War World War III Has Begun (3 Viewers)

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cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Here we go, our government is beyond corrupt. Buckle up everyone and watch your six. Stay clear of large crowds and the cities.

Joe Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside of Russia using US weapons.

This is an act of war from the US on a superpower! This is beyond an impeachable offense. The President of the United States is secretly dragging us into a nuclear war without permission from Congress.



"WWIII", "Civil War".....is nothing but click bait. Do your own research. No one in the US is willing to give up their TVs, SUVs, or Pizza to "stand up for what they believe in".

Russia hasn't been a "Superpower" since the 80s. The Ukraine war has proved Russia is barely a Reginal power. The worst thing Russia will do is use tactical nukes in Ukraine, if things start to go bad for them, and the NATO countries wont do anything other than impose sanctions and scream like bitches from on high. Its a flip of a coin weather or not their ICBMs will even launch due to neglect, but it doesn't matter anyway cause neither side will launch first. One big caveat with Russia is how much their tactics and equipment have improved since the beginning of the war. They would be more of an issue if they had a way bigger population, but even if they absorbed Ukraine's 50ml that would only give them a population of around 210ml. A population which will need decades to replace fighting men.

Even if something does kick off, no one will come and help. 80% of Chinas oil comes by boat and is easily cut off, hence why they have not taken Taiwan. Iran's military, if you want to call it that, is nothing more than undertrained thugs. North Korea likes their status quo and wont do anything without China.


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold

Sorry everyone, I posted the wrong link.

Allegedly that report ^ is not verified.
I'd like to think if our carriers were hit by any kind of missile, it would be reported.
But then again, our government is lacking in the trust department.

Here's the link I meant to post...

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Here we go, our government is beyond corrupt. Buckle up everyone and watch your six. Stay clear of large crowds and the cities.

Joe Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside of Russia using US weapons.

This is an act of war from the US on a superpower! This is beyond an impeachable offense. The President of the United States is secretly dragging us into a nuclear war without permission from Congress.

Remember when everyone said Trump was going to have us in WWIII……we were the safest we ever were….no wars, 3 signed peace deals, our Military was rebuilt, border was secured, economy was booming, we were energy independent, overseas manufacturing companies were coming back to America…..all while fighting the scum democrats 24/7.

What gets me is Biden had top secret paperwork all over in unsecured places, even in his garage where his treasonous coke head son could access…….bit, they didn’t charge him because he was too old and stupid……yet, he is perfectly fine to run the USA and have the Nuke codes…..and they charge Trump for anything and everything……


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Remember when everyone said Trump was going to have us in WWIII……we were the safest we ever were….no wars, 3 signed peace deals, our Military was rebuilt, border was secured, economy was booming, we were energy independent, overseas manufacturing companies were coming back to America…..all while fighting the scum democrats 24/7.

What gets me is Biden had top secret paperwork all over in unsecured places, even in his garage where his treasonous coke head son could access…….bit, they didn’t charge him because he was too old and stupid……yet, he is perfectly fine to run the USA and have the Nuke codes…..and they charge Trump for anything and everything……
Agree with all of that, except the nuke codes part. Pedo Pete doesn't have the codes, nor do any of his handlers carry the football.



Revolt Against the Modern World
A matter of time until there's a nuclear mistake due to uneducated politicians. Maybe he is a Putinist too, according to the Ukro fanbase and a conspiracy theorist for the average idiot. :trump:

For the people who doesn't have attention deficit, heres an excellent interview and analysis by Ted Postol.

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...God's favorite troll...
...The media would be my main focus during ww3...

...They've done everything to provoke conflict for subs, clicks and likes... They've sold out their country, their people and their souls...

...No matter what happens, those phony pieces of shit should not survive to see the outcome...

Venture _Capitalist

situational awareness instructor
Here we go, our government is beyond corrupt. Buckle up everyone and watch your six. Stay clear of large crowds and the cities.

Joe Biden secretly gave Ukraine permission to strike inside of Russia using US weapons.

This is an act of war from the US on a superpower! This is beyond an impeachable offense. The President of the United States is secretly dragging us into a nuclear war without permission from Congress.

report the facts


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
don't worry dev, nothing substantial will come of this...life will simply continue as before, until we die of old age

Are you shitting me? Lol
I do not wanna live in this chaos, under an administration such as the one we have now, for the next what... 20 years? 30 tops. My Mom is 20 years older than me, her health is in the toilet and while her mind is sharp as ever, physically she is failing. I can not see myself 20 years from now, or ten for that matter. And certainly not flourishing as our country stands now.

Therefore, something has to give. The absurdity of the last 4 years is over the top. It makes no sense. We are on the brink of change, these next 6 months are going to be a bumpy ride. I believe Trump has a plan and I believe it's going exactly as it should, despite weight of the world.

So long as everybody holds, holds, holds, while the cabal pushing desperately for war. Distractions will increase in frequency and severity. But every one HOLD!!! LOL

So, there...
The End

report the facts
I know, jumped the gun.
However, the tension is reaching a breaking point over there. Next we'll hear troops called up. China is threatening the US to stay the hell out of their business with Taiwan. Then Israel and that disaster.
Makes me mad that we're last in our governments eyes. It's appalling.


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold

NATO providing the targeting, they are providing the Intel, surveillance and recon. The only thing the Ukrainians are doing is pulling the trigger. Without US and NATO, Ukraine would've folded in a month.

Ukraine is not a member of NATO. Biden and many, many others are showing themselves to be quite corrupt and they're desperate to stay in power to keep their evil vile deeds hidden. Starting a full on war with Russia is something the sitting administration is prepared to do.

6 months til the election... the count down is on. Lawd help us.