Coronavirus (2 Viewers)

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Deceitful is an accurate word to describe someone who is willingly and knowingly dispensing bullshit and lies. Nothing funny about it all.

The whole pizzagate thing seemed shady right from the beginning. That theory broke from 4Chan which should immediately send up red flags to any sensible person. Since there was no reliable evidence coming out I didn't bother to pay much attention to "Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Fox, Shapiro, Cernovich, Hannity, etc etc" or what anyone else had to say about it because it was based on speculation. If those journalists and news organizations were knowingly pushing lies, I would say they were being deceitful. Since I did not follow what they were saying about pizzagate at the time, I have no opinion on them in that regard.

As much as I don't like Hillary, I'm not going to jump on any bandwagon just because it goes against her.

I fail to see any relevance regarding 'the eclipse and umbrella' videos.

He is not an expert on everything and not always the greatest orator, but I don't think he's stupid. Just not great at getting his thoughts out sometimes when going off the cuff especially on subjects not pertaining to business which is more of his realm knowledge. Whatever stupid shit he says on twitter, I don't care because it's just stupid twitter shit. Smart people say stupid shit on twitter all the time. What goes on in the background is what's important because he's not working alone in that capacity. He works with others. There are times I think I think he should have kept his mouth shut.
You're skating the question. Do you think he is a smart man?

He, himself decided long ago that since he refuses to answer questions via a press conference that twitter would be how he communicates with Americans. The only reason we were having a daily corona briefings is so he could pat himself on the back because he couldn't have rallies. He's now bailed on them because he was humiliated. lol

He deleted that previous crap and posted this.
Does anybody get the meaning of what a so-called Noble (not Nobel) Prize is, especially as it pertains to Reporters and Journalists? Noble is defined as, “having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals.” Does sarcasm ever work? - Donald Trump 4/26
His cock and brain is so tiny that he can't even admit that the spelling was an error, and implies it was intentional. lol Totally ignoring the fact that he doesn't seem to know what either a nobel or pulizter prize is. He's presently retweeting conspiracies and deceitful memes in a mad frenzy. lol

The relevance of the umbrella and the eclipse is indisputable evidence of his stupidity and it also shows just how high his minions jump to downplay that ignorance.


˙˙˙ǝʌᴉƃ ᴉ sʞɔnɟ ssǝl ǝɥʇ 'ʇǝƃ ᴉ ɹǝplo ǝɥʇ
i went for my weekly shopping today, i noticed the general public is more lax with masks now, i'd say 1/3 or 1/4 wearing them compared to the last week when i went shopping, i stopped wearing one myself too.

Grand Mal Caesar

You're skating the question. Do you think he is a smart man?

He, himself decided long ago that since he refuses to answer questions via a press conference that twitter would be how he communicates with Americans. The only reason we were having a daily corona briefings is so he could pat himself on the back because he couldn't have rallies. He's now bailed on them because he was humiliated. lol

He deleted that previous crap and posted this.

His cock and brain is so tiny that he can't even admit that the spelling was an error, and implies it was intentional. lol Totally ignoring the fact that he doesn't seem to know what either a nobel or pulizter prize is. He's presently retweeting conspiracies and deceitful memes in a mad frenzy. lol

The relevance of the umbrella and the eclipse is indisputable evidence of his stupidity and it also shows just how high his minions jump to downplay that ignorance.

Yeah. He's smart.

Like a said already, I don't care about the twitter bullshit, it's just bullshit.

The reason we have daily Corona virus press briefings is so that people can view the raw video and hear exactly what he is saying instead of just getting the cherry picked, out of context snippets that CNN, MSNBC and other crooked media outlets twist around with the intent to make him look bad.

People are picking up on the games that Democrats are playing with the help of the media. By watching these daily press briefings people see how blatantly the media is lying to them. You should try watching them. Maybe it will open your eyes.

Fuck off with the umbrella and eclipse bullshit. You're just nitpicking at pointlessly trivial bullshit.


Well Known Member
i went for my weekly shopping today, i noticed the general public is more lax with masks now, i'd say 1/3 or 1/4 wearing them compared to the last week when i went shopping, i stopped wearing one myself too.

Funny cuz mask are now mandatory out in public here in Houston starting today but I believe they are also reopening (some) businesses today as well. Restaurants and and such.

I feel there are some being lulled into a false sense of security with all this, "you gotta wear a mask and have gloves" BS as most the people wearing mask and gloves don't know shit about cross contamination.


˙˙˙ǝʌᴉƃ ᴉ sʞɔnɟ ssǝl ǝɥʇ 'ʇǝƃ ᴉ ɹǝplo ǝɥʇ
Maybe they have good lugs.
yea they usually do have a good pair of lugz, could be it...



Splendid Fellow
Do you think this is a smart man?

Yes, he is a very smart man at some stuff and thick af at mostly everything else.
You're skating the question. Do you think he is a smart man?

He, himself decided long ago that since he refuses to answer questions via a press conference that twitter would be how he communicates with Americans. The only reason we were having a daily corona briefings is so he could pat himself on the back because he couldn't have rallies. He's now bailed on them because he was humiliated. lol

He deleted that previous crap and posted this.

His cock and brain is so tiny that he can't even admit that the spelling was an error, and implies it was intentional. lol Totally ignoring the fact that he doesn't seem to know what either a nobel or pulizter prize is. He's presently retweeting conspiracies and deceitful memes in a mad frenzy. lol

The relevance of the umbrella and the eclipse is indisputable evidence of his stupidity and it also shows just how high his minions jump to downplay that ignorance.

That's the President of the United States of America you're besmirching. You commie cow.


Wat da fack
Maybe they have good lugs.

It is a new disease. There are a lot to study yet. But is very interesting numbers of others poor countries

Is it not worth considering that us being more developed have the capacity to both identify and report cases of covid and deaths linked to covid more accurately than in poorer countries? I'm not saying they do have a bigger problem than we do and I know that we in the UK only record hospital deaths so even our true figure will be a lot more I just think it could be a contributing factor to the low numbers coming from poorer countries