beatings Meanwhile, in Philadelphia (1 Viewer)

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Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face
Someone should’ve stepped up and set this nigger straight. Bunch of simps just watching it happen.

The two loudest ones doing the beating had literally no situational awareness. I bet somebody determined and armed with a good fixed blade could have walked by, killed both of them, and made it halfway down that car before everybody else realized that both womens' throats had been cut. They would think initially that they got punched, until they see them lying there with arterial blood pooling all around them.


"Bark Bark Bark!" Don't know when to stop. "Bark!"

Yup they look alike

Varmint Hunter

I'd go to hell just to shoot the Devil in the face

Shit, that gif is one of these where you go "aww look at how fluffy and cute they are", but then you realize that they weigh about 380 pounds, have three times the muscle mass of an athletic adult human man, and can EASILY pick up a grown man and snap him like a twig... 😂

That lady whose face got all fucked up by her pet chimp and had been news headlines for a long time is already pure nightmare fodder and that chimp was small.


Well Known Member
Yeah,the pride and joy of Philadelphia, easily one of the worst public transit systems in the country.This is all to common I'm afraid.


Someone should’ve stepped up and set this nigger straight. Bunch of simps just watching it happen.
Using that language in private is for pussies say that shit in public along with the rest of the clown in and the end result would be you guys needing medical attention or being hospitalized


When that nigga said "Try dat shit again" I was assuming he probably said some common sense shit that riled her Niggy Nog brain ... that is the point of no return my friends, that is where you shut all of the rest of the world out and rage hard toward that cunt a million miles an hour as hard as you can ... right when that cunt is in the middle of a self righteous rant - go her fucking throat as hard as you can, punch , kick, be a fucking helicopter retard... take these cunts down. Trust me , one day the world will thank you!


We are Kings
Using that language in private is for pussies say that shit in public along with the rest of the clown in and the end result would be you guys needing medical attention or being hospitalized
Get back up your tree you fucking monkey

gm severed

rellik laires 🤫🔪
It's just weird because I have never met an Asian person in my life that wasn't respectful and polite. They are the only race that I have never disliked one. Severed is a White Man and I could see 10 Whites and like 7 or 8 of them, or 10 niggers and hate 13 of them. Asians are good people. 🤔🍷