bizarre bitch i told u don't smoke (1 Viewer)

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Get that dude away from women and children and pets. He has a friendly smile and then <<<<scchhhhlap>>>>> his mental instability kicks in and he PHYSICALLY ASSAULTS women in public so brutally and with such force that the woman falls backwards onto the concrete. She used her hand to shoo him away but in no way did she touch him. She should show this video to the police and he should be arrested as a deterrent to his mental illness. Civilized persons do not act like this in public. Who do you think you are.., Demetrius Jamal “Lil Babyface” Williams?? Mmmmmmpfff!
She threw the match at him 🤷🏼‍♀️


Of course your opinion matters! - just not to me.
She threw the match at him 🤷🏼‍♀️
Correction: She threw the used and fizzled match in his direction bc he blew it out. It’s not like it was lit. And if it’s tit 4 tat, then his blowing in her face would be considered assault. But let’s keep things in perspective, her flinging the match in his direction ( unlit match ) and then smirking as if to say: why did you just blow out my match ? is in no way even close to his powerful sucker punch that made her fall hard. Not close by a mile.. That kind of aggression and fit of rage should not be tolerated towards any man. Much less a woman.