beatings Autistic Kid Gets Bully (1 Viewer)

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silent ghost
thats some bullshit nigger shit there. all of them. the one hitting,filming and hanging out with them.
they deserve retaliation.
i hope this video went viral enough so the family sees it and theres repercussions toward all of them low life fucking lewzerz


hello, I am the big gay elite :)))))))))
I had something like this happen to me in high school, it was verbal but if I could go back in time I’d beat the fuck out of that guy.


Crusty piss fenders
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Hitler should have focused only on them and not the Jews… and the world would have been a lot better place. Hell probably wouldn’t have even been a war LOL


One of the biggest regrets I have as an older adult in life is how I never fought back like I really should have when I was bullied as a kid. I think a lot of it came from being bullied by such abusive parents at home and so I didn't have the "know-how" or confidence to stand up to it. If I could go back in time , and if I saw some shit like this happening, I'd find a way to ruin that asshole's life. It would be way worse than a simple punch to the face, it would be devious, soul destroying shit.

Yeah, and why this shit is never exposed in the mainstream is because it ruins their narrative of being an "oppressed minority" swap those skin colors and it would be all over the news for months and probably name the fucking school after him!
You and I have had a lot in common: abusive/anaffective parents, bullies at school and... consequently, low self esteem.
I wish I attacked my bullies too, I really do. They fucked up my life and watching this video really annoyed me, because I know what it feels like to be treated like the village idiot...
Bullies deserve to die painful deaths.
Nowadays I don't take crap from anyone anymore, and I'm always ready to snap back as soon as someone tries to bully me. I am now a firm believer of "Don't kill yourself. Kill your bullies".
And I really wish I hurt or killed mine...