together...it fucked me up...Especially when goon switches to the exacto knife and starts on the neck,then the victim bites on the fkn blade in a feeble attempt to stop the attack,which in turn only pisses off the goons...the attack went on for like three mins,then just stops b4 they killed that poor fkr...Worst one to date !!! SP
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I actually can't watch it the way he struggles to stay alive is gutwrenching...


Fresh Meat
The one that sticks with me is the one where a Drug Cartels Goons,had this poor bastard on the floor...They had removed his hands and feet,which were tied off,of course,for length of his horrific torture;(can't hv Him bleeding out),His fkn face had been sliced right the fuck-off(a live version of Skeletor);So as he's lying there on this kitchen floor,they decide to finish him off with a combination of a sickle type blade,and an exacto knife...As they start cutting his head off,with the sickle,he's reaching up to stop the attack,but with no fkn hands,u kinda get it right,and no fkn feet,so he can't get up and run...While cutting into his throat of course u hear that fkn creepy air escaping with the blood gurgling,and his screaming all mixed together...it fucked me up...Especially when goon switches to the exacto knife and starts on the neck,then the victim bites on the fkn blade in a feeble attempt to stop the attack,which in turn only pisses off the goons...the attack went on for like three mins,then just stops b4 they killed that poor fkr...Worst one to date !!! SP
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