FYI To All Registered Members (2 Viewers)

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Well Known Member
Welcome back!
As some of you may have noticed, we've been away the last few days.

We had to change hosts. Our old one dropped us after receiving numerous reports (from our #1 fan(s).

That being said we made a few changes to Goregrish.

*Please read our UPDATED TOU here:


Please be advised of the following:

Any content using "Inappropriate racial" words in thread titles or discussions will not be allowed outside the Goregrish Underground Section. Either staff will edit the TITLE or MOVE content to UNCENSORED NEWS AND DEBATE, Flame/Lame/Hate or Underground Media.

We have also removed "Racial" reactions and prefixes in Gore and other sections outside of The Goregrish Underground Section.
Staff has been busy deleting/moving inappropriate threads, broken links and images.
We realize these changes on a shock site are surprising, but keep in mind the internet is changing and we need to adapt.
It is what it is.

Just a Reminder:
Yay! I was afraid we were done for!


Yes. All we have to do when we get the ebonics ravers is to say 'thank you sir, may I have another'...

Should be kind of refreshing I think...

About time we did our bit to end systemic racism and get into some of that good old time white western cultural hate.

I'm begining to hate myself already!!

It is amazing though that the internet, once so free of rules, is now one more mode of expression that is censored. And I totally understand why we need to comply else we get the server off side. But it is interesting...

We are heading into the new puritanism...
I 👂THAT!!! 🍻'S 🤟🤘🤙...SP
Yay! I was afraid we were done for!
🍻'S 🤟🤟🤙...SP
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The original Guts from TheYNC
Dam withdraws were bad. Had me at ync more porn than gore
SAME! I couldn't believe The YNC still had my account. I have been a member there since 2009. I have been a member so long that my screen name is Guts


Well that sucks. Happy that you are flexible and going with the flow so that we can continue to Patreon goregrish. But it’s really frustrating that the whiney race war Protagonist were able to fuck with the shocks site on that level. Damn, thanks for being here.


Forum Veteran
Thanks for getting the show on the road again, despite fuckwits.
And speaking of fuckwits, how, in the creation of cats, do you find Goregrish on Discord, I have an account there, but nothing comes up when variants of Goregrish are typed in, I lack social skills as well.
Thanks for getting the show on the road again, despite fuckwits.
And speaking of fuckwits, how, in the creation of cats, do you find Goregrish on Discord, I have an account there, but nothing comes up when variants of Goregrish are typed in, I lack social skills as well.
Thanks for getting the show on the road again, despite fuckwits.
And speaking of fuckwits, how, in the creation of cats, do you find Goregrish on Discord, I have an account there, but nothing comes up when variants of Goregrish are typed in, I lack social skills as well.
Thanks for getting the show on the road again, despite fuckwits.
And speaking of fuckwits, how, in the creation of cats, do you find Goregrish on Discord, I have an account there, but nothing comes up when variants of Goregrish are typed in, I lack social skills as well.
Shit! Somethings gone horribly wrong!


Retard Extraordinaire
Also, can I get a link to the discord so I'm not freaking out and joining clone sites when this happens?

Perhaps now would be a good time for those of you who are not on the GG Discord to get on there.

I'm assuming the disc info is being withheld to prevent retards from going there and reporting it, so I won't ask for it. However, if someone would like to give it to me privately I won't protest
Yup Im a lady.. Thats why it makes it even worse :coke:

No, that's what makes it even better :likeaboss:

Bethy 🔥

Sometimes life aint fair kiddo..
Super Moderator
I'm assuming the disc info is being withheld to prevent retards from going there and reporting it, so I won't ask for it. However, if someone would like to give it to me privately I won't protest

No, that's what makes it even better :likeaboss:
Same thing dear.. I was being sarcastic 🤷🏼‍♀️


Forum Veteran
I got buggy and looked at Reddit. There was a squaller there who really has the ass at some folks here. Is that one of the trouble makers?
It's nice to see this again. I'm sorry we have to police our words.


Welcome back!
As some of you may have noticed, we've been away the last few days.

We had to change hosts. Our old one dropped us after receiving numerous reports (from our #1 fan(s).

That being said we made a few changes to Goregrish.

*Please read our UPDATED TOU here:


Please be advised of the following:

Any content using "Inappropriate racial" words in thread titles or discussions will not be allowed outside the Goregrish Underground Section. Either staff will edit the TITLE or MOVE content to UNCENSORED NEWS AND DEBATE, Flame/Lame/Hate or Underground Media.

We have also removed "Racial" reactions and prefixes in Gore and other sections outside of The Goregrish Underground Section.
Staff has been busy deleting/moving inappropriate threads, broken links and images.
We realize these changes on a shock site are surprising, but keep in mind the internet is changing and we need to adapt.
It is what it is.

Just a Reminder:
Missed goegrish for sure!


Welcome back!
As some of you may have noticed, we've been away the last few days.

We had to change hosts. Our old one dropped us after receiving numerous reports (from our #1 fan(s).

That being said we made a few changes to Goregrish.

*Please read our UPDATED TOU here:


Please be advised of the following:

Any content using "Inappropriate racial" words in thread titles or discussions will not be allowed outside the Goregrish Underground Section. Either staff will edit the TITLE or MOVE content to UNCENSORED NEWS AND DEBATE, Flame/Lame/Hate or Underground Media.

We have also removed "Racial" reactions and prefixes in Gore and other sections outside of The Goregrish Underground Section.
Staff has been busy deleting/moving inappropriate threads, broken links and images.
We realize these changes on a shock site are surprising, but keep in mind the internet is changing and we need to adapt.
It is what it is.

Just a Reminder:
Was the search bar removed as well? Or is my phone glitching


Innocent Soul
I'm glad censorship didn't destroy every section of this website! Thanks for your fight for freedom of speech and information, you guys are the best. GoreGrish is heaven, or hell, or whatever you consider your home between the two.

Be happy⚕

Vacant, Composed
Everyone saying they were worried this site was going to end up like bestgore
Have failed to notice this site's membership is now that of best gore
And it fucking shows


We are Kings
I didn't have to use any of that. I just googled: discord and clicked on the first link..... it was surreal, but I got to hook up with some of my buds from here...I did finally get a chance to meet this....Maggot...person you spoke of. He spoke of, "DOXY" a bit....what did he mean...?

Hell, nah, dawg. I'm not forced to do anything. I never sent them any email or anything. Just hung out and looked around a bit. They have all of your what's new and new posts on there...

I wouldn't actually say, "Talked back and forth with". You called me a nigger and told me to calm down". I responded," This doesn't sound like Bethy at all. If you're really Bethy, tell me the last favor you did for me ". Never another answer back...
you are a absolute fucking idiot, @TehBitch ban this shitty account this isnt even a real person.

Dead Christ

Saw It Coming
You know what, better off. Will make non-Underground threads easier to read through without the 39295929th copypasted racial comment of the day.

Bill Murray

Forum Veteran
OK so the n-word (blech, I feel cheap even typing that vs the real word) is off limits but what about jiggaboo, coon, porch monkey, darkie, spear chucker, etc.? If those are all off limits what about golfer (used by O&A on terrestrial radio, i.e. in reference to Tiger Woods)?

For non-blacks are terms like spick, beaner, chink, slope, feather, chug, etc. also verboten?
And where did the search function go?
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