Kill Team Photos Showcasing War Crimes of US Soldiers in Afghanistan (1 Viewer)

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The Relentless Cynic
Short Bussed
Other countries do the same. And only because they were our forces are people in an uproar. If we want to talk about atrocities. Lets talk about our elected officials first..


Isn't the 2nd Battalion Black Watch at UK regiment from Scotland? I'm not trying to start any shit here, I'm merely curious. Some of my family are Clan Campbell (of Argyll) so I find these things very interesting. I know the Black Watch had a presence in Afghanistan and Iraq. Again, just curious.


Let It All Bleed Out
Isn't the 2nd Battalion Black Watch at UK regiment from Scotland? I'm not trying to start any shit here, I'm merely curious. Some of my family are Clan Campbell (of Argyll) so I find these things very interesting. I know the Black Watch had a presence in Afghanistan and Iraq. Again, just curious.
Yes, the Black Watch originated in the Scottish highlands. They served to kill or capture rogue highlanders that the English wanted dealt with. They operated mostly at night and thus wore a dark tartan, which led to them being called the Black Watch and eventually their becoming an entity within the English Army.

My folks are MacDonalds of Clan Donald, in the Ross-Shire area and were not part of the Black Watch.

I have an authentic Black Watch kilt that is about 140 years old but I rarely wear it, and certainly not when I went to Scotland (visiting Glencoe and then into the highlands north of Inverness).

Elements of the regimented Black Watch have participated in almost every war/conflict that the English have been involved in during the 20th-21st centuries.


Yes, the Black Watch originated in the Scottish highlands. They served to kill or capture rogue highlanders that the English wanted dealt with. They operated mostly at night and thus wore a dark tartan, which led to them being called the Black Watch and eventually their becoming an entity within the English Army.

My folks are MacDonalds of Clan Donald, in the Ross-Shire area and were not part of the Black Watch.

I have an authentic Black Watch kilt that is about 140 years old but I rarely wear it, and certainly not when I went to Scotland (visiting Glencoe and then into the highlands north of Inverness).

Elements of the regimented Black Watch have participated in almost every war/conflict that the English have been involved in during the 20th-21st centuries.
Thank you! My husband is of Clan Mac Donald ancestry lol. I started becoming very interested in the history of our families as our kids got older and became adults. Out of everything Hurricane Katrina took from us, our kilts were one of the saddest losses. My daughter had her childhood kilt and tam in her upper closet, so it was saved, but everything else was a loss.

I know the regiment still has a place in active combat and in the Royal Horse Guards. It's kind of neat to re-visit these things since I'm only the 3rd generation of my family born in the States. Thanks for the bit of history :5stars:


Let It All Bleed Out
Thank you! My husband is of Clan Mac Donald ancestry lol. I started becoming very interested in the history of our families as our kids got older and became adults. Out of everything Hurricane Katrina took from us, our kilts were one of the saddest losses. My daughter had her childhood kilt and tam in her upper closet, so it was saved, but everything else was a loss.

I know the regiment still has a place in active combat and in the Royal Horse Guards. It's kind of neat to re-visit these things since I'm only the 3rd generation of my family born in the States. Thanks for the bit of history :5stars:
I've been doing genealogy for about 25 years and my Scottish side was an epic journey (my other side is Acadian, another epic journey, lol). Many of my Clan Donald ancestors fought at Culloden and escaped to the Black Isle when the English (along with several Campbell clans) defeated the Scots.

The Black Watch were seen as traitors to their own country men when they were first put together by the English. But over time, their origins have been forgotten.

And sorry to hear about your losses during Katrina. My Black Watch kilt has been handed down to select males over the generations and I was the most recent in line when I started playing the Great Highland bagpipes (I also inherited a set of family pipes that were made in the 1860's). My other kilt is a clan MacClean tartan that one of my pipe teachers gave me.

As for this thread: don't die for your country...make the other poor bastard die for his.


I've been doing genealogy for about 25 years and my Scottish side was an epic journey (my other side is Acadian, another epic journey, lol). Many of my Clan Donald ancestors fought at Culloden and escaped to the Black Isle when the English (along with several Campbell clans) defeated the Scots.

The Black Watch were seen as traitors to their own country men when they were first put together by the English. But over time, their origins have been forgotten.

And sorry to hear about your losses during Katrina. My Black Watch kilt has been handed down to select males over the generations and I was the most recent in line when I started playing the Great Highland bagpipes (I also inherited a set of family pipes that were made in the 1860's). My other kilt is a clan MacClean tartan that one of my pipe teachers gave me.

As for this thread: don't die for your country...make the other poor bastard die for his.
That's really awesome- I think we talked briefly on another thread; my husband is of Cajun ancestry. They (obviously lol) settled along the Gulf Coast, Louisiana and the FL panhandle. That area is a huge melting pot of cultures- his mom's family is French, Irish and Houma Indian and dad's is Scottish.

We fared far better than most in Hurricane Katrina. We had good insurance and were not in our home when it flooded.

Ne Obliviscaris!
Absolutely zero pity for the pieces of shit afghans that fight for the Taliban or isis k and any other little tourist gorilla fighting group that poured into Afghanistan to fuckin kill American soldiers and non combatants. You take up arms against us you are mercilessly put down. All you commenters who have never been to that shit hole country can't ever understand what actually goes on over there. The insane level of depravity the Taliban inflicts on the people. The child rape is so goddamn is constant. The things that is done to any us troop, dead or alive, if these evil sick little ducks get ahold of them is far beyond what you people could even imagine. So fuck the scum that are depicted in these pictures! Along with their useless fuckin families. 5hey deserve everything they fuckin got. These pieces of dog shit should be nuked off the planet. Fuck em all.


Yes, the Black Watch originated in the Scottish highlands. They served to kill or capture rogue highlanders that the English wanted dealt with. They operated mostly at night and thus wore a dark tartan, which led to them being called the Black Watch and eventually their becoming an entity within the English Army.

My folks are MacDonalds of Clan Donald, in the Ross-Shire area and were not part of the Black Watch.

I have an authentic Black Watch kilt that is about 140 years old but I rarely wear it, and certainly not when I went to Scotland (visiting Glencoe and then into the highlands north of Inverness).

Elements of the regimented Black Watch have participated in almost every war/conflict that the English have been involved in during the 20th-21st centuries.
Anyway u could show us history buffs a pic of that 140yr old kilt u got


If this were the other way around and it was Afghans killing innocent civilians, everybody in this forum would be using racial slurs and calling 'em raghead bastards, savages, etc..... But, when Americans commit these type of war crimes, notice how no one here has any type of harsh criticism or name-calling for them.... Strange, is'nt it? I guess it's only bad when non-caucasians commit atrocities.
You win the award for stupidest shit said on any forum that ever existed. The US military has more than white people in it. This is war, this isn't Muhammed chopping some young hitchhikers head off for the lulz, or putting a journalist in a cage and burning them to death. If you're to stupid to understand this, there is no hope for your ignorant ass.


this will trigger even more violence and revenge... dont be a noob come on you know how they work. hit them they WILL hit back

in fact if you read history we NEVER won any fight against moslem. only genghis did

even richard the lionheart didnt achieve anything
I fought in afghan 3 times and we kicked rag heid ass my man, politicians are to blame for the mess no us troops, we went to do a job but that job wasn't what we expected 🙄... Send us back in on full ass kicker mode and there'd be nae Afghanistan left or ragheids for that matter, religion is a farce and another way to control weak minded people
You win the award for stupidest shit said on any forum that ever existed. The US military has more than white people in it. This is war, this isn't Muhammed chopping some young hitchhikers head off for the lulz, or putting a journalist in a cage and burning them to death. If you're to stupid to understand this, there is no hope for your ignorant ass.
I only saw dead combatants 🤔 what crime do you speak ?

Forest Gump

aha an avid war reader
u see the difference? genghis did say to the moslems that he was there because the moslems were sinners and he was sent by ALLAH..whip from allah. the he massacred them and fucking wipe samarkhand from the face of the earth..till now


but they who succeeded didnt do it in the name of religion.. simply.. pure invasion and .. awesomeness LOL
What the fuck is a moslem?
i am a bigfan of genghis khan. he was the only person to ever defeated every notable armies around the europe and asia.. he defeated polish. hungary, MOSLEMS and the invisible RUSSIAN under the queen tamara,Japanese, China, etc etc he was super fucking epic

ofcourse attila walked the field n the grass never grew back LOL sounds like epicness
(thats because was carrying 10.000 cavalry n 1 troop has 2 horses, thats 20.000 horses. they had to fed them with grasses on a big field)

n btw about this thread.. ok sure its war but posing like that would cause more destruction
What the fuck is a Moslem? You people are too busy fucking goats to ponder revenge.
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