Thoughts on recent Nashville shooting?? (1 Viewer)

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We are Kings
the samantha hyde thing is a hoax. based off the samuel hyde shooter hoax. they literally modified the name to make it fit more.
Holy shit do you think I was born yesterday.

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Sam Hyde must have racked up thousands and thousands of kills by now. Mad respect to him.


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My thoughts?

When is The U.S going to wake up and smell the coffee?

School Shootings by Country 2023
fuck you, may the US burn to the ground before banning guns, guns are the only thing that prevents the country from further descend into a pink fascism shithole like australia, canada or any euroshithole where mean tweets could take you to jail, all the fucking kids in the country could be killed with guns and still i wouldnt want the guns banned, if you dont like that fuck off to canada where you belong you piece of shit


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
I'm sure Rachel Maddow will cover this fairly and factually......just like he always does. :rollseyes2:

The shooter's resume. At 28 this is just a little weak.

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Re Hale's mommy...
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The Mom is very anti gun and vocal about it. A bit heavy on the religion and frequently gushed about her two children, all on social media. That trifecta can make for some screwd up kids.


The mother of the Nashville school shooter who killed six people – including three 9-year-olds – appeared to be a gun control activist who once urged friends on Facebook to sign a petition calling to keep firearms out of schools.

“So important!” Norma Hale wrote in a March 8, 2018 Facebook post as she shared the petition that stated “Keep Guns Out of School” that appeared to be from the Sandy Hook Promise Foundation.

In another post from Feb. 21, 2018, Hale shared another petition from Sandy Hook Promise urging lawmakers to “Make Large-Capacity Gun Magazines Illegal.”

Jan. 28, 2019 post, she wrote “found this in a devotional book I loaned to Audrey” with a heart emoji at the end of the sentence and a photo that shows “I (love) God” written on the page.

She also commended her daughter in a March 15, 2017 Facebook post for impressing one of her college professors at Nossi College of Art and noted the instructor recommended her for an awards competition.

“So proud of Audrey!” the doting mother wrote.

She also stated in an Aug. 2015 post that Audrey “wrote ‘thank you’ notes to all her professors at the end of her summer semester” including to one teacher who lost her son in a car accident a year prior.

“These were some of her words … ‘Don’t ever let anything or anyone steal your joy. You have a reason and a purpose to be here.’ Hale wrote, adding, “Amazing, Dre. I love you.”

In other posts, she gave numerous shout outs to her son and wasn’t shy about how lucky she was to be the mother of her two kids.



Forum Veteran
That genie is out of the bottle. The 2nd Amendment and gun culture is so deeply rooted in US culture and its part of the American identity, there will never be any meaningful reform since like any polarizing issue the lunatics on both sides carry too much political power.

I'm VERY much pro-gun and pro 2A but when talking with other gun owners in the States its almost impossible to have a reasonable conversation. I don't believe in high capacity (IMO that would be anything >20 rounds for a long gun, >12 rounds for a handgun) and don't see any reason why a civilian should be allowed to own an automatic weapon. When I talk to other US gun enthusiasts their response to that is if they give in on any restriction its just a slippery slope till the Democrats take away all their guns.

I know it would make most American gun owner's heads explode but I think the Swiss model is reasonable. Guns and gun safety is engrained into Swiss from a very early age. Pellet guns, family range days with kids are very popular and it then leads into very safe & responsible gun ownership as an adult. They have limits on the number of guns that can be owned, a very rigid training & licensing model and consequently very little gun violence.
Don't tread on us ! The only way to stop gun violence is by making sure every mental health record on a person is added to the NICS Background check. Right now the only records entered are from State Mental institutions or by a judge. Any nut job seeing a private doctor or admitted to a private public mental hospital is not divulged to the NCIS Background system. That must change ! The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, except from nut jobs !!

Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
The only way to stop gun violence is by making sure every mental health record on a person is added to the NICS Background check. Right now the only records entered are from State Mental institutions or by a judge. Any nut job seeing a private doctor or admitted to a private public mental hospital is not divulged to the NCIS Background system. That must change ! The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, except from nut jobs !!
I don't know. I've been legit depressed & suicidal to the point of having the barrel in my mouth & finger on the trigger but never for a single moment felt the desire to take others out with me. I don't think that myself or others with a similar background should be prohibited to own or carry.

I do however think we should bring back mental institutions.


I’m just here to watch people die
Makes me fucking sick that’s what. Killed innocent fucking kids she deserves to burn in fucking hell. Stupid cunt could’ve kept praying to her useless god.


We are Kings
I don't know. I've been legit depressed & suicidal to the point of having the barrel in my mouth & finger on the trigger but never for a single moment felt the desire to take others out with me. I don't think that myself or others with a similar background should be prohibited to own or carry.

I do however think we should bring back mental institutions.
We probably have similar laws but I wouldnt have the right to own any weapons here if I was convicted of domestic abuse or have a health record with any mention of a history of psychiatric care or medications. It's just how it is. The psych report yeah you might be able to push back with recovery, or being a long time ago, but once you slap your partner around you're done there is no getting off the books.


Well Known Member
Yes natural death is a part of life. Taking one’s life for no reason (especially children) is unacceptable. This trans fucker should have just sucked started their rifle.
All death is natural, the spider eats the fly, man kills man, it is how this world works. I am not saying I like when kids die, but unless we have photographic documentation it is hard to tell what even happened. Also, Trans people should be locked in a mental institution and if they cannot be rehabilitated they should recieve the lethal injection.


That genie is out of the bottle. The 2nd Amendment and gun culture is so deeply rooted in US culture and its part of the American identity, there will never be any meaningful reform since like any polarizing issue the lunatics on both sides carry too much political power.

I'm VERY much pro-gun and pro 2A but when talking with other gun owners in the States its almost impossible to have a reasonable conversation. I don't believe in high capacity (IMO that would be anything >20 rounds for a long gun, >12 rounds for a handgun) and don't see any reason why a civilian should be allowed to own an automatic weapon. When I talk to other US gun enthusiasts their response to that is if they give in on any restriction its just a slippery slope till the Democrats take away all their guns.

I know it would make most American gun owner's heads explode but I think the Swiss model is reasonable. Guns and gun safety is engrained into Swiss from a very early age. Pellet guns, family range days with kids are very popular and it then leads into very safe & responsible gun ownership as an adult. They have limits on the number of guns that can be owned, a very rigid training & licensing model and consequently very little gun violence.
There's a very legitimate reason for Americans to own high-capacity fully automatic weapons: Because our military does. IF a situation arose where the US government dicided for whatever reason to impose some sort of national martial law that was tyrannical and unjustified, how do you think they'd enforce it? With our very own military and police.

How could we defend ourselves and oppose that tyranny without being equally armed?

There's no denying that firearms in the wrong hands are dangerous. But this person of questionable gender wanted people to die. If firearms weren't available, then what? Maybe (s)he would have built a bomb? That bomb could kill hundreds of kids in one big kaboom, long before law enforcement would arrive.

Guns are NOT the problem. People are the problem.

Anyone who shoots kids is a fucking retard. USA has guns for 240+ years and it's the current generation of spastics that are the biggest threat, not the actual weapons
I disagree. Numbers don't lie. The current generation is no more dangerous than the previous ten generations. What has changed is that we currently have access to information immediately. Prior to the internet, if a school shooting occurred anywhere in the USA, it went unnoticed unless it made the evening 6 and 11 o'clock news.

I think we're seeing more shootings not because they're happening more frequently, but because we're hyper-vigilant to every single act of violence that occurs. We're saturated instantly with every violent that happens nationwide.
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Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
There's a very legitimate reason for Americans to own high-capacity fully automatic weapons: Because our military does. IF a situation arose where the US government dicided for whatever reason to impose some sort of national martial law that was tyrannical and unjustified, how do you think they'd enforce it? With our very own military and police.

How could we defend ourselves and oppose that tyranny without being equally armed?

There's no denying that firearms in the wrong hands are dangerous. But this person of questionable gender wanted people to die. If firearms weren't available, then what? Maybe (s)he would have built a bomb? That bomb could kill hundreds of kids in one big kaboom, long before law enforcement would arrive.
You're an imbecile.

By your very own logic American civilians should be allowed to own tactical nuclear weapons.....why not, the US military does.