bizarre 4th Of July Shooting...Some Vids (3 Viewers)

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🖤 Dead 🖤
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Some pix:

Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
Has to take some restraint to not just shoot the asshole.

I knew him from another gore site
I don't believe is the ONLY gore site.

I always ponder how I would respond to finding myself in a situation like this. Rip off my shirt, turn green and save the day. Or turn the lower half of myself brown and not be particularly heroic. 😂
I think the first thing to do is make sure you're not a victim yourself. If that means running, you run....hiding, you hide. Plenty of time for heroics or pant shitting after the lead has stopped flying.

The band kept playing as the crowds ran past 🤣
Just like the band on the Titanic.

what a douche bag


Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue
Maybe he wouldn't be so angry If he stopped letting his mom do those faggy haircuts on him, NEVER GOT A FACE TATTOO, because it never looks anything but fucking pathetic, and got a real job other than rapper/ influencer/marketer/ engineer (atleast 95% are useless)/ business person/ whatever the fuck else all these assholes are doing at home in their pajamas and get back into society so he could have been useful instead of just whining about how awful the world is