ISIS In Iraq & Syria (5 Viewers)

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Let It All Bleed Out
This is an alleged photo of Haruna Yukawa after he was beheaded. Sorry, it`s a very poor image but atleast shows the jist of it. The photo is being held by Goto.

Syria, Jan. 23, 2015.



Let It All Bleed Out
Yesterday, the IS launched an offensive on the strategic town of Kirkut which is being defended by the Peshmerga.

It was a surprise attack and many Peshmerga were killed. The following are images supplied by the IS showing some of the Peshmerga that they killed.

Kirkut, Iraq, Jan. 30, 2015

Set 1.








Let It All Bleed Out
In the IS`s attempt to take Kirkut on this first day the Peshmerga lost about 20 fighters with about 70 captured - who will most likely all be executed.

Set 2.







7. Peshmerga fighters taken captive by the IS. I think I would rather have been one of the dead.


Let It All Bleed Out
Two Peshmerga fighters were taken prisoner in Kirkut by the Islamic State. After being paraded around town they were both beheaded as locals watched on and cheered.

Kirkut, Iraq, Jan. 31 or Feb. 1, 2015.







Did you see the pics of the 10 y.o. kid shooting two Russian speaking men in the head while a bearded Isis member watches? Horrible that they're stepping up their use of the children. They're sending them as young as 8 as suicide bombers. Teen-aged kids are leaving the U.S. in hopes of joining these terrorists. Their teaching kids all over the world by internet, to be potential killers of anybody who does not believe in Islam. Where are these supposed Muslim leaders who don't think like the terrorists? Why don't they say something against this use of children as weapons?

Yep, and it's usual in African conflicts since decades. The whole society will be disrupted this way.


Recovering Lurker
Fucking A! Those poor Peshmerga fighters. Just seeing those two guys get beheaded like that makes me want to see more ISIS soldiers get incinerated by white phosphorus and to see that those foreign western supporters like those two Austrian pregnant teens get bayoneted Nanjing style for all this stupid bullshit. War is hell, and it's very disturbing to see people defending their homeland only to get captured and executed in the streets like that. I'm seeing these pictures with a black and white perspective now, and I'm not liking it.


Fresh Meat
Fucking A! Those poor Peshmerga fighters. Just seeing those two guys get beheaded like that makes me want to see more ISIS soldiers get incinerated by white phosphorus and to see that those foreign western supporters like those two Austrian pregnant teens get bayoneted Nanjing style for all this stupid bullshit. War is hell, and it's very disturbing to see people defending their homeland only to get captured and executed in the streets like that. I'm seeing these pictures with a black and white perspective now, and I'm not liking it.
So,waiting for Deathhand post pictures of crying ISIS rat.


Prodigal Son
This user was banned
Man, if I knew my end was near and there was no way out ant least I wont go down without a fight! What have I got to lose? But that's just me


Low Profile
Short Bussed
ISIS burns a Jordanian pilot alive


February 3, 2015

The Islamic State has released a video online showing the execution of captive Jordanian pilot Mu’ath al-Kaseasbeh, who appears in the video being immolated while held in a cage.

The fate of al-Kaseasbeh, held by ISIS since his F-16 fighter jet went down near the Islamic State’s conquered capital of Raqqa in December, has long been considered pivotal to the Jordanian war effort. Jordan has been attempting to negotiate his release in exchange for would-be suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi, imprisoned by Jordan under a sentence of death since participating in a horrific attack on the Radisson Hotel in Amman in 2005.

Efforts to secure the release of Kaseasbeh, along with Japanese hostage Kenji Goto, ended when ISIS sawed Goto’s head off with a knife… and now they have released a video showing the execution of the Jordanian pilot. He was stuffed in a cage, doused with petroleum, and set on fire.






sorry, i don't have any images after the pilot got burned
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Low Profile
Short Bussed
a man driven by isis from the top of the building.


before being driven

while drifting down from the building

after falling to the bottom but still alive

because he was still alive, a group of people in the bottom threw stones at him untill died.

the victim be a spectacle


It's all fun & games until someone looses an eye
Did I hear right? Different sub groups of ISIS have started killing each other over control? Heard one of the main leaders got killed with 17 of his personal henchmen.
Did I hear right? Different sub groups of ISIS have started killing each other over control? Heard one of the main leaders got killed with 17 of his personal henchmen.
According to anti-ISIS groups.
If it's true it doesn't mean much. Islam has had infighting since shortly after Muhammed's death, didn't stop it from growing into 1.5 billion adherents. There were similar splits, defections, attempted coups, etc under Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Saddam, and so on.

The Kurds are unable and unwilling to take and hold Arab territory, the Shia and Alawites are unable to take and hold Sunni territory. All of the above are unable to repulse the advance of Sunni Jihadist groups without support from outside powers; Russia, Iran, the US, the GCC, Jordan, etc. None of those powers are willing to do more than supply their proxies while launching air strikes.

Even if some force(s) were able to move in, capture Mosul, capture, Raqqa, capture Tikrit, Fallujah, and all of these ISIS cities across the Mashriq... they would have to hold it all in the face of an unrelenting insurgency. It's especially doomed to fail if the Syrian-side ISIS remain in control of their territory while they lose their Iraqi strongholds (let's say to Sahwa).

I'm betting ISIS is here to stay. What's more, they're expanding into the Sinai, Libya, and Pashtunistan quite effectively. American bombardment has only served to give ISIS it's credentials in the eyes of pro-Jihadist Sunnis around the world.... drenching them with donations and volunteers.

Youth unemployment, anti-Shia sentiment, pro-Shariah sentiment, and all of the good ingredients are high in those nations ruled by American-backed Arab monarchs and juntas. If a popular uprising gets started in any one of them, ISIS will insert itself and soon eclipse all other opposition, secular or Ikhwani. Goregrish will be host to decapitated crowns.... perhaps.

I don't know why any American could complain. It's not befitting the tradition of George Washington that America's allies should be greasy Arab monarchs leeching off the American taxpayer, mafia-style generalissimos in the same drain America game, and Kurdish Marxists that use women for cannon fodder in their red army.