Coronavirus (1 Viewer)

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Splendid Fellow
Dude, that’s a fucking pensioner in Scotland 😂🤣😂, I think their asking people to be reasonable,

Here you go

There’s a lot of people grouping together in the community to deliver supplies (mainly donated) and take old people to docs/hospital appointments too, and some of them just offer time to sit and natter to the old dears

heh heh..I might do alright out of this virus.


Gone crazy back soon

Farts in elevators
We are working until they shut us down. I do driveshafts which is a critical component of the transportation industry, without it trucks dont move and supplies dont get delivered. The neighborhood or shop is in is a ghost town, only the frozen seafood and liquor warehouse are still operating. Guess nothing goes together like crabs and booze...


Pure Scorpio 🥼🗽🩻🎪✡️💉🐾
I learned to scrub for surgery in late 1980s. Eye covers and clear plastic masks (over face masks) were needed for dirty cases or joint implant cases. With Universal precautions, we weathered the AIDS epidemic, and the only non-risk factor people I saw get hiv were from occupational hazard needle Sticks.
be smart and we should all be ok despite the newest human culling mechanism.

Grand Mal Caesar

Nothing's closed here and it was just announced nothing will be closing, not even schools. Just travellers are banned. Deal with it fuckers. PM's disgusted at fucktard Australians hording supplies, they're prepper idiots. I agree.

Prepper idiots probably have a shit ton of toilet paper stockpiled already. It's the regular idiots who are panic shopping.


95T exp
Nothing's closed here and it was just announced nothing will be closing, not even schools. Just travellers are banned. Deal with it fuckers. PM's disgusted at fucktard Australians hording supplies, they're prepper idiots. I agree.
You have Borkos avy, Uncle Philly...