U.S. privately asks Ukraine to show it’s open to negotiate with Russia (2 Viewers)

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This war could have been, and should have been, over a long time ago. If they did negotiate now, all this was a waste. Both of you cuntries are fighting simply because the Unitred States wants Putin out of power. If the US had not pushed it, Putin wouldn't have invaded, and none of this would have happened. This was the WMD's and the Gulf of Tonkin for the US to get Putin out of power.


Forum Veteran
This war could have been, and should have been, over a long time ago. If they did negotiate now, all this was a waste. Both of you cuntries are fighting simply because the Unitred States wants Putin out of power. If the US had not pushed it, Putin wouldn't have invaded, and none of this would have happened. This was the WMD's and the Gulf of Tonkin for the US to get Putin out of power.
Blame the Yanks again, And just 'HOW' did the US 'push' it?? So far the only evidence that's been shown to me is that a corrupt Ukrainian president refused to honor his promise to join the EU & riots broke out in 2013 because the Ukrainian people wanted to join the EU, Russian troops came in & brutally squashed the riots, apparently, this gave Putin the 'right' to invade 9 years later, so still waiting for evidence of the US causing this war & any evidence of Ukraine causing this war, don't forget Russia sent in the Wagner group in 2014 to back up the pro-Russian separatists as well as arms & 'volunteer' military troops in the Donsky area, an area that just happens to be rich in agriculture & minerals, funny that.
You mentioned the 'Gulf of Tonkin' incident, not many people know what that was about or what it started.
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Blame the Yanks again, And just 'HOW' did the US 'push' it?? So far the only evidence that's been shown to me is that a corrupt Ukrainian president refused to honor his promise to join the EU & riots broke out in 2013 because the Ukrainian people wanted to join the EU, Russian troops came in & brutally squashed the riots, apparently, this gave Putin the 'right' to invade 9 years later, so still waiting for evidence of the US causing this war & any evidence of Ukraine causing this war, don't forget Russia sent in the Wagner group in 2014 to back up the pro-Russian separatists as well as arms & 'volunteer' military troops in the Donsky area, an area that just happens to be rich in agriculture & minerals, funny that.
You mentioned the 'Gulf of Tonkin' incident, not many people know what that was about or what it started.
It's what we do. We make up reasons to invade countries whose leadership isn't "US Friendly" and we install US backed governments. It's a funny little game our government likes to play because they think everyone in the world wants to live like us. Biden has renamed it "Global Democracy" from "The World Order". It's not only to spread Democracy, it's also a race to keep China from spreading their influence. It was the Gulfof Tonkin in Vietnam, The WMD's in Iraq - Whatever horseshit they said about Ghadddafy to get him ousted. if we aren't directly involved, we are backing the rebels in just about any war that is attempting to remove someone from power. We're also very good at knowing who to play off of who to get someone angry enough to uprise and we can sit back and pretend we had nothing to do with it.
Back in 1989, when the Berlin wall fell and the USSR was crumbling, during negotiations with Gorbachev, Sec. of State James Baker said in a speech that we would not move NATO one more inch east. EVERY US president since then has moved it east. Everyone knows that NATO isn't anything but our excuse to invade places, and get in people's business. Every NATO mission is 85% us, and the rest of the countries in NATO chip in the other 15%, if that much. It's also so we can put military bases, etc. in a country when they join NATO. China has said this more than once, and Putin knows it as well. Chinese ambassadors remind us that they aren't the ones running around the world pointing missiles at everyone and trying to spread their religion and government philosophy - they built the great wall to keep people out, not so they could invade others. What's that tell you? They know damn well what the US is always up to.
Anyway, we've been interfering in the Ukraine for years. We even did a little "regime change" there back some years ago. We put bio-labs on the border with Russia, we put missile launchers capable of sending nukes to Russia in Poland and that was a turning point for Putin, also, But Putin has ALWAYS stated that NATO will not be in the Ukraine, on his border. and it will be considered an act of aggression if they try. Zelensky and Putin were discussing a cease fire back in Marh and April, and the big requirement was no NATO! The others were in the same ballpark - The Ukraine not allow any foreign military bases or weaponry. But, in April, Boris Johnson delivered a message to Zelensky to pull back from the talks and we would back them 100% . Why are we giving them billions, and have been for years? Why did we threaten to withhold a billion bucks at one time unless they fired a prosecutor? Why the hell should we care if they have a corrupt prosecutor or not? It's their country! Just since this war started we've handed over at least $145B bucks. The Ukraine isn't in NATO, we have no reposnsibility to give them military and financial aid, especially to the tune that we are doing it, so why are we? Because it is a great way of inciting Putin to attack them, and also to give us even more of a strategic advantage - which is exactly what we want. We tried to keep those bio-labs hidden from the media, and the other things were doing over there as far as quietly putting our gear there, but, the US ambassador let it slip out - on the very same day Biden said, in the media, we had no bio labs there, the person in charge was testifying in front of Congress admitting that we absolutely did!
I will end up writing a book trying to explain it all, and i am not very good at it, anyway, so, forgive me, but, basically, we have been poking Putin for years now, using the Ukraine for this purpose, and they finaly created a situation where they knew Putin would react - he had to. In his mind, it wasa preemptive strike against us removing him from power - and i hate to say it, he is 100% right about that. What was the first thing Biden said at the outset? "That man can not remain in power!" There's an article in here somewhere, talking about Biden telling Zelensky to go ahead and make it known publicly that he is not completely opposed to peace talks now, and the article even says "if Putin remains in power" or something close to it. They were hoping to get everyone over there mad at him - by blowing up his pipeline so Germany and the rest of them would get pissed with no heat, and a few other things, but, it's not working out the way they planned. They wanted the entire area to turn on Putin.
Put it this way - What do you think the US would do to Canada or Mexico if they started letting Russia plant military bases, missile launchers, and bio-labs on our border, as well as Russian warships started patrolling 50 miles off of our coast? We would attack them and blow the shit out of them - we wouldn't allow it to happen. Look what happened when Russia was placing those missiles in cuba back in the 60'? The bay of Pigs? We didn't stand for that shit - it almost started a war. This situation is no different. Putin saw he was on the chopping block next on our list, and he did what he did to try to prevent it. There has never been any discussions of keeping peace with them that did not center around no NATO, and the US presence. THAT is why I say it's because of the US that this war started and is still going. We told the kid that was being bullied to go call the bully a pussy, and we were waiting out of view for the bully to strike.
I am by no means saying ANYONE is morally right, and that anyone is absolved of the responsibility for the atrocities and war crimes being committed, but, to say Putin was unprovoked in his attack, is to be completely oblivious to what's been going on for the past 10 years or so.

Blame the Yanks again, And just 'HOW' did the US 'push' it?? So far the only evidence that's been shown to me is that a corrupt Ukrainian president refused to honor his promise to join the EU & riots broke out in 2013 because the Ukrainian people wanted to join the EU, Russian troops came in & brutally squashed the riots, apparently, this gave Putin the 'right' to invade 9 years later, so still waiting for evidence of the US causing this war & any evidence of Ukraine causing this war, don't forget Russia sent in the Wagner group in 2014 to back up the pro-Russian separatists as well as arms & 'volunteer' military troops in the Donsky area, an area that just happens to be rich in agriculture & minerals, funny that.
You mentioned the 'Gulf of Tonkin' incident, not many people know what that was about or what it started.
Oh, and as far as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and many others - we have lied and used deception to give us a reason to get into every conflict we have joined or started since WWII. This whole battle between The Ukraine and Russia is being used by us as nothing but our reason to go after Putin.


SLAVA RUSSIA! Don't end the war! Its what the US/EU want! Continue til their economies collapse OR all sanctions are removed!


🤣 even other countrys are getting tired of spending billions to some shit whole Ukraine country, fucking propaganda ukraine does nothing for the world its all fake new's yet they force every tv channel & radio station that ukraine is suppressed and needs help. Yet videos of ukraine's soldiers and citizens doing the nazi salute. Nato nazi faggots.


If you get a second, go fuck yourself.
Blame the Yanks again, And just 'HOW' did the US 'push' it?? So far the only evidence that's been shown to me is that a corrupt Ukrainian president refused to honor his promise to join the EU & riots broke out in 2013 because the Ukrainian people wanted to join the EU, Russian troops came in & brutally squashed the riots, apparently, this gave Putin the 'right' to invade 9 years later, so still waiting for evidence of the US causing this war & any evidence of Ukraine causing this war, don't forget Russia sent in the Wagner group in 2014 to back up the pro-Russian separatists as well as arms & 'volunteer' military troops in the Donsky area, an area that just happens to be rich in agriculture & minerals, funny that.
You mentioned the 'Gulf of Tonkin' incident, not many people know what that was about or what it started.
Then they should Google 'Gulf of Tonkin incident". Information is pretty easy to get these days. Just like the WMD's, and all the other lies the US has told to get public opinion on their side to attack a foreign country.


Forum Veteran
Then they should Google 'Gulf of Tonkin incident". Information is pretty easy to get these days. Just like the WMD's, and all the other lies the US has told to get public opinion on their side to attack a foreign country.
Short story: the attack by North Vietnamese patrol boats on US ships gave the Americans the 'right' to bomb North Vietnam, whether those US ships were in NV waters is another story, it did not start the Vietnam war, US advisers were in SV in 1962-3. Do the US lie? Fucking A!, just like every other country, can't keep pointing the finger at them, every fuckers doing it, it's just that some of those lying countries muzzle their media, the US can't.


Forum Veteran
An abrupt end to the fighting is possible, much sooner than you think actually. China and the East gaining an ally in Germany is the canary in the coal mine moment. Post-bubble market rally will likely follow from a pause in rate hikes, and balancing of energy costs

the semi conductor war (china) is next. This is will take time probably Q4 2023

Full: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/11/05/ukraine-russia-peace-negotiations/
And suddenly an end not to the fighting but an end to all the media about the fighting...