bizarre The world is doomed (1 Viewer)

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I just wanna fuck somebody
well I agree with the first video but not the second.

there are only two genders, and if you have a womb you are a woman. You may be a masculine woman, but you are still a woman.

The second video though, I am very pro choice. The redhead couldn't articulate what is meant by "sustainable" but I can. A fetus becomes a human life when it can exist independently outside the womb without heroic intervention. The fatty is taking it too far by saying her newborn cannot exist independently. That it needs "help." By that definition even adults are not sustainable independently. We need food from somewhere, money to buy it, etc. We are all a part of a societal system we all depend on to "sustain." What the redhead was trying to say is a fetus becomes an independent life when it is no longer a parasite. That's harsh but true, and I agree with that definition.
You are truly a moron!
and I hope people like you disappear from this Earth forever!!!!