ashley babbitt killed at US Capitol (1 Viewer)

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Are you talking about me? I'm posting about the woman that followed Trumps request and died for it. who's arguing?


Equal Hater

Unbannable by decree!
What I love about all these morons on tape and pictures is that just in case they forgot, Donnie signed a law in June after all these riots shit started that says everyone messing with federal buildings gets a mandatory minimum 10 years in prison LOL and Donnie isn't gonna be there to pardon them. Can't fix stupid.


People were outside the building, not inside. That building wasn't filled with every US Senator and the VP. See where I'm going with this?
People were inside buildings, there’s video of people forcing doors open and the Feds coming out and pushing them away, doesn’t matter who’s inside, is their lives worth more than you or yours?


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I kinda think they were hoping more people got martyred for trumpism.