Coronavirus (5 Viewers)

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Don't take what I say seriously...


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it was already posted in dolly's non FLH shit thread. you may have missed it.
lol yeah I didn't see it there. She didn't @ me and for some odd reason when I opened that thread it jumped to the next page instead of showing me the unread from the previous page

We're getting on top of this here because we're all on the same page, the states (mostly leftists) and the federal government (right wing) agree on shutting down entire cities, state borders, all international and domestic travel in or out and paying you $1500 a fortnight to stay home for 6 months. You can't be evicted, you can't have your electricity turned off. Everyone from landlords to banks we will all suffer together and take whatever money is on offer. I'm one of the lucky plebs that still has a job, but who knows for how long. Leaders can say whatever they want but if the states won't play ball you're fucked. See America. We have done everthing in lockstep with the American timeline here and we've weathered the storm better. Because state cooperation. And frontline medical staff have been taking hydrocloroquine tablets as preventative medicine for a month. But that's crazy talk in America because Trump already suggested it.

I think you would pay money to suck that orange man's mushroom cock. Several thousand healthcare workers started taking/testing hydrochloroquine the last week of March, that's not month and hardly any evidence good or bad has been produced yet. In your quest to lick his scrotum you exaggerate or lie. It's weird and gay. Your country has not done everything in lockstep with the US. You've outpaced us in testing, and in testing per capita. Mass testing and actually acknowledging it in a timely manner is why many countries are doing better than the richest country in the world. I posted a FOX video with a Dr explaining our testing failures earlier in the thread, it's in simple trumptard english, go check it out.


Around 1000 cases here in NZ and only one death (elderly woman in her 70's), 12 in ICU, it's levelling out and most people are recovering at home. There are calls from some politicians to end the lockdown early and get the country cranking again.
Are you working?


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Peter Navarro memos warning of mass coronavirus death circulated West Wing in January

Trump says he didn't see it

Surgeon General Jerome Adams says he did not see memo from Peter Navarro warning of coronavirus
The surgeon general say he didn't see it either.

Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources
No one saw these from November either.

If the guy in charge of trade is circulating a memo about potentially losing more than a million Americans just imagine what was ignored that was sent from the CDC.


lol yeah I didn't see it there. She didn't @ me and for some odd reason when I opened that thread it jumped to the next page instead of showing me the unread from the previous page

I think you would pay money to suck that orange man's mushroom cock. Several thousand healthcare workers started taking/testing hydrochloroquine the last week of March, that's not month and hardly any evidence good or bad has been produced yet. In your quest to lick his scrotum you exaggerate or lie. It's weird and gay. Your country has not done everything in lockstep with the US. You've outpaced us in testing, and in testing per capita. Mass testing and actually acknowledging it in a timely manner is why many countries are doing better than the richest country in the world. I posted a FOX video with a Dr explaining our testing failures earlier in the thread, it's in simple trumptard english, go check it out.
Australia is a huge desert of sand. Impossible to mister Corona lives there. High temperatures
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We are Kings
Your country has not done everything in lockstep with the US
yes we have you stupid bitch, you're like talking to a retarded 8 year old aka any leftist. you have no facts just your fee fees you butthurt mongoloid

it's not trumps fault Tennessee is disgusting, any wonder it's a shithole full of unemployable banjo playing niggers and cousin fuckers.

In early February Dr Tedros slammed countries including the US and Australia for inciting “fear and stigma” by denying entry to travellers from China, saying there was “no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade” and calling “on all countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based and consistent”.



Funny thing is, early on, someone was saying it was trumps fault for getting rid of the CDC operative in China, which is why nobody knew the coronavirus was coming, which of course was not true, as the CDC thought they was going to lose funding and made their own cutbacks, but in fact their budgets were increased, now their saying that info was coming out of China in November,
Who knew eh?


cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold
Now it's closer than it should be. Two employees of one outta the whole 4 grocers in my space have tested positive. we go.


silent ghost
like ive said to someone last week,that trump was warned of this in NOVEMBER in an early morning breifing. even was HANDED the report. one of MANY he ignores and doesnt read. now hes trying to back pedal. but 100,000 deat is an acceptable #.
"but obama and hillary with bengazi" pppfffttttt....