Kill Team Photos Showcasing War Crimes of US Soldiers in Afghanistan (2 Viewers)

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The “Kill Team” is a name given to members of the 5th Stryker Brigade, a platoon of U.S. soldiers stationed near Kandahar in Afghanistan. The Kill Team photos posted here were published by the Rolling Stone magazine with an accompanying line which read: “War Crime Images the Pentagon Doesn’t Want You to See!”. Members of the Kill Team are accused of killing at least 4 unarmed Afghani civilians and mutilating several corpses. Their actions are chronicled in photos the Kill Team members took during their killing spree at the beginning of 2010.
Thanks to nosy investigative journalists, the war crimes committed by the Kill Team are now becoming public knowledge, but the Pentagon went to great measures to prevent the photos from reaching the public. A massive effort by the Pentagon was launched to pull the pictures out of circulation as these had the potential to become as large as the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal.
The Rolling Stone Magazine obtained more than 150 images showcasing the war crimes committed by the Kill Team on the people of Afghanistan and interviewed several eye witnesses who proved that most of the US soldiers within the unit hated the Afghanis and wanted them dead – civilians or not. The Kill Team treated the images of their war atrocities as war souvenirs while the units officials did nothing to stop them.
Not all of the Kill Team photos contain gore, but they all have a story attached to them.
One of the victims of the Kill Team was a 15 year old Afghan boy named Gul Mudin. U.S. soldiers from Bravo Company decided that their hatred for Afghans need to be upgraded from words into actions so when an unarmed Afghan boy came to sight on January 15, 2010, they ambushed him, ordered him to stay still and threw a grenade at him. The soldiers then opened fire at the boy from close range. To make the killing justified, Cpl. Jeremy Morlock and Pfc. Andrew Holmes made it look as though they were under attack.
Sgt. Calvin Gibbs used a pair of medical shears to cut off the pinky fingers of their kills to keep as trophies. In the case of killed Gul Mudin, he gave the pinky to Pfc. Andrew Holmes as the boy was the first Afghani he killed. You can see from the photos in which the murderers pose with the boy that the pinky is missing which means they were taken after the trophy was severed.
Sgt. Calvin Gibbs routinely collected weapons found at the strike scenes to use them to frame their victim as enemy combatants with. He used a pistol recovered at the scene of a helicopter strike in 2009 to make the execution of Gul Mudin look like a legitimate kill.



















totally shitposter, with Dunning–Kruger effect
this will trigger even more violence and revenge... dont be a noob come on you know how they work. hit them they WILL hit back

in fact if you read history we NEVER won any fight against moslem. only genghis did

even richard the lionheart didnt achieve anything


Shh... my child no more tears, only dreams now.
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this will trigger even more violence and revenge... dont be a noob come on you know how they work. hit them they WILL hit back

in fact if you read history we NEVER won any fight against moslem. only genghis did

even richard the lionheart didnt achieve anything

Hording + L33t weapon skillz + Genocide = Profit !!!!!umad
tamerlane did a good job too


totally shitposter, with Dunning–Kruger effect
Hording + L33t weapon skillz + Genocide = Profit !!!!!umad
tamerlane did a good job too
aha an avid war reader
u see the difference? genghis did say to the moslems that he was there because the moslems were sinners and he was sent by ALLAH..whip from allah. the he massacred them and fucking wipe samarkhand from the face of the earth..till now


but they who succeeded didnt do it in the name of religion.. simply.. pure invasion and .. awesomeness LOL


Shh... my child no more tears, only dreams now.
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aha an avid war reader
u see the difference? genghis did say to the moslems that he was there because the moslems were sinners and he was sent by ALLAH..whip from allah. the he massacred them and fucking wipe samarkhand from the face of the earth..till now


but they who succeeded didnt do it in the name of religion.. simply.. pure invasion and .. awesomeness LOL

I feel bad for attila though he did not have the chance to do that to that kind of damage to the catholics

Never forget.....


totally shitposter, with Dunning–Kruger effect
i am a bigfan of genghis khan. he was the only person to ever defeated every notable armies around the europe and asia.. he defeated polish. hungary, MOSLEMS and the invisible RUSSIAN under the queen tamara,Japanese, China, etc etc he was super fucking epic

ofcourse attila walked the field n the grass never grew back LOL sounds like epicness
(thats because was carrying 10.000 cavalry n 1 troop has 2 horses, thats 20.000 horses. they had to fed them with grasses on a big field)

n btw about this thread.. ok sure its war but posing like that would cause more destruction


Légion Blanche
this will trigger even more violence and revenge... dont be a noob come on you know how they work. hit them they WILL hit back

in fact if you read history we NEVER won any fight against moslem. only genghis did

even richard the lionheart didnt achieve anything

What about Pershing? He calmed down the Muslims pretty well. You also have to factor nobody is fighting these various factions full force at the moment. It's western countries prolonging battles so the big oil companies can have bigger profits. If the western world WANTED to get rid of them, it wouldn't be hard. There are no profits in a short war. It's the rich mans ideals and manipulations to make the common man fight.


winter sucks
Apemen, the slag of every race. They get a gun and it's a free-for-all shootem up.
Yep KingFate, the super rich manipulate the entire planet, NWO. Not just a few countries, now they own everything. Thanks for the fake war Bush. But he was only doing what he was told.
If this were the other way around and it was Afghans killing innocent civilians, everybody in this forum would be using racial slurs and calling 'em raghead bastards, savages, etc..... But, when Americans commit these type of war crimes, notice how no one here has any type of harsh criticism or name-calling for them.... Strange, is'nt it? I guess it's only bad when non-caucasians commit atrocities.

Torque Button

"boo fucking hoo" "Die in a fire"
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If this were the other way around and it was Afghans killing innocent civilians, everybody in this forum would be using racial slurs and calling 'em raghead bastards, savages, etc..... But, when Americans commit these type of war crimes, notice how no one here has any type of harsh criticism or name-calling for them.... Strange, is'nt it? I guess it's only bad when non-caucasians commit atrocities.

thanks for the update, I didn't realize the US armed forces are "white-only".


Let It All Bleed Out
Only those first 2 images have been proven to be "so-called trophy" pics. And I think the main US soldier/marine (sorry, not sure which he was) and another have been found guilty as charged even though the kid was probably an insurgent that they had to kill to stop him from firing on them. The US had to charge them or the bleeding hearts, and Afghanis, would have gone ape shit. Politics.

The other images are pics of regular war life in Iraq/Afghanistan with a few dismembered bodies that are clearly suicide bombers who no US or Allied soldier wants as a trophy. The 2 pics of the two dead dudes (I think they're Iraqis) sitting back to back with the US Rations cardboard between them...hell, it's war and war gets crazy for any nation.

On the bright side, atleast the US soldiers didn't decapitate the innocent dude alive, castrate him, fill him with a few pounds of lead and then set the guy on fire after cutting his arms off. No probs with a "Kill Squad". It doesn't mean they ran amok killing everyone they saw. Psychological warfare: it goes both ways.

Rolling Stone magazine needs to get back to music and not trying to be some authoritative war magazine. Well maybe not, they suck as a music magazine too.


Well Known Member
If they are fighting a "holy war" against the US and all other Western civilizations.... Then the only way to defeat the enemy is to make them doubt allah, and break their religion. They must have all hope wiped from their hearts. Kinda makes you think that we should have vids streaming 24/7 of beheadings and public tourture with our soldiers yelling;"THIS IS OUR LORD'S WILL"


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dan pearlman

nick burg

after seeing things like these can you blame them the rules should apply to both if one side does not agree fk em why should we.... the crimes they have commited dont even come close to anything weve done piss on em trash em who cares when they follow the rules we should until then its fair game...... besides priv contractors dont have those rules ......

stone baby

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we are suppose to kill under regulations with animals with no regard for humanity or rules of war...i say. follow the rules of war as long as the other guy does...then the gloves come the fuck off

stone baby

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a buddy of mines brother was a marine in vietnam...lots of those guys had momentos...we snuck into a photo album his brother had showed him acting like he was about to eat a freshly severed ear he had cut of a VC who had shot also showed the ear necklace he carried to mark his kills. It's fucking war ..shit the armchair wannabe soldiers at home have no fucking concept of .