Coronavirus (7 Viewers)

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We are Kings
like ive said to someone last week,that trump was warned of this in NOVEMBER in an early morning breifing. even was HANDED the report. one of MANY he ignores and doesnt read. now hes trying to back pedal. but 100,000 deat is an acceptable #.
"but obama and hillary with bengazi" pppfffttttt....

The Chinese lapdog the WHO told all countries this wasnt an issue then.

According to a report quoted by SCMP on 13 March 2020, a 55-year-old man, a confirmed case of the novel coronavirus, may have contracted the disease on 17 November 2019, but the case was not recognized at the time.

No scientific paper has yet been published about such pre-December cases

The same SCMP article also stated that "From that date [November 17, 2019] onwards [to December 15, 2019], one to five new cases were reported each day."

where do you get your facts from mrln? your cereal box or fortune cookies?


silent ghost
The Chinese lapdog the WHO told all countries this wasnt an issue then.

According to a report quoted by SCMP on 13 March 2020, a 55-year-old man, a confirmed case of the novel coronavirus, may have contracted the disease on 17 November 2019, but the case was not recognized at the time.

No scientific paper has yet been published about such pre-December cases

The same SCMP article also stated that "From that date [November 17, 2019] onwards [to December 15, 2019], one to five new cases were reported each day."

where do you get your facts from mrln? your cereal box or fortune cookies?


We are Kings
that's all well and good but we were called xenophobic until late January by the media and the WHO for closing borders. Now it wasn't fast enough? that's relevant, shit two years ago isnt. Even Biden and Bernie said it was wrong to block borders. Those two dickheads still can't admit it.


silent ghost
all well and good,but the warnings were there. people were in place. shelves were "stocked". even trump himself said he doesnt take responsibility for anything. even before this china virus. he places blame on everyone for his short comings. hes even sayin obama didnt leave him anything for occasions like this. well if thats the case,where did trump get all those medical supplies (masks, gloves - over 1 million worth, and whatever else) from that he had shipped to china in february,then? if obama had left him with nothing. know what i mean dude?


We are Kings
all well and good,but the warnings were there. people were in place. shelves were "stocked". even trump himself said he doesnt take responsibility for anything. even before this china virus. he places blame on everyone for his short comings. hes even sayin obama didnt leave him anything for occasions like this. well if thats the case,where did trump get all those medical supplies (masks, gloves - over 1 million worth, and whatever else) from that he had shipped to china in february,then? if obama had left him with nothing. know what i mean dude?
this is actually one of the reasons I got rid of the forum, God damn you Americans plebs are idiots.


Fucking asshole pot smoker
Who knew? US intelligence was warning the White House SINCE FUCKING NOVEMBER you god damn simpletons. It made it to the President Daily Briefing, that Trump famously doesn't read, in early January. Trumps staff decided not to bother the President with things he wouldn't (or couldnt) understand.



Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue
It doesn't really matter who knew what when, ANYMORE. It doesn't change anything. No one could have predicted it was going to be this bad. All we can do now is move forward, pick up the pieces and learn from it. This isn't the first pandemic and it won't be the last


We are Kings
I just got my get out of jail free card, fucking cops every morning



Lurking Lurker
Never thought I would see current Death Tolls every day and night for weeks straight.

I always heard about the nightly news Vietnam War deaths during the 70s. Body counts and footage of dead young men every night.
they stopped showing the death because it disturbed and upset the populace (big surprise)

How long until some US places have bodies in the streets?
And would they even show us?


This user was banned
Haven't heard shit about kiwi land in our news... Never realised you had so many cases. Is your news talking about OZ much?
Most of them have been clusters linked to overseas travel, yeah we are comparing Aus to what's going on here, I think what's being said is you guys didn't act fast enough, didn't only some of your states go into lockdown early enough?


Don't take what I say seriously...
Most of them have been clusters linked to overseas travel, yeah we are comparing Aus to what's going on here, I think what's being said is you guys didn't act fast enough, didn't only some of your states go into lockdown early enough?
None of em did.. we should have turned that plane load of gooks around back in January and shut our borders then. If so, we would have no cases...