Does anyone know a murderer? or have had an encounter with one? (4 Viewers)

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Eating bugs
Yes, i knew and hung out frequently with a dude who killed his dad with a 9 millimeter, then left him in a room in the house covered in a blanket, he continued to go to work and invite people over to the house for a week before the murder was discovered.
He gave zero fucks.


Actually, over half of my adoptive mother’s family, including herself, were murderers. She killed her first husband and was acquitted, her oldest brother killed their stepfather and was later killed by his own son. Her sister was an attempted murderer, tried to kill her youngest daughter’s first husband. My other uncle died in a murder suicide.
As far as meeting someone, I had a friend I met while at a homeless shelter who had killed a guy in self defense, but went stupid and dismembered and buried him under the concrete of their new house.
And of course, my dude was Special Forces, so…

Pretty good first post I reckon.


Forum Veteran
I have a cousin who committed vehicular manslaughter or whatever. Don't remember the exact charge. It was basically wrecklessly driving. He slammed into a vehicle at over 100 mph while drunk and high. The old couple survived the impact somehow, and the old man managed to get out. But is wife burned up alive inside the vehicle.

Ravishing Rick Rude


Eric Belluci was my classmate in an Executive MBA class. He was handsome, charismatic and generous. No signs of mental illness in 2008… 🙁

His father, Arthur Bellucci, was a real estate broker and had showed me an apartment. Arthur was a truly nice guy and I remember being envious of how he described his family. 😱

That’s horrible. I’m so sorry.

That’s horrible. I’m so sorry.
That was an interesting read , thanks 👍


Yes, I've encountered a few of them while I was in Federal Prison in Florida, Also known as Coleman 1 Federal Penitentiary of Florida. Some of the Intelligent guys I have came across. Some of them were humble and some of them you can tell if you push them enough they have no problem poking you while you're on your way to chow or going to the showers or hell even playing a game at the tables.
Yup i met quiet a few while in the womens prison. Some of them were genuine killing daughters molester or fatality car accidents and not a threat. Then there idiots who killed over ignorance and they havent learnt there lesson and i have no dount will kill again when released. The ones that killed over ignorance are the ones that trade in there still trying to live gangster lives. The genuines are there to only do there time.


Purveyor of McMurderers
On my bus ride to high school most mornings I was on the same bus as Jeffrey Dahmer. Also in regard to three of his victims two were from my high school and one had a relative who attended my high school. He was headed to his job at the Ambrosia chocolate factory whenever he was on.
i know a ton lol
but im not in their line of buisness, neither am i the kind of person or in a relation with them of me asking them a favour like that

but i have talked/know plenty of people who killed one or even quite a few people and im not from south amerika or afrika


Horror Show
My aunt was killed by her husband, she was beautiful and he was a jealous sick man, he stabbed her to death. He went to jail, but he's a free man now.

The driver of the company I work for was part of a drug gang when he was young, he killed a few and left on time. He's a nice guy, no one would guess what's in his past.


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One of my buddies did that he only got 3 or 4 years for manslaughter, the dead guy had it coming. How'd you get 15? Premeditated murder?
2nd degree minimum sentence. Life with no parole for 10. Every Thursday was dinner at mom's. She'd been with him for 6 years and i always suspected something wasn't right. She was always moving gingerly last few years. I was 38, Mom 62. She had bruises on her face from a few days earlier. Wtf mom!? Its nothing i rolled out of bed. He was in the garage. I told mom to stay right there. I lived 2km away. Was walkin to my truck and he says where ya goin T? Oh i got something at home for ya, back in 5, i said smiling. I grabbed my pump action 12g, walked in the garage, gun up and cocked said HEY, he turned around and i put 5 slugs in him without hesitation from 10ft-8-6-4-2ft.


Somewhat rancid; allegedly.
I spoke to a few murderers when I was in jail.

James Gibson

Samandeep Singh

Timothy Whitelegg


Forum Veteran
Well.....some years ago I was writing prisoners from Us, to do something good and nice for people less fortunate than me.
I dont think they count as "real" killers. Like they did it on purpose like cartels.
I was at one point considering to write a serial killer....out of curiosity of what was going on inside his head.

One guy was jailed since he was 16 for sitting in a car with a dude who went and murdered another. He is still in prison. Wrote eachother for 3 years. Then i got tired of his angry attitude. He still writes me and actually just got mail from him. Thinking of reading it.

The other dude drove into a woman and her daughter who was out jogging. He was drugged up. And then fled and was caught 50m away. Killed one of them. Cant really remember who.
Raging nazi, i found out when he started sending me shirtless pictures. Nazi tatts.

I worked in a mental hospital and was around many murderers that were also psychotic.....:Hurr:
So i met one of my ex'es while he was "tied up" in a bed and under 24/7 surveillance, door always open and he was cussing out the at first "FUCK YOU CUNT" when i walked by. He was cute and meek as a lamb with me. A little snugglebug. Very loving and caring.

I didnt understand why the staff kept moving me from ward to ward to try and spilt us up.
Until years later where one of them told me, they feared for my life, because he was extremely dangerous to everyone else. And she actually asked me if he ever hurt me.
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