ashley babbitt killed at US Capitol (1 Viewer)

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Peaceful my dick. Non-violent?!?!?! You’re fucking deluded! She deserved to die just like the rest of the traitors that tried to overturn the democratic election. Fuck her, fuck tRump, and fuck the republicant party. Nothing but whiny bitches, morally bankrupt and cowardly white hillbilly’s. There was no fraud. Go jerk off Tucker Carlson. He’s got Alex Jones fucking his butthole anyway.
Yeahhhh let's compare Jan 6th to the " summer of love" by BLM and ANTIFA. Deaths, robberies, arson. 81 million people voted for a man who never left his basement? Are you really that dumb? This election was fucking rigged. If you won something in your lifetime legitimately and someone questioned it saying you cheated would you brush it off or prove them wrong and prove you won fair? That's why the Republican party is all for transparency and the Dems try to cover shit up and we're trying like hell to keep Republican watchers for the election out so they could cheat.


Forum Veteran
cunt got what she deserved.
Good, they should of shot every one of those treasonous scumbags
You stupid fuck. The only treason in this country is being committed by the democrats and the corrupt liberal media. The democrats want nothing more than to destroy the United States. Just look at what's happening at the southern border right now. You liberal snowflakes are a joke. Take your hurt feelings and go to Hell.


"Your suffering will be legendary even in Hell"
Yeahhhh let's compare Jan 6th to the " summer of love" by BLM and ANTIFA. Deaths, robberies, arson. 81 million people voted for a man who never left his basement? Are you really that dumb? This election was fucking rigged. If you won something in your lifetime legitimately and someone questioned it saying you cheated would you brush it off or prove them wrong and prove you won fair? That's why the Republican party is all for transparency and the Dems try to cover shit up and we're trying like hell to keep Republican watchers for the election out so they could cheat.
🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂TRANSPARENCY?!?!?? Right. Sure. Transparent like tRumps tax returns? Or the evangelical fucktards that are actively breaking the law by endorsing him? What about the transparent bankruptcy? You’re fucking diluted. Please, do us all a favor and play “SWALLOW THE STUFF UNDER THE SINK” and see how long you can stay awake for. Fucking retarded Republican entitled shithead.
There is no right. Theres just the middle class & all these pretend republicans. Fox bitchass news. Tucker suckdick carlson. There is no right. Theyre all just pro government bribed scum parasites. There wont be shit. Bcoz the smart middleclass will just migrate to china and other countries. The ones left will keep hoping the right wakesup which will never happen. Eventually the middleclass becomes the lowerclass then u got another venuzuela but its callled usa. China fucks everyones asshole now.


Breaking into the capital building with many others who are actually causing damage and violence, isn't going to stop the law from thinking you are a threat


"Your suffering will be legendary even in Hell"
Good! She deserved it!!!! Let’s get more of these traitors and let them join her!!!!! If you think there was a “stolen election”, you belong with her. There’s no proof anything was stolen, and don’t you think 9 months is plenty of time to bring “evidence” out to the open.