Warning:Children 17 year old killed by police after driving off with officer (1 Viewer)


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Have you no imagination or intelligence at all?

What would you do when a criminal is in control of a car at speed with you in the back? And who won't obey a lawful command?

Wait till he reaches 100 mph and kills himself, you and whoever else?

I think maybe you are the moron.

In fact I'm sure of it...


Have you no imagination or intelligence at all?

What would you do when a criminal is in control of a car at speed with you in the back? And who won't obey a lawful command?

Wait till he reaches 100 mph and kills himself, you and whoever else?

I think maybe you are the moron.

In fact I'm sure of it...
No heā€™s 100% right. Guy has his foot on the gas which means the cop could of slammed the vehicle into park if he just reached over. What would he of done if the dead weight of the nigger slammed on the gas and was going even faster? Dumbass cop gives the good ones a bad name. Guy drove into a home where someone could of been killed even at that speed. If you donā€™t see the problem youā€™re no better than these nogs running the streets


Forum Veteran
No heā€™s 100% right. Guy has his foot on the gas which means the cop could of slammed the vehicle into park if he just reached over. What would he of done if the dead weight of the nigger slammed on the gas and was going even faster? Dumbass cop gives the good ones a bad name. Guy drove into a home where someone could of been killed even at that speed. If you donā€™t see the problem youā€™re no better than these nogs running the streets
You've blown my cover. I am a proud and brave street running nog.
But I dunno if shooting him as he was actively driving the car you are in was the best timing. Wait for a traffic light šŸ˜
He has no intent of obeying lawful commands and has now essentially kidnapped an officer. What makes you think he cares about traffic laws and will stop at a light? Itā€™s best he was disabled before he could reach full fleeing speed. Not sure why the cop got into the backseat to begin with-Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more to the story here.
At least it has a happy ending.


Pre-dug holes in the Desert
That cop is a moron an a liability to the department. to dump the mag on the perp while going over 35mph in a residential area was an extremely selfish thing to do as an officer. A pedestrian or even person inside of a home int his case could have been killed by the choice of this officer.
And your Mother loves Black Cock.