Israel (1 Viewer)

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Hezbollah is beginning to attack Israeli positions in the North via Lebanon, it's only getting started. Israel is surrounded and with the US with no budget, an election coming up and Biden already mentally checked out the Arab states know that this is their time to strike while the USA is slow and weak and less inclined to intervene.


Forum Veteran
Hezbollah is beginning to attack Israeli positions in the North via Lebanon, it's only getting started. Israel is surrounded and with the US with no budget, an election coming up and Biden already mentally checked out the Arab states know that this is their time to strike while the USA is slow and weak and less inclined to intervene.
If this is true, I hope there is much murder for us to see. I'm beginning to feel like a kid just waking on Christmas day.


If this is true, I hope there is much murder for us to see. I'm beginning to feel like a kid just waking on Christmas day.
Well just think about it. What have these nations to lose? Gaza has nothing so they don't give a fuck about dying in a war, Lebanon has nothing so why would they give two shits, the Golan Heights, the West Bank, the disenfranchised ISIS fighters in Syria, they can all just join the war and invade Israel now that Hamas has lead the first wave. If Hamas in Gaza can take 22 villages with just small arms and pickup trucks I'm sure Hezbollah with the full backing of Iran and now even a truce with the Saudis can muster the courage to launch larger scale incursions.

Don't forget the Arab states lost the Yom Kippur War exactly 50 years ago. This is their chance for a do over, like when Hitler invaded France because of the humiliation Germany faced in the first world war. This is very similar.


Revolt Against the Modern World
Sandniggers fucking up Woody Allens from paragliders, you can't make this shit up....more please!


Forum Veteran
Israel folk wants peace and live together but the government is racist and zionist. They are not different than Nazis. Netanyahu is weak and he was going to lose elections. Now he started a war with using his mosad spies in Hamas. He takes now full control of the country. He is very happy. Innocent people will die again and again...


95T exp
flaunting dead teenagers and kidnapping grannies will win us this war - :hurrah:


I AM the one who Jew-Jewㅤ -Ne Varietur-
Reminder to swindlers: Palestinians are not Arabs, but Philistines (misraim) for those in Gaza. And Canaanites (cis Jordan).

Arabs, as the name suggests, are the inhabitants of Arabia (Qatar, Dubai, Saudi Arabia).

The real Arabs are Israel's friends, not its enemies. It's like calling a Vietnamese a Mongol (they're from the same Mongoloid family, but they're not Mongols). A Vietnamese is a Vietnamese, not a Mongol, nor a Korean.


Well Known Member
Palestinian is some made up ethnic group. That group did not appear in history until after 1948.

A bunch of loser sand nigger savages. Arafat studied under Otto Skorzeny to learn the tactics of the Wolverines.

Skorzeny ran a mercenary group similar to Wagner called the Palladine Group. He helped set up terrorist training campsin the mid-east in return for protection from war crimes he committed in WW II