Bosnian War ~ Mass Graves (2 Viewers)

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Let It All Bleed Out
Rosie's thread has a great amount of background info on the Bosnian War so I won't get go and repeat it all.

This thread will cover images from several of the main mass graves, where thousands of Bosniaks who were killed in the war, were found buried, in and around Srebrenica.



3. The mass grave at Potocari.

4. The mass grave at Budak.


Something Ironic...
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another nice thread DH and it seems that those people could probably stay there for what would seem like years digging up the dead. A few of the pic's I can look at and wonder is that A bone or A root I am looking at and others look alien or prehistoric looking. An interestingly sad thread.


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GOOD FOR THEM glad to see the fucking shira mussilums in mass dead...:)
what the fuck would yall do if they tryed that shit here claiming serbia as theres and try to create a islamic state say in kansas that would be ok.... uhhh no we would have done the same thing here ........nothng sad or bad about killing extremeists the women and kids are the only bad thing about that war.........we shouldnt have stopped them only where the women and kids were concerned the men who were fighting got what they deserved...
the u.n should also be held just as liable as that guy on trial they did the same thing left one of there compounds with 450 women and children to be slaughtered because they didnt want to fight the serbs which is just as bad as pulling the trigger themselves...

PTSD Is My Life

The internal medal for the wars I still fight
GOOD FOR THEM glad to see the fucking shira mussilums in mass dead...:)
what the fuck would yall do if they tryed that shit here claiming serbia as theres and try to create a islamic state say in kansas that would be ok.... uhhh no we would have done the same thing here ........nothng sad or bad about killing extremeists the women and kids are the only bad thing about that war.........we shouldnt have stopped them only where the women and kids were concerned the men who were fighting got what they deserved...
the u.n should also be held just as liable as that guy on trial they did the same thing left one of there compounds with 450 women and children to be slaughtered because they didnt want to fight the serbs which is just as bad as pulling the trigger themselves...

Hmmm well read on your history I see.... there was no attempt to make an "islamic state" in Bosnia. Sorry but the Serbs where the aggressors and the Muslim militants and the Mujaheddin did not appear in Bosnia until the later stages of the war after many Muslim massacres had taken place. The majority of these massacres did not and never will hit the headlines because 4 bodies at this house, 12 at this one, 2 here , 3, 36, 18 the single numbers didn't scream massacre but when you have to go along tallying up the dead it starts to add up to huge numbers. Thats when the green nasties arrived and yes they where evil scum but sadly so had been the Serbs. Also do not forget the other side who sit on the sidelines these days whistling innocently hoping everyone will get fixated on the Serb - Bosniac know them? well they too where vicious SOBs towards both Serbs and Bosniacs and then they joined up with the Serbs to fight against the Bosniacs and when they where all gone,,,, they turned back on each other again...I will leave the naming of the 3rd major antagonist down to you and your vast knowledge of what occurred over there....

P.S. It really isn't a trick question its just to get you to have a look on line for info, also you might want to check out Prejador/Prijedor...and no I am not a Muslim, yes I was military and fought out in Iraq and was injured severely enough to end my career whilst out there...
All I ask is keep an open mind, sometimes the side we think is right (just because they appeared to have been fighting the same kind of fight) often isn't the great avenger of evil we think it may be. Neither Bosnia, nor Kosavo had anything to do with the type of bun fight we are in these days in Iraq, Afghanistan etc


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there was no attempt to make an "islamic state" in Bosnia.
i suggest you talk to some real serbs go there its a nice country been there a few times even have a house i can stay at anytime... they will tell you this is how it all started mussilums were trying to control and take over a town and make it a islamic state weather or not its hearsay the world will never know but the serbs stick to that story....and the news looking for it in the news is like looking for the guy who got caught eating a hooker in his hotel room 3 weeks ago in manhatten huh wasent there..........does that mean it didnt happen ......again we will never know only reason i do is my cousin is a cop in the area it happned in he told me about it while talking about this forum ......
and dont forget the un they had a good hand in the slaughter rounding up people to there camps with hopes of protecting them only to have them "the un troops" run when the serbs showed up to fight leaving hundreds to be slaughtered that was the part i was not happy about those were mostly women and children.....450 in 1 camp alone..

Neither Bosnia, nor Kosavo had anything to do with the type of bun fight we are in these days in Iraq, Afghanistan etc
iraq totally different and sorry for the shit ya ended up with over a fucking mussilum..... yes i preaty much aquired a bad taste for mussilums even though i have quite a few friends that are.. they know how i feel about there religon and they can appreciate it since they dont like how there people handle there religon in the middle east either thats why they moved here ....
mussilums here for the most part are a totally different breed then there counterparts in the middle east....
since you were in iraq lmfao i got to put this out there lol ...
since the women there dont give ya any puss they would be killed if they did you should tell em how they like to have sex with americans lmfaooooooooo . what what lol .....ymroflf

by the way i would still support a serb anyday over a mussilum....

PTSD Is My Life

The internal medal for the wars I still fight
I here what your saying and its a common misconception or misunderstanding.
It is a well known saying that in war the winner writes the history. Well in the conflict of the FRY (Former Republic of Yugoslavia) there was no winner and it became those who shout the loudest and spreads their version the furthest.
I too know many people of direct Serbian descent and they are a very nationalistic country which shows in the aggressive manner when the conflict is mentioned.

A little history of the country that was Yugoslavia, after WW2 ended the people of Yugoslavia chose a very charismatic leader, the communist resistance leader Tito to take them into the second half of the 20th century. Tito had a tough job on his hands as the inner factions of the country(s) he now controlled had a long history of fighting and he took control and made it basically illegal to carry out racist or religious intolerance and like almost all dictators controlled his will with an iron fist a large military and his Secret Police.

To help keep the peace and to have conflicts dealt with fairly there where at least 2 sometimes 3 Police forces in town and they where made under President Tito to work together.
There would be a Serbian, Bosniac and sometimes Croat Police force and they worked together, if not they would feel the wrath of Tito's Iron grip on the land.

Each City, Town, Village, Hamlet and area would have a dominant group purely because more of them lived within that area. There was at the time much unrest after the death of Tito and the country was up for grabs. The Bosnian Muslim (Bosniac/Bosniak) where overall heavily outnumbered when you took the total population of the area known as Bosnia into consideration but they own a lot of the farm land as they had traditionally been farmers (these days they where sending the kids over the border to Germany or onto France and the UK to train as Doctors and Lawyers and other high earning jobs.
The tradition with the Muslim family is that you return your funds back to the homestead. Wether that be Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Angola or Bosnia. This had over a period of about 20-25 years caused an imbalance of ready cash and when land came up for sale it was inevitably the Muslim family would have the cash to hand to purchase it. With no Tito to keep things under control the Police forces split and separated and either had the Police Station on different days (as mad as it sounds, if you where a Croat you waited until the Bosnian-Croat police where there on say Tuesday, Muslims Wednesday Serbs Friday and so on. others moved out of the station and operated out of cafe's. Almost all made their money by stopping cars and issuing back pocket fines and the likes.

The incident you refer to could be one of the area's where the land owner balance was about to change from one faction to the other. But these happened all the time from Serb or Bosniac dominance to the other factions and further down the country it was predominately the Serbs and the Craotians fighting over control and kicking the living shite out of each other.

Also be aware the Serbians have for a long time wanted large chunks of the Bosnian landmass and they where looking for any excuse to cross the borders and "defend there poor Bosnian Serbs". Most of the armies by the way where predominantly Bosnian-Serb units and the few Bosniacs where often shown the door with a good kicking and a house burning party that night to help focus his mind on where he should go.

and the news looking for it in the news is like looking for the guy who got caught eating a hooker in his hotel room 3 weeks ago in manhatten huh wasent there..........does that mean it didnt happen ......again we will never know only reason i do is my cousin is a cop in the area it happned in he told me about it while talking about this forum ......

The conflict is fairly well documented online.

and dont forget the un they had a good hand in the slaughter rounding up people to there camps with hopes of protecting them only to have them "the un troops" run when the serbs showed up to fight leaving hundreds to be slaughtered that was the part i was not happy about those were mostly women and children.....450 in 1 camp alone..

The UN did not "herd"or roundup the people into camps in the "hope" of protecting them....
There where certain areas set up as no-war or no fight zones the where agreed to by all the factions in the fighting.

I gather you are referring specifically referring to the massacre or genocide at Srebrenica where a small group of 400 Dutch Military where placed in charge of administering the needs and care of the large group of people under their control. thus the unit that was there was primarily an administrative unit, not an infantry unit. They faced up to the gathering numbers of war desensitized Serbs who had ran out of villages to hit and wanted to wipe out a large number of Bosniacs (remember the thing about those with the largest numbers had the biggest say in an area...) the Serbs gathered their unoccupied troops on the limits of the enclave with the intention to remove 40,000 people from the registrar (and to made hero's back in Serbia ,,, which they still are referred as by the way).
The Dutch commander asked that he be authorised to fire upon the Serbian Sniper hide that they had identified that had been harassing the people in a factory site holding several hundred mainly women and children under thage of 14 and a few elderly men.
As the primary task was to administer food, clothing housing (tents and porta-cabin type buildings known as "corrimecs" and they had no combat troops with very little ammunition they where not given permission to fire on the Serbs..the Serbs found this out and they got men into the area throughout the cover of darkness and there was nothing the UN could at that time do.

As for the Bosnian Muslim they practiced a very laid back and gentle form of religion that had been of little or no problem to the Bosnian-Serb in fact they had lived together and farmed together for generations.

mussilums here for the most part are a totally different breed then there counterparts in the middle east....
since you were in iraq lmfao i got to put this out there lol ...
since the women there dont give ya any puss they would be killed if they did you should tell em how they like to have sex with americans lmfaooooooooo . what what lol .....ymroflf

I have no idea what you mean by the above, but I doubt you will serve in the military when your old enough or if you do you will realise its not about insults like the above as well put it this way at what point wold you be close enough to a combatant to say this to them....

by the way i would still support a serb anyday over a mussilum...

Here's hoping you never have to do it then..... I have learnt never to judge someone by their religion, I worked with both the Muslim and Serb. One was considerably more trustworthy than the other, but as a rule one just wanted to protect his family and what he had and the other wanted his neighbour's property and goods.
How can I rate the trustworthyness? Easy we used to talk about shit in front of them and would mention certain things and wait to see if certain things happened or people moved to certain places or dug up looking for weapons caches that didn't exist or had tracking devices in them...

Please bear in mind I am talking about Bosniacs the Bosnian Muslim, when the Muslim peoples where decimated the Mujaheddin started getting involved and we started seeing war hardened Libyans, Iranians, Jordanians etc(the ones you see with the green headband on meaning they where fighting a Jihad) and thats really where the fear of the Islamic state kicked in as the opposite sides started to realise that if the Bosniac stops being laid back and gets radicalised they would be fucked as yes we could have a good part of the country run by the radicalised Muslim parties....and that would have been bad bloody news for us all

The reason I know so much about this conflict is that I was out there many times (more than I can seriously remember as I was involved with the data gathering for war crimes (on both sides) this was almost exclusively carried out agianst the Muslimaman until we started seeing the large influx of the Mujaheddin fighters and they went to town trying to get payback in before the Dayton agreement was signed, I was also sent out for another 6 month detachment within days of the dayton agreement being signed to watch over the disarming of the military and the routing out of the arms and armourment that had been hidden wholesale when the Serbian backed forces realised they had not won all they wanted and where unofficially looking to restart the conflict again as soon as possible. That was of course before the "impotent" UN/NATO Forces where given the all clear to take out main targets all over the country with guided and smart misiles as well as conventional air armament as well as aggressive action on the ground when threatened with agression. When I was out there I was under a different remit that say the Dutch forces at Dutchbat and I was cleared to shoot to saves lives, and did when necessary. I have also been involved in other official judicial aspects of the war since the ceasefire.
If you listen to one man you hear one side of a story....


I served there twice, once in 92 and once in 97 and from what I saw (I'm no military historian) they were all as bad as each other. I saw people from every walk of life and religion brutally killed. I met a muslim man who was made to kill his grandson and then fry and eat his organs. Likewise I met a serb woman who was gangraped on a football pitch whilst being made to watch soldiers playing football with her childrens heads.
I will never forget meeting old women in a muslim village who had skinned alive the men in the next village who they had lived next to peacefully until this war.
Arkans tigers worked out how to impale people on a wooden stake through their asshole forcing it slowly in missing their vital organs and keeping them alive for ages.
In 1997 myself and another soldier took 4 tonnes of cement powder to a muslim farm in the middle of nowhere near Sipovo to help them rebuild their home that had been destroyed. Because we ordered the men to help instead of the old ladies they expected to work whilst they sat around drinking slivovich, they subjected us both to a mock execution next to the graves of their family. I pissed my pants and we both broke down when we got far enough away in the truck.
On the upside we both were given tickets to go and see U2 play in sarajevo along with a load of other countries peacekeepers! (they promised the people they would be there as soon as it was safe again). It was quite an experience to be at that concert! Although Bono had lost his voice and was a bit shit!

PTSD Is My Life

The internal medal for the wars I still fight
I served there twice, once in 92 and once in 97 and from what I saw (I'm no military historian) they were all as bad as each other. I saw people from every walk of life and religion brutally killed. I met a muslim man who was made to kill his grandson and then fry and eat his organs. Likewise I met a serb woman who was gangraped on a football pitch whilst being made to watch soldiers playing football with her childrens heads.
I will never forget meeting old women in a muslim village who had skinned alive the men in the next village who they had lived next to peacefully until this war.
Arkans tigers worked out how to impale people on a wooden stake through their asshole forcing it slowly in missing their vital organs and keeping them alive for ages.
In 1997 myself and another soldier took 4 tonnes of cement powder to a muslim farm in the middle of nowhere near Sipovo to help them rebuild their home that had been destroyed. Because we ordered the men to help instead of the old ladies they expected to work whilst they sat around drinking slivovich, they subjected us both to a mock execution next to the graves of their family. I pissed my pants and we both broke down when we got far enough away in the truck.
On the upside we both were given tickets to go and see U2 play in sarajevo along with a load of other countries peacekeepers! (they promised the people they would be there as soon as it was safe again). It was quite an experience to be at that concert! Although Bono had lost his voice and was a bit shit!

Yep, you pretty much nailed it on the head right there as when it turned to shit out there... it really turned to shit and he who had the biggest fist used it without fear of prosecution on his neighbour.

Once we where escorting a small group of civilian Police from various nations Brits mainly with a couple of Norwegians and Danes and a frenchman who was as lazy as fuck and expected us to act as his servants after we saw him struggling to erect his bum scaper camp bed so we helped him (we always slept outside the villages or hamlet we where going to conduct the search or weapon count on those legally registered there, much to the disgust of the indiginous police who wanted to go into the town and throw their weight around and take over some poor buggers house and drink the local cafe/ bar dry of pivo and slivo... free of charge of course...I used to wonder why they went through the prentence of training the corrupt ones
When we went into one place we where greeted by the slivo on a tray by an elderly man who was very insistant we tried some and was looking nervously back at his house... the local Police where in like Flynn as was the French and a Brit from Manchester, but there was just something just not right, having been out there on and off for the past few years your gut tells you things and just as the Norwegian was relaxing from our tension he went to get a drink from the auld bugger and with all the little schnapps glasses empty it dawned on me.
Of allthe houses, farms and small villages I had visited they always brought it out in a clear bottle (usually their own brew but was put into bottles to show it wasn't too cloudy and likely to make you blind)! But this was in an old pot jug with flowers painted on the old boy was pouring a glass out for the Norwegian out rolls a bollock, a testicle it hits the edge of the glass and flops onto the tray!! The old boy boy collapses onto his knees and we are toasted by the group of around 20 men sitting drinking outside the bar, who are laughing their fucking tits of at the retching frechman the good old Laughing Policeman from Manchester (he later explain it is a nervous reaction to things that freak him out) but his laughing and the Norwegian helping the old man back to his feet and pouring himself a glass from the jug turning to face them and raising his glass with a sideways "nod" he downs the drink...these to acts coupled with the cocking of a few arms shut them up.
We help the old man back to his house and his terribly upset wife who sticks her hand in the jug and pulls out a hand full (well 4) testies then another 3 we quickly learn to belong to the old man only then did we notice the dark patch on his trousers and she took one of our lads into the back room to see her neighbour checking out her son and grand son that explains 6 but there is one left (as she has gone to each person she has place 2 of the little fellas in their hand and moved on to the next one we point to the one left in her hand and she just shrugs her shoulder as if to say "fucked if I know" and threw it out of the back door closed it and was wiping her hands on her apron whilst asking our interpretor which ones we would be fixing first!!
She was a little gutted when we explained we couldn't do that and went around gathering them back up and opened the back door and just threw them outside!
The person who had done the actual removal was identified as was the ringleader (a man whose family shared a tractor with hers for the last 20+ years or so) and when approached they laughed and joked shouting about what can we do about it?
Well it was post Dayton Agreement and we had a whole gaggle of Policemen itching to get their first "live one" so off they went to face the new judicial system and the mystery of the extra testicle never was answered, but the old man and woman had something like 9,10 maybe more kids so it could have been his! We also never found out if the testies grew into a beanstalk or if she had dpgs or a pig out there!!
As for U2 we where visiting Banja Luka at the Metal Factory and there was a band playing there but I cannot remember who they where (they where quite good if memory serves me well sometime in 1997) .
I do remember they had a NAAFI Bar in a Rubb (semi-circular rubberized tent) and all they had on sale was Lemon of the original "alcho-pops" so for the lack of anything else we got pissed on that and some Pivo beer the lads stationed there had purchased whilst on patrol in the town. Got their priorities right them boys!