Man attacked by lion after climbing zoo wall (1 Viewer)

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A man climbed a zoo wall and got attacked by a lion.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help you sort out.

Glad I could help.

This idiot was a Mormon (moron) missionary, went up there to take a picture of the other Mormon idiot on the other side of the cage, two Lions pounced on his idiot ass. He didn't die :( Lost an arm, but everyone around him thanks Gawd for his life being saved! Typical dumb fuck garbage.
Why shoot the lion? It's doing what's in its nature hunt and eat prey, leave them be. It was the stupid guy's fault, it's natural selection at its finest and candidate for a darwin award. Or maybe shoot the guy instead.
If they had shot that asshole I would've jumped for joy!!!!


"Hiro" aka: "Dolly"... the homo britfag dicksucker
what kind of moron takes the side of some fkn animal over a human life..... oh that's right, this forum is full of niggers and nigger lovers...... I almost forgot the low IQ that pervades these forums....
fkn inbred rednecks and commies and niggers..... nice....


Trump for prison 2024
Here is a more detailed story I've managed to gauge from the internet:
- Moron scaled the wall of Lion enclosure
- Moron unwittingly offers his right calf to the large cat
- Cat accepts the offer
- Much wailing and gnashing of teeth ensue
- Equally inept people witness the Cat eating away at Moron and aforementioned Moron starting to complain somewhat
- People try to pry the cat away using soft plastic sticks (comedy relief)
- Cat decides to munch on other calf
- Moron either succumbs to his injuries or becomes disabled for life (off camera)

I hope this helps!


Food Stepper
I like the fact that in this kind of video, people around just sticking some random sticks and not a proper weapon. Like, they just want to look like helping but actually not :ahahaha:


Uppity cunt
Id have taken a chance there, and shot the dumb ass.. oops sorry my bad I was aiming for the lion honest. Yah know... just to see how it feels. and if you are going to murder someone it must be an oxygen thief right.