14 Students, 1 Teacher Dead in a School Shooting (4 Viewers)

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GG Resident Tax CPA and Shekel Counter
Don't worry guys, this will soon be buried by the mainstream media


Blanche Hudson

Jane, don’t make me call Dr. Shelby!
You already have to have a background check done to buy firearms from a dealer. There are no background checks done between private buyers and sellers which really even if it were a law is unenforceable since the sale is basically untraceable.
I never said I needed a suppressor but it's silly to have to pay silly extra taxes for a device that can minimize the noise a firearm makes thus protecting hearing. They don't make guns 'silent like in the movies, just quieter
I’m aware of the use of a silencer and it’s abilities, still I don’t see why anyone needs one. And the gun laws are severely laxed. I’ve seen a man walk into a retail store, pick a gun, buy it and leave. He showed his license but nothing more than that. And nothing more happened. So this little bastard goes and gets a firearm, kills a bunch of children and people still will argue their gun rights are more important than these kids who died. Or the people who were shot in a grocery store. No. You have fun rights. But you should advocate for more gun safety and safer practices. I know if some dumbass acquires them from a third party there are limitations. But those people could be found more if the ATF focused on it. They never will though.
You already have to have a background check done to buy firearms from a dealer. There are no background checks done between private buyers and sellers which really even if it were a law is unenforceable since the sale is basically untraceable.

I’m aware of the use of a silencer and it’s abilities, still I don’t see why anyone needs one. And the gun laws are severely laxed. I’ve seen a man walk into a retail store, pick a gun, buy it and leave. He showed his license but nothing more than that. And nothing more happened. So this little bastard goes and gets a firearm, kills a bunch of children and people still will argue their gun rights are more important than these kids who died. Or the people who were shot in a grocery store. No. You have fun rights. But you should advocate for more gun safety and safer practices. I know if some dumbass acquires them from a third party there are limitations. But those people could be found more if the ATF focused on it. They never will though.
Yeah I mean I can agree with you that the system isn't perfect and there is room for improvement. I don't wanna be in a big argument with you and I doubt we are going to come close to changing each other's mind so imma leave it at that.


95T exp
His extended Mexican family will just love being associated with the child killer, other stories of his weirdness will surface eventually...


Those tranny pictures are fake news and he's an all American boy born in North Dakota. An 18 year old can't buy a drink, purchase porn, rent a car or reserve a hotel room. It's even difficult to get auto insurance without an adult, but in Texas an unlicensed, untrained 18 year old can walk into a gun store and buy two AR-15 rifles. Now the GQP wants to arm the very teachers they frequently accuse of indoctrinating their children with math textbooks and holocaust graphic novels. Their answer is more guns, bullet proofing, more shooter drills for 5 year olds, and a larger police presence at elementary schools. The good guy with the gun already in the school was outgunned and will always be outgunned.

You American fools need to stop blaming your political foes and look in your pants. There's only one thing they all have in common. There's something terribly wrong with the male species. I wonder how many shooter drills Salvador Ramos had to do during his 12 years in school.


Some of them required DNA for identification. I myself would force you to look at my mangled dead kid all across Texas. I would purchase billboards across the state with giant images of dead children. I would make you look at it everyday on your way to work for years, maybe forever.
All mexican kids. Salvador queer was insane


Those tranny pictures are fake news and he's an all American boy born in North Dakota. An 18 year old can't buy a drink, purchase porn, rent a car or reserve a hotel room. It's even difficult to get auto insurance without an adult, but in Texas an unlicensed, untrained 18 year old can walk into a gun store and buy two AR-15 rifles. Now the GQP wants to arm the very teachers they frequently accuse of indoctrinating their children with math textbooks and holocaust graphic novels. Their answer is more guns, bullet proofing, more shooter drills for 5 year olds, and a larger police presence at elementary schools. The good guy with the gun already in the school was outgunned and will always be outgunned.

You American fools need to stop blaming your political foes and look in your pants. There's only one thing they all have in common. There's something terribly wrong with the male species. I wonder how many shooter drills Salvador Ramos had to do during his 12 years in school.


Some of them required DNA for identification. I myself would force you to look at my mangled dead kid all across Texas. I would purchase billboards across the state with giant images of dead children. I would make you look at it everyday on your way to work for years, maybe forever.
🎯 I couldn't have said better


Splendid Fellow
America is broken. It's had a fixed grin on it's face for decades, forced on by Hollywood and military might. The standard of living in the USA is fucking abysmal. Even the comfortably off are a health emergency away from living in their cars and begging for foodstamps. Guns are the very least of anyone's problems.

I honestly think America has at most, a century in it, before it emplodes.


I think the most horrific and easily overlooked tragedy in all this, is that this shooting has given that fat, unfunny, pointless, unfunny, talentless, unfunny wanker James Corden another excuse to drag his bloated carcass onto the TV to pretend to be concerned and make the conversation about himself again. Oh, the humanity


You are most wrong. We NEED TOTAL gun control. If all law abiding people would be disarmed, then criminals too would give up their guns and all the weapons in an instant. Since they would no longer be afraid that they need to protect themselves and their lives from the law abiding citizens. It is most logical. An unarmed law abiding victim would mean that criminal would no longer need a gun to protect himself from the potential victim, while in the line of committing a crime.
Most people that are victims of gun violence are unarmed. You're logic makes no damn sense. Criminals don't guns use against people because they are afraid of someone they are going to fuck over has a gun, they use them because the victim has no choice but to comply or they die. It's a power thing, not a defense thing.
You don’t know the meaning of the word ‘free’.

You have a society constructed around a false belief system which means as a country you have a problem you say that can’t be fixed but you are the only country in the world that suffers with that problem. You are far from free. You live in a self imposed bondage of fear.
You are highly misinformed or ignorant. You won't find many people living in fear in this country unless you live in a shithole and they brought that upon themselves, or you're a liberal with a skewed sense of reality. Nobody walks around afraid of getting shot, or afraid to go to school, or church, or shopping. 99% of us have a better chance of winning the lottery than ever being shot.
NRA conference being held in Texas this week. Trump is speakin, as is the governor of Texas. Both obviously massively pro gun. But NO guns allowed in the conference. I wonder why. It would be interesting if someone tried to enter the conference with a gun, expressing ‘his rights’ to see what sort of reaction he’d get. They have open carry in Texas, anybody should be able to get in there with an AR-15.
Private property owners don't have to let guns in.
Well, it worked great in Japan. Downside is they now have knife massacres since they can't get guns.
It works because they don't have neighboring countries yhat share borders and their borders aren't wide open to any fuck that wants to come in.
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Dr. Johnny Fever

aka Bill Murray
Texas requires an ultrasound, two doctor visits and a 24 hour waiting period for an abortion. It also forbids you from voting on the day you register but buying an AR-15 on your 18th birthday is nothing.
Typical sad & flawed argument of the left. What do abortion laws have to do with gun laws? Absolutely nothing you inbred simp.


Well Known Member
Can anybody explain how an 18 year old, unemployed asswipe can afford to buy TWO AR-15 assult rifles? Those things are not cheap. He killed his grandmother so I'm pretty sure she didn't fork over the dough. He moved out of his parents house because of an argument with his mother. So, I'm sure they did not fork over the dough. Hmmmm...just curious. Maybe he saved up over the months/years. IDK. I just know I can't afford to buy one and I have a steady income.
Can anybody explain how an 18 year old, unemployed asswipe can afford to buy TWO AR-15 assult rifles? Those things are not cheap. He killed his grandmother so I'm pretty sure she didn't fork over the dough. He moved out of his parents house because of an argument with his mother. So, I'm sure they did not fork over the dough. Hmmmm...just curious. Maybe he saved up over the months/years. IDK. I just know I can't afford to buy one and I have a steady income.
I was wondering that myself. Even a junk MSR is gonna set you back $500 but you're more realistically looking at $800-$1,200 for what he had.


Welcome to America
Yup the country that people literally die trying to get into and sneak into. Its such a horrible place that ~2.5 million people a year visit from other countries. 1.3 million immigrated to the US in 2020. Those people should be warned that they could get shot any second and stop trying to get here.