bizarre The world is doomed (2 Viewers)

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Forum Veteran
Humans bodies are either male, female or in rare cases hermaphrodites. This is genetic and anatomical. The birth certificate of a baby will correctly record this.

Our mind, although connected to every part of our physical body, is different. Our mind is ‘ourself’, and that can be whatever the fuck it wants to be. The body doesn’t have to represent the views of the mind, like a professional athlete losing both legs. Social norms and old fashioned gender stereotyping creates the situation where people feel ‘different’, ‘wrong’ or ‘bad’ for not fitting in to these norms. Then people who don’t fit in either become depressed and self-harm, or militant and shove their ways in your face (or find sites like GoreGrish where we can be different and enjoy it 😉).

People should be able to just be themselves, except paedos or rapists etc.

In terms of abortion. There are many families and social situations where allowing a pregnancy to progress would create a child destined to lead an awful and traumatic life, and/ or lead to the parents having a terrible life. Therefore, there should be the option of abortion, and it should be the choice of the parents. I’ve had to sign the papers for abortions many times during a gynaecology placement.

The only one I felt uncomfortable about, was a teenager that was being admitted for her 4th termination of the year. She appeared to see it as contraception. I signed it, but politely suggested she consider actual contraception and that it would not be safe to continue like she was.
I'm not trying to blow you here Flatus, but you write such nice arguments...

I agree with all points on a theoretical level.

I will say this though, my 100% 'women's rights to their body to abort when ever for what ever reason' was complicated when I saw my first baby born and held her...

The world, as we all fondly remember it, is indeed doomed, and how far will this thinking go?
this LGBTQIN+++ madness is mainly contained within the English speaking west. France for example is not at all as far as we are down the madness track of 'trans women real women' thing.

Russia, China, North Korea, to give them their due, do not run pride week.

So when we all become null and cease to be able to breed, then a brave new world will erupt from our other friends and repopulate the 'well earth'...
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Strange to call something your body created with a man and is growing a parasite. According to the Oxford definition, a parasite is an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benifits by deriving nutrients at the others expense.
The day we meet God will be the day we have an oh shit moment about how we tried to play God in our earth lives.

Flatus Tube

I have counted to infinity, twice.
I'm not trying to blow you here Flatus, but you write such nice arguments...

I agree with all points on a theoretical level.

I will say this though, my 100% 'women's rights to their body to abort when ever for what ever reason' was complicated when I saw my first baby born and held her...

this LGBTQIN+++ madness is mainly contained within the English speaking west. France for example is not at all as far as we are down the madness track of 'trans women real women' thing.

Russia, China, North Korea, to give them their due, do not run pride week.

So when we all become null and cease to be able to breed, then a brave new world will erupt from our other friends and repopulate the 'well earth'...

I fully agree. Both from the perspective of being a father and as a GP seeing the father during discussions about terminating a pregnancy. It was intentional to use ‘choice of the parents’ in my initial post.

I’ve seen men totally broken mentally after finding out their partner had a secret abortion. I always try to include the father, along with the mother, in any discussion about terminating of pregnancy (TOP). It’s not always possible, particularly if rape was the cause of the pregnancy (that just a very hard discussion!). I don’t have to sign the official papers anymore, GPs just make the referral to the TOP clinic.
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Forum Veteran
I fully agree. Both from the perspective of being a father and as a GP seeing the father during discussions about terminating a pregnancy. It was intentional to use ‘choice of the parents’ in my initial post.

I’ve seen men totally broken mentally after finding out their partner had a secret abortion. I always try to include the father, along with the mother, in any discussion about terminating of pregnancy (TOP). It’s not always possible, particularly if rape was the cause of the pregnancy (that just a very hard discussion!). I don’t have to sign the official papers anymore, GPs just make the referral to the TOP clinic.
On the other side of the argument, I saw loads of 12 year old aboriginal girls come into Royal Darwin Hospital to give birth were a TOP at under 3 months would have been a Godsend.

I've quoted this before but stats from Fitzroy Crossing in Western Australia's Top End indicate FAS is running at 30%.

So what do you do? Ban sales of alcohol to pregnant women who probably don't know they're pregnant until it shows by which time its too late or do not understand the link between intake of alcohol or food for that matter and the healthy growth of the baby inutero?

If you did that the outcry would be that of patriarchal control of women bodies etc.

And so the disabled babies keep being born and the resultant kids turn out unruly and dumb, filling the gaols and running amok.

We threw the babies out with the eugenics bath water...


Yer can Bollocks M8
admit it, you'd miss her!

my girls are in their '30s but they're still my kids...i changed a light switch for the single one just last week and was happy to do so.
I've already been through the missing bit, she left home when she was 18 to work at various Holiday Camps in the UK , then around six years ago she went to work on Cruise ships until Covid fucked all of that up. Now she is all growed up, single and saving for her own place but me thinks she's catching up on all the home comforts that she missed out on.


Forum Veteran
The good old missionary days.
No crusted scabies, everyone clean, well fed, no FAS.

Of course the wonders of 'self determination' soon put a stop to that...


the tragedy is that Fitzroy Crossing is such a beautiful and stunningly pristine place:



flooded now though... but don't let that stop the drinking...



3rd World Country Reviewer
The world, as we all fondly remember it, is indeed doomed, and how far will this thinking go?
As long as the colleges, universities and liberal jew thinking, people who won't speak up, whites appeasing the blacks, retard parents who keep sending their children these indoctrination camps are still around this WILL keep happening and america will be doomed.


Resident Rope Bottom
Strange to call something your body created with a man and is growing a parasite. According to the Oxford definition, a parasite is an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benifits by deriving nutrients at the others expense.
I guess every part of that is true except the other species part. Close enough.

And let's not romanticize what is just a normal bodily function. Fucking, shitting, breathing, sleeping. They all serve a purpose toward the end game of survival. Two human beings who cannot be trusted to reliably wipe their own asses will procreate if left to their own devices. It's not magical.


Constantly laughing at the world
That second one who keeps asking "Why why why are we still protesting?" what she means is "Why hasn't our opinion been accepted by everyone as correct?" well, it hasn't ...and may never be... so get angry all you want ... I suppose you're gonna still be at protests in 30 fkkn years as well saying the same dense shit. :shrug: